Who is picking this up for a non-Wii U system?
Is there a Youtube video of the 1st mission whereyou save Josie by doing a double takedown on her and Zeke?
Aren't you capable of using the search engine and seeing for yourself?
Is there a Youtube video of the 1st mission whereyou save Josie by doing a double takedown on her and Zeke?
It's actually been posted for a few days. It's not a great review IMO.
Holy shit...I started a new game in case I need to trade in my copy for the DC edition,I spend some time looting from Sarif HQ, must've spent maybe 10 or so minutes. I go to do the mission and once I go to save the 8 hostages I find they were KILLED!
If I waste time before going with Malik to do the first mission they get killed off, blew my frickin' mind. Gonna restart my game since I need every EXP I need.
Who is picking this up for a non-Wii U system?
I did the same thing and absolutely loved it that there were consequences fordawdling. This is the first and only game I've ever played in which "you've gotta hurry!" actually meant something.
Yeah, Wii U's absolutely $20-or-less fodder with a debut price at $30 and a PC update for $5. And it'll be an excuse to finally get through Missing Link.I'll be picking it up on PC for $5 as I already own the base game and The Missing Link, along with the DLC. I'm pretty much paying $5 for developer commentary. I have a Wii U, but touch pad controls are not a big enough incentive to double dip at full price, not when it will look better and play great on PC for cheaper.
I feel it'll be more, 'wut is dis gaem?!' and 'huhhh...New community???' Posts than anything else. As strict as Miiverse moderation is, I wish it were stricter.Get ready for a lot of "Boo this, man! Boooooo!" on the miiverse
Does anyone know whether the PC release has the DX11 effects, or is this just a port of the Wii U version?
Does anyone know whether the PC release has the DX11 effects, or is this just a port of the Wii U version?
The fucked up the release and aren't offering a discount current to owners because someone thought it was a brilliant idea to not offer prepurchase and preload. Who knows how long it takes to get fixed.
The fucked up the release and aren't offering a discount current to owners because someone thought it was a brilliant idea to not offer prepurchase and preload. Who knows how long it takes to get fixed.
Discount just popped up on the store.
The fucked up the release and aren't offering a discount current to owners because someone thought it was a brilliant idea to not offer prepurchase and preload. Who knows how long it takes to get fixed.
Urgh, I'd buy this, but for some insane reason, apparently the UK gets shafted and doesn't get this until Friday. Great.
So will this be 75% off for good if you own DXHR and Missing Link? Or will the 75% discount end?
So will this be 75% off for good if you own DXHR and Missing Link? Or will the 75% discount end?
If anyone could try putting the contents of your Deus Ex and Missing Link folders into wherever this new install goes and saying whether that shortens the download size, that'd be much appreciated. Bandwidth limits suck.
You guys have become such a huge market and you still get delays. WTF
FYI, even if you're not in the US, you can buy the game now by using the ?cc=us trick to add it to your cart and then check out as normal. Steam will automatically change your region, but you'll be able to complete the purchase:
Deus Ex DC is showing up as "Not yet released" in my library. Gah.
Yeah, since the app is universal, you're beholden to the release date of your region, though you can use a VPN to get around this (Spotflux is free).
As far as I know, the discounts are permanent.
Guess I'm not in after all. Enjoy the game, everyone.I dont even have to try it to tell you that's not going to work.
Aren't you capable of using the search engine and seeing for yourself?