LiK said:got the code from GmG and d/ling the preload on Steam. i bought the Aug edition but it doesn't say that on Steam. guess that's normal?
Discotheque said:It said augmented when I redeemed it on Steam. But after that when it started to download it just shows up as Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
I'm sure the extra content will show up in-game or something....actually I don't know how this usually works since I normally don't buy digital collector's editions that are steamworks. Somebody enlighten us.
LiK said:ah crap, i clicked on next a lil too quickly and didn't look. well, i still technically have the Aug edition from GmG themselves so no biggie if anything went wrong.
wilflare said:you can check it by clicking on the top right LiK's Account
they will prompt you to login
you should be greeted with a screen of all your purchases
should reflect
"Deus Ex Human Revolution Augmented Edition (Digital Retail)" right there
JoeBoy101 said:Can't wait for this game. Really is the starter gun for a glut of awesomeness for the last half of this year.
Deus Ex
Space Marine
Dead Island
Gears of War 3
Forza 4
Batman: Arkham City
Battlefield 3
Skyrim (This is the big one.)
Saint's Row: The Third
Assassin's Creed:Revelations
I mean, Sweet Jesus! Look at that goddamn list. Welp, can't wait to get started Tuesday.
LiK said:got the code from GmG and d/ling the preload on Steam. i bought the Aug edition but it doesn't say that on Steam. guess that's normal?
shagg_187 said:Wait what? it was on sale? FUCK! How did I miss it?!
Yeah I googled. I already preordered it at Steam a few hours ago though... :/HP_Wuvcraft said:Code should still be good.
Sevket-Erhat said:Great game. I am struggling with stealth on the first operation though
HP_Wuvcraft said:20SUM-MERSA-VINGS
Should still be good.
HP_Wuvcraft said:So, do I need to do anything funky in order to get my TF2 items? 'Cause they ain't be showin' up.
Wallach said:I think you only get them for pre-ordering through Steam.
shagg_187 said:Yeah, you need to preorder from Steam. Though if you're lucky, you can get the items via drops. I already got Spy's pistol via drop.
abunai said:Crafting's also an option
Crafting is for the crazy people who somehow have spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours of the game to have the actual liberty to say "I happen to have over 50 items lying around and taking space, I can now use those and make 1 single hat, yaay."abunai said:Crafting's also an option, I made the sniper that way. It sounds soooo goood.
6 days(((
Aon said:That yellow filter is totally only there for certain scenes. While it does dominate the game's aesthetic design, it's not like it's simply something applied over the screen or anything, it's just the way those environments look. Anything which uniformly got rid of that stuff would make some other scenes look really off colour.
Totobeni said:To this day I don't know why they went with yellow as the main color for the design in a cyberpunk game, it's everywhere not just the filter, I always thought cyberpunk and Blue are like a husband and Wife, Mario and Luigi,Obsedian and bugs or hobos and booze.
Amir0x said:I do hope a mod quickly comes out that fixes the yellow filter. Gross
Totobeni said:To this day I don't know why they went with yellow as the main color for the design in a cyberpunk game, it's everywhere not just the filter, I always thought cyberpunk and Blue are like a husband and Wife, Mario and Luigi,Obsedian and bugs or hobos and booze.
ThoseDeafMutes said:Your face is gross, but unlike your face, the dominant yellows in DX:HR weren't something that happened by accident and can be appreciated by people other than your mother.
I dig it, and if you don't then I'll be waiting for you outside so we can settle this.
I hope a mod quickly comes for a better character model for Adam. He looks hilarious to me in his current state for some reason.Amir0x said:I do hope a mod quickly comes out that fixes the yellow filter. Gross
I'll try to answer this to the best of my knowledge:Ken said:Haven't been following this game at all so sorry if these questions have been asked but:
Does the Augmented Edition have any in-game, non-preorder bonuses over the standard?
Do the TF2 items bonus apply to standard edition preorders?
How does his run on an ATI HD 4670? Not sure if I should try it on my laptop or grab it on the 360.
Is there a New Game+ where you keep your skills and such?
subversus said:mature
Ken said:Haven't been following this game at all so sorry if these questions have been asked but:
Does the Augmented Edition have any in-game, non-preorder bonuses over the standard?
Do the TF2 items bonus apply to standard edition preorders?
How does his run on an ATI HD 4670? Not sure if I should try it on my laptop or grab it on the 360.
Is there a New Game+ where you keep your skills and such?
Rickenslacker said:Anyone think there will be a preorder bonus unlocker dealy for the PC version? I have the Augmented Edition preordered at Gamestop but I'd prefer to do it on Steam, it's only the temptation of that extra mission with a Deus Ex character cameo that's holding me back.
I'm aware, but the Steam version comes with some particular benefits for me.abunai said:Hmm?
It's a steamworks game, retail copies activate on steam.
Robot Pants said:I hope a mod quickly comes for a better character model for Adam. He looks hilarious to me in his current state for some reason.
Rickenslacker said:I'm aware, but the Steam version comes with some particular benefits for me.
2. It's cheaper
3. I'll get to play it the moment it unlocks, as opposed to the agonizing wait for the store to open and pick it up
Rumble19 said:Sorry if this has been asked, but does this game support mods at all? This could be the greatest game ever with a modding community behind it.
Ken said:Thanks guys.
Are the TF2 bonuses available in the TF2 cash shop? I don't play enough TF2 to get it through drops, trades, or crafting, but if all the TF2 preorder bonuses are readily available for purchase I might just grab the 360 version for now.
Rumble19 said:Sorry if this has been asked, but does this game support mods at all? This could be the greatest game ever with a modding community behind it.
ThoseDeafMutes said:The black and gold is also intended to symbolize the new golden age for science and technology that is about to collapse into another dark age.
Herla said:
Yeah, they're available now. The weapons are cheap but the accessories aren't.Ken said:Thanks guys.
Are the TF2 bonuses available in the TF2 cash shop? I don't play enough TF2 to get it through drops, trades, or crafting, but if all the TF2 preorder bonuses are readily available for purchase I might just grab the 360 version for now.
ThoseDeafMutes said:I'm repeating what was stated by the art guys in several of the videos they've released. I ain't just speculating about their design decisions.