It's using GameBryo, unfortunately. It shows in NPC faces and animation sometimes.legbone said:anyway, pardon me for being ignorant but what engine is this running on?
It's using GameBryo, unfortunately. It shows in NPC faces and animation sometimes.legbone said:anyway, pardon me for being ignorant but what engine is this running on?
Qwomo said:It's using GameBryo, unfortunately. It shows in NPC faces and animation sometimes.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution uses a heavily modified version of the Tomb Raider: Underworld engine. The game will not resemble TR:U at all.
Qwomo said:It's using GameBryo, unfortunately. It shows in NPC faces and animation sometimes.
EmCeeGramr said:Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.
Oh yes.Herla said:I take it he was agreeable?
ZombieFred said:It's a older modified version of Crystal Dynamic's engine. Expect further modifications and newer tools when they use the assets (IE better character models and other peices) and new technology they have implimented for Tomb Raider, for the next Deus Ex game.
EmCeeGramr said:Oh yes.
Oh yes.Herla said:Has he been infected?
What does a gamebryo game look like?Qwomo said:Huh, I was almost positive it was a modified GameBryo game. It looks exactly like it.
EmCeeGramr said:Oh yes.
Qwomo said:Huh, I was almost positive it was a modified GameBryo game. It looks exactly like it.
Like this.Lostconfused said:What does a gamebryo game look like?
Oh yes. When I mentioned that I could put him on the priority list for the Ambrosia vaccine, he was desperate.Herla said:I hope you're not underestimating the probl...
EmCeeGramr said:Oh yes. When I mentioned that I could put him on the priority list for the Ambrosia vaccine, he was desperate.
Why contain it?Herla said:This plague, the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
FlyinJ said:Which means it's going to run like a bat out of hell on the PC. Crystal's Underworld engine was damn good on the PC Underworld SKU.
ZombieFred said:A reference to the yellow filter you love so much![]()
Hardly.Truant said:The whole "engine look" thing is so strange.
TheOddOne said:Just heard to the grapvine that the game leaked on the interwebs. Brace for spoilers I guess.
Qwomo said:It's using GameBryo, unfortunately. It shows in NPC faces and animation sometimes.
EmCeeGramr said:Why contain it?
TheOddOne said:Just heard to the grapvine that the game leaked on the interwebs. Brace for spoilers I guess.
Herla said:I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments. There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate.
Your turn.
abunai said:Gunther Hermann in DX1 wanted orange soda from the vending machine, it kept giving him lemon-lime. Blamed the maintenance man, but it was actually just his large mechanical fingers pressing the wrong button. I never asked for this.
Also if it's leaked, cya after I've played it. bailfest 2011
Lostconfused said:What about ?[img]
I saw a mudcrab the other day.
Try looking in K-Mart or Target.jon bones said:i hope someone breaks the street date in NY for this before the weekend. i'd love to play over the shitty rainy weekend.
G-Fex said:My hype just dropped dead, thanks to my experiences with the original game.
Oh well
Desperate.Herla said:Desperate.