Do it.Van Owen said:Hmmm, game is $30 on amazon and I have a $20 credit...
Do it.Van Owen said:Hmmm, game is $30 on amazon and I have a $20 credit...
nib95 said:Finally completed the game yesterday. Still a little disappointed at the overall level of polish, lack of depth or real world enormity. Very repetitive and sometimes only offers the illusion of grandeur. I do like the story and the ending options mind. Overall its a solid title, but one lacking in ambition and depth. Could have been a lot more but as is, it's entertaining, just not mind blowing. If I had to give it a score on the meta scale it'd probably be somewhere between 8 to 8.5. Probably the lower end of that scale if I'm honest.
I'm pretty sure that I was able to use Typhoon regardless.ScOULaris said:Quick question to those of you who have beaten the game:
I just picked up where I left off a few weeks ago, and I am about to fightNamir. Unfortunately, I upgraded my biochip earlier in the game so I knew going in that my HUD would be screwed up. What I didn't realize is that I wouldn't be able to use Typhoon because of it! I have been saving up ammo and batteries specifically for this purpose, and now I am screwed.
I really don't want to have to beat this guy in a straight-up firefight since I don't have the grenade launcher or any frag grenades. Does the one punch method still work after the patch that was recently released?
Even with the upgraded chip? I was mashing Typhoon when I tried the fight this morning, but nothing came out. Then again, he killed me within the first 15 seconds of the fight after I rushed him and started mashing the right directional button to no avail. Maybe there's a delay before I can start using it?so1337 said:I'm pretty sure that I was able to use Typhoon regardless.
I'm not entirely sure. I used the Shotty and Combat Rifle through most of the fight. Definitely finished him off with a Typhoon though.ScOULaris said:Even with the upgraded chip? I was mashing Typhoon when I tried the fight this morning, but nothing came out. Then again, he killed me within the first 15 seconds of the fight after I rushed him and started mashing the right directional button to no avail. Maybe there's a delay before I can start using it?
so1337 said:I'm pretty sure that I was able to use Typhoon regardless.
This makes me VERY, VERY sad.ThoseDeafMutes said:You cannot.
ThoseDeafMutes said:You cannot. You are probably confusing multiple playthroughs or two of the boss fights.
so1337 said:I almost assuredly used a Typhoon on him. It was my first playthrough too.Namir's the dude with the flesh suit, right?The inventory went bonkers because I'd implanted the biochip earlier.
If Typhoon doesn't work, I plan on taking that approach.spindoctor said:It makes sense to not be able to use Typhoon there.After all, that chip 'upgrade' fucks with all your augmentations.
As an alternate strategy, if you have the heavy lifting aug, you should go back out into the level, hack one of the turrets to attack your enemies and then carry it into the boss fight room. It will do the job for you in 6 seconds or so once the fight starts![]()
A fix for some players that get stuck on an infinity loading screen in Detroit.
Fixes for some issues that caused crashes for players using specific firewall or proxy software.
Additional improvements to counter stuttering in the game.
Support for Eyefinity in combination with 3D when using interleaved stereoscopic monitors.
Support for additional brands of stereoscopic interleaved monitors when using AMD graphics hardware.
Support for Nvidia 3DVision.
Support for Nvidia Surround, also in combination with 3DVision.
Improved control over the stereo-3D display in the game.
- The allowed range for the stereo 3D Strength setting has been increased.
- A Stereo 3D Plane setting was added to provide additional control over the 3D effect.
Various performance improvements.
Fix for moire issues seen on billboards in DX11 mode.
Some changes to try to counter specific driver issues causing crashes in DX11 mode.
Dammit, Now my productivity is going to be shot because I'll be wanting to play this.INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:The new DLC really gives me a MGS2 feel, I fucking love it.
Yeah same here. It all started unraveling when they mentionedForeign Jackass said:First half of the game : 9/10
Second half of the game : 6/10
Total : 7.5
spekkeh said:Yeah same here. It all started unraveling when they mentionedwhat the hell, party like it's 99? I'm not even sure why I spoilered it, it's just dumb anyway.the illuminati
The gameplay itself was pretty good. I had fun with it. I thought the story wasn't handled too well though. Quite a few times I felt like I missed an important plot element somewhere, even though I searched and hacked everywhere. Subplots were also handled confusingly, where they would cue subquests on the map at one time, but not the other. (specially in the beginning with the hostages and in the final mission).
spekkeh said:Yeah same here. It all started unraveling when they mentionedwhat the hell, party like it's 99? I'm not even sure why I spoilered it, it's just dumb anyway.the illuminati
The gameplay itself was pretty good. I had fun with it. I thought the story wasn't handled too well though. Quite a few times I felt like I missed an important plot element somewhere, even though I searched and hacked everywhere. Subplots were also handled confusingly, where they would cue subquests on the map at one time, but not the other. (specially in the beginning with the hostages and in the final mission).
