So since 3 straight Raids have netted me nothing but ass mats, I basically have no reason to play the daily story mission/public event.
The game has dwindled down to Raid and Nightfall. I guess weekly or PvP, if I'm bored but I don't really need any more coins, and I NEVER get a drop in Crucible.
I'd like to go after the flawless Raider but I feel like I need to be 30 to have any advantage possible...which leads me back to Raids and the demoralizing RNG.
I'm a broken man, GAF. Lol
Are there any normal raid groups forming this morning? I'd like to get it done on my Warlock, Level 28.
Shoot me an invite whenever.
Ha this happend to me last night on nightfall. I soloed it, had phogoth at low health. Tell my nephew to join so I can switch to an alt. I tell him don't move from this room. He stays in said room but proceeds to jump in the green area where he found this "secret" space...booted back to orbit. Ugh, called it a night after that. Can't even be mad because he stayed in the dam room.Went into the Phogoth, the Untamed fight at a level 24 tiger strike with my level 23 Titan Defender. Was placed with a level 22 and a 24. It was taking forever to kill Phogoth... then the level 24 left and no one else got put into the fight... then it was still taking forever to kill him... then I walked into the back room and loaded the old environment... then came back into the phogoth room and he had full health 100% after he had been down to a sliver a minute ago... then I quit with a blue engram that turned into a helmet that got my titan to level 24. What is up with his health bar???
little question : When i buy a engram from Xur with motes of light, it's necessarily an object for my class ? or it's random (titan, hunter or warlock) ? Thanks guys.
little question : When i buy a engram from Xur with motes of light, it's necessarily an object for my class ? or it's random (titan, hunter or warlock) ? Thanks guys.
Random for chest if it's a exotic chest engram. Your class has no influences on it.little question : When i buy a engram from Xur with motes of light, it's necessarily an object for my class ? or it's random (titan, hunter or warlock) ? Thanks guys.
How's the raid rocket launcher? Is it worth the energy to fully update it? Or is it better to wait for a Gjallarhorn drop?
little question : When i buy a engram from Xur with motes of light, it's necessarily an object for my class ? or it's random (titan, hunter or warlock) ? Thanks guys.
10 EST usually. Can you do that?
PM? For sure! What is your PSN? Or did you add me?
How's the raid rocket launcher? Is it worth the energy to fully update it? Or is it better to wait for a Gjallarhorn drop?
Upgraded weapons definitely do more damage to everything in PvE (no effect in the regular crucible, will be an effect in the new Iron Banner).
Luv my thunderlord![]()
I live in fear of the day Thunderlord shows up on Xur.
Yep PM! My PSN is hydruxxo. I'm at work so I can't add you so just shoot me a FR and I'll accept it when I get home
I live in fear of the day Thunderlord shows up on Xur.
I'm loving Suros Regime. What a powerhouse. What perks did you guys select for yours? The stability seems excessive but it feel so cool. Are you guys using the staggering bullets or going for range?
the mythoclast ammo perk is ridiculous.
21 -> 56 rounds.
GAF, I just want to beat the Raid on Hard one time. Just once. Will anyone help me today? I have an Atheon checkpoint.
I'm a lvl 30 Titan.
So many people have told me how easy it is to beat this guy, but I've yet to see it.
Anyone a pro at this fight and want to give me a hand? I'm away the rest of the week, so this is my only shot.
I was surprised bungie had a perk that improved stability at the cost of range, while also having a perk that basically nullified any loss, making the Suros a stability powerhouse with higher damage headshots. It dominates PvP for a reason.I'm loving Suros Regime. What a powerhouse. What perks did you guys select for yours? The stability seems excessive but it feel so cool. Are you guys using the staggering bullets or going for range?
Yeah, sometimes I get replacements, sometimes I don't. Take solace in the fact that enemies have lower health when you run solo. I can't recall if they do less damage or not.Trying to do tiger strikes for vanguard marks... Wiped once at boss... Both other players quit... Is there any way to get more players in via match-making?
Got a "Last Word" from a Gorgon Chest yesterday.
The sound alone from that weapon is so freaking pleasing. Great contrast to the little thwip noise from my SUROS I've gotten used to.
Trying to do tiger strikes for vanguard marks... Wiped once at boss... Both other players quit... Is there any way to get more players in via match-making?
Exotic boots are unobtainable. Some digging in the gamrs code shows some exist.Does anyone know how to get the exotic hunter boots? I have two possible paths to 30 now, with either the raid boots or exotic boots. Has Xur sold them?
I finally have characters of all 3 classes at level 28 and it's astonishing how much better Warlock is than everyone else, especially for end-game content. Hunter easily has the worst Supers of any class, no question, it's not even close. And the throwing knife is the worst ability in the game by a long shot. Think there needs to be some tweaking done there, hopefully it's not at the expense of the Warlock but rather buffs to the other classes.
I should stress that this is a perspective of someone who plays PvE almost exclusively, I know the complexion of class balance changes in PvP.
It's awesome. Can't wait till its buffed, then you'll be able to drop quite a few enemies before reloading (which is good, because it's always out of ammo to reload with).
I'd be interested in running normal tonight if anyone is. PSN scarletham.
I finally have characters of all 3 classes at level 28 and it's astonishing how much better Warlock is than everyone else, especially for end-game content. Hunter easily has the worst Supers of any class, no question, it's not even close. And the throwing knife is the worst ability in the game by a long shot. Think there needs to be some tweaking done there, hopefully it's not at the expense of the Warlock but rather buffs to the other classes.
I didn't upgrade a lot of weapons that aren't used often. Very conservative with ass energy - especially since the expansion is coming and we'll need them. Once they enable us to get back more material from fully upgraded stuff I will be more liberal.
When is this buff happening? I love the sound of the Mythoclast when it fires. I'd love to roll with that as my primary.
Also, I believe you and I are the only people in our group that have it. Is that right?
If so, I almost feel bad. First I snag the Hawkmoon, then the Mythoclast, and yesterday TLW.
The death timers In VoG and the ability to save a party from Orbit in Nightfall say otherwiseI would say Titans are most useful for end game content. Warlocks are great because they can self revive, but in theory, they shouldn't be dying.