Now if only they'll do right on the PC version.
They didn't work on the PC, PS3 or 360 versions of the game. It's looking like the other SKUs were slapped together quickly, once Wii U console sales started slipping.
Now if only they'll do right on the PC version.
They didn't work on the PC, PS3 or 360 versions of the game.
Anyone having issues installing on PC? Bought it but I have no install button, just a "Coming soon" screen in the library section. There's a growing Steam community thread on it at the moment.
Anyone having issues installing on PC? Bought it but I have no install button, just a "Coming soon" screen in the library section. There's a growing Steam community thread on it at the moment.
Finland, and same thing. Install gives me an error (Game not released).
One question. Is there any way to have the second-screen features on the PC?
I saw the iPad image and thought there must be a way.
Sorry but that seems bad to me, with your kind of rig and how the game looks it should run rock solid 60 with everything maxed out and AA at 1200p.
I imagine it'll run like shit on my Oc'd 5850 HD 1GB at 1080p.
Decently ported console games still run with everything maxed (sans AA but that doesn't bother me) at 1080p@60fps on my setup, I know it sounds strange but it's true.
18 goddamn frames per second in that first room? You've got to be kidding me.
I'll come back to this when it's had half a dozen patches like the original release.
At this point, yeah. Straight Right really did a solid job. Feels like it was built from the ground up with Wii U functionality in mind.So, it's the Wii U version worth the higher price?
Did you do the registry fixes, by chance? That seems to fix performance for most everyone.
So, it's the Wii U version worth the higher price?
Price is $50 on Wii U, $30 on other platforms.Being the only version that was done and tested properly it seems so. This is the first case when the other versions are rushed ports of the Wii U build and not the other way around. Funny story, really.
Dont think things will be fixed either due this being a what, 3 year old game at this point. Square (not devs) are probably just try to squeeze what they can outof this and move on.
Its really sad as this project deserved better, nvm the fact that it looks like I've waisted $30![]()
Here's the ones I know of.
Change "AllowJobStealing" to 0
If you're running DX11 also change
for nVidia users
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEidosDeus Ex: HRDCGraphics
Change "AtiForceFetch4" to 0
Price is $50 on Wii U, $30 on other platforms.
People: "Screw the pricing gauging. I never asked for this!"
Buys it on other platforms. Buggy to the max.
People: "...I never asked for that either!"
Deus Ex Human Revolution: I should've asked for this Edition.
Being the only version that was done and tested properly it seems so. This is the first case when the other versions are rushed ports of the Wii U build and not the other way around. Funny story, really.
Edit: 16GB download, that's quite a lot.
Supposedly it's coming soon: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/perceptual-screen-control.html
Playing it on PC, and it looks almost as stable as the normal edition. Had a problem with afterburner, and some glitch on the menus that was already present on the first version. No important bugs.
Haha, while I was playing I was wondering why the energy system seemed exactly the same after hearing it was changed; looked it up and yeah, Give Me Deus Ex uses the old system.Wait, what is this? Apparently the batter recharge changes are ONLY on the lower difficulties. On Give Me Deus Ex it's using the old system. Ugh, the problem with the battery system isn't about difficulty, it's about a silly design decision that's poorly balanced.
I've come across a few visual bugs that weren't originally there, so I'm pretty disappointed in that.Playing it on PC, and it looks almost as stable as the normal edition. Had a problem with afterburner, and some glitch on the menus that was already present on the first version. No important bugs.
Haha, while I was playing I was wondering why the energy system seemed exactly the same after hearing it was changed; looked it up and yeah, Give Me Deus Ex uses the old system.
I've come across a few visual bugs that weren't originally there, so I'm pretty disappointed in that.
http://i4.minus.com/iGG4Mk0sj2lUl.png Look at the convenience store to the right; the textures at the bottom appear missing.
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540723373232807761/D9C5DEDD8C19EEBEED1C915A14229BEEB8E2E179/ One of the paintings used several times in the Hengsha hotel turned into a stereogram.
(LOCATION SPOILER, saying this for good measure) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/540723373247091965/FBAF2D802F31CA063B7E525D433DB60CA4E4F769/ I noticed a bit in Detroit but once I got to Hengsha I noticed more Z-fighting. This particular spot had the entire floor doing it.
Here's the ones I know of.
Change "AllowJobStealing" to 0
If you're running DX11 also change
for nVidia users
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEidosDeus Ex: HRDCGraphics
Change "AtiForceFetch4" to 0
Hearing it's a great port on Wii U, I think I will buy this tonight from eshop. I have £5 code from the digital promotion so the price it's quite nice in the end. And on top I will get enough points to get another £5 code.
I have some time for gaming over the weekend and I didn't play the original so this should be interesting.
Okay, finally got around to booting it up. After registry fixes, I'm getting 100+ FPS in 1400P on a 7950. Not bad! Everything looks great. I'm actually really liking the graphical changes. The "orange" is still there, but much more subtle.
Also, the dev commentary is great so far. They've said some really interesting things, acknowledged parts of the game they didn't like, gave some extra insight into things I didn't know about, etc.
I also have a 7950, will see how it works. Already did the fixes. Do you use AA?
I really like the system to share hinds or comments in-game through Miiverse. You can even draw on the pictures and leave voice-messages, which your friends can listen to.
I only wish the achievements of the game would post a picture of a trophy or something on Miiverse, instead of only a message.
Are those first two only if you're on an ati card, or should someone with an nvidia card do those too?
So, the game keeps crashing for me everytime I try to go around the corner with the first hackable door in the first level. Right as the communicator beeps when Pritchard is about to start talking to you, the game crashes. Every time.
Anybody else having this issue?
I like some of the things they changed for this Director's Cut, but really disappointed that it's significantly more buggy then the main game.
So should I not open my 360 copy?
Oh wow (late game commentary spoilers)originally Faridah's dead body in the Harvester's hideout was supposed to be disemboweled and limbs severed. Turns out the reason they didn't go that far was to comply with Japanese game ratings.
Did you do the registry fixes, by chance? That seems to fix performance for most everyone.
Here's the ones I know of.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos\Deus Ex: HRDC
Change "AllowJobStealing" to 0
If you're running DX11 also change
for nVidia users
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos\Deus Ex: HRDC\Graphics
Change "AtiForceFetch4" to 0