No I didn't, although I figured that would be the reason why. The after credits bit consequently also made no sense to me whatsoever. So a fanservice then. Still, didn't sell the (credibility of the) story to the neutral viewer (i.e. newcomer) one bit.SenseiJinx said:Re: spoilered text:
I guess you never played DX1?
The Illuminati were all over that game.
I thought the second boss was the most annoying too, that is, until I discovered that you can basically save the game every time you got a good shot at her, and continue from there.Massa said:Edit: I should clarify I only got to the second boss. That's when I decided I have better things to do with my time.
spekkeh said:No I didn't, although I figured that would be the reason why. The after credits bit consequently also made no sense to me whatsoever. So a fanservice then. Still, didn't sell the (credibility of the) story to the neutral viewer (i.e. newcomer) one bit.
spekkeh said:only to discover you can't use typhoon at the third boss, grrr. At least the last boss was easy with 16 typhoon packs
bishoptl said:Unless this has something to do with having your augs upgraded...? I've never gone for the LIMB upgrade so I couldn't say,You totally can use Typhoon with Jaron Namir.
I guess we played very different bosses. I couldn't do that with the 3rd boss because of the above spoiler, and concerning the fourth oneSeda said:There are really easy ways to beat the 3rd and 4th bosses. On the 360 version anyway.
Run behind the wall, mash the takedown button. He'll jump over the wall and you'll down a takedown. Done.
4th boss is very easy with a certain weapon. The..............Laser Rifle...................
Just find Zhao, cloak and then zap her with the laser rifle. Done.
spekkeh said:I guess we played very different bosses. I couldn't do that with the 3rd boss because of the above spoiler, and concerning the fourth one
Or do you mean second boss?What's this about finding her? She's hanging there all along isn't she? I killed the life support of the quantum computer human slave thing and then I just destroyed the robots until she overloaded herself with electricity
spekkeh said:I guess we played very different bosses. I couldn't do that with the 3rd boss because of the above spoiler, and concerning the fourth one
Or do you mean second boss?What's this about finding her? She's hanging there all along isn't she? I killed the life support of the quantum computer human slave thing and then I just destroyed the robots until she overloaded herself with electricity
I started this last night and feel exactly the same way. I hope it improves... or stops taking itself so seriously.animlboogy said:Just started, put about three hours in. I'm kind of surprised by how unimpressed I am so far.
animlboogy said:Just started, put about three hours in. I'm kind of surprised by how unimpressed I am so far. The voice acting is awful, animations are awful, the tutorial system is completely stupid (watch a video that overstays its welcome or go in blind? Aren't there better ways to do this?), the writing is shaky (I just finished Bloodlines, though, so my expectations are probably off the charts)...
I hope it gets better. Right now I'm actually regretting spending 30 bucks on it. It just seems really generic, and I absolutely don't care about any of the characters yet.
I started this last night and feel exactly the same way. I hope it improves... or stops taking itself so seriously.
If you have the PS3 version Sony's PSN Store messed up and has the DLC for 10 dollars instead of 15.SkyMasterson said:Just finished the game and I had a blast playing it. Put over 40 hours into it.
Loved the atmosphere and despite it's flaws, I was able to overlook them since I enjoyed the game so much.
I really really hope they do a HD update or a remake of the original Deus Ex.
Also, would love to buy that dlc, but I've got Batman to play now! Hopefully it'll be half off by early next year!
kayos90 said:If you have the PS3 version Sony's PSN Store messed up and has the DLC for 10 dollars instead of 15.
Laughing Banana said:Is there a new game+ here?
Also, I heard from many places around the Internet the bosses are a pain in the ass to beat if you are not putting points into battle-specific augmentations? .......How lame :\
There's an actual OST coming out. said:I'm a little dissapointed at how limited the Augemented Edition's soundtrack is. It's missing a ton of good tracks, almost all of the ambient music, most of the combat music, the only boss music on it is the weakest one, and doesn't have any of the character's liefmotifs on it, Icarus notwithstanding. The hell?
Deadly said:There's an actual OST coming out.
Laughing Banana said:Is there a new game+ here?
Also, I heard from many places around the Internet the bosses are a pain in the ass to beat if you are not putting points into battle-specific augmentations? .......How lame :\
I think it's more cause people liked the OST alot and there was enough demand to warrant an actual full OST. Don't think there were plans at first to release a seperate soundtrack.Thagomizer said:Well that's some fantastic gouging, advertising that the limited edition has the soundtrack when it's less than a third of the actual music, and then releasing a separate one...
Deadly said:I think it's more cause people liked the OST alot and there was enough demand to warrant an actual full OST. Don't think there were plans at first to release a seperate soundtrack.