DE:HR is a good multiplatform title. Here's what DF had to say on the subject:Just picked up the PS3 version at Target for $13.98 on clearance. Is it comparable to the 360 version?
Returning to the topic at hand, the main takeaway from this piece is uniformly good news for all concerned: the two console versions are essentially identical, with just deeper gamma and some minor, additional blur differentiating the 360 release from the PS3 version which looks cleaner but seems to feature less effective anti-aliasing. From a performance and gameplay perspective, the two SKUs are mostly identical. In fact, the two console versions are perhaps too much of a match - we would have really liked the blurry, grainy FMVs to be improved for the PS3 where disc space is plentiful. The notion of low-quality FMVs on PC titles continues to rankle - why not offer higher-quality 1080p versions as downloads if publishers are having trouble crunching everything onto DVD?
The Limited/Augmented Edition contained this, but it's available on the PSN store:What's the essential DLC?
Enjoy the game. DE:HR alongside Dark Souls is my GOTY 2011. Enjoyed it very much. Hard difficulty + Foxiest of Hounds + No Kill in one playthrough. #proudThanks IvanI. I very much look forward to this!
I love the environments and the Deus Ex-feel, but something is really really really bothering me.
I noticed back in Detroit that there was TONS of reused character faces and voice actors and now that I'm in China and I'm seeing the same shit it's getting old. It's literally hurting my interest in the game that I'm seeing so much repetition.
Having beaten both, you lose nothing by beating the dlc after you finish the game. You can stop and start the dlc if you want, but I don't really think it adds anything to the story in terms of what wasn't there.So hmmm... I've been progressing through the game and I don't want to spoil anything reading through the thread because it's getting interesting. But regarding the DLC, should I play it when I get there in the game or play it after I finish?
Having beaten both, you lose nothing by beating the dlc after you finish the game. You can stop and start the dlc if you want, but I don't really think it adds anything to the story in terms of what wasn't there.
Doesn't the DLC auto-integrate with the main game?
Doesn't the DLC auto-integrate with the main game?
The mission that comes with one of the weapon packs does. The Missing Link does not.
I thought it integrates seamlessly in you playthrough.
Also I'm surprised we didn't get more DLC for this game.
They cut out several areas of the game...I'm shocked they didn't repurpose them for DLC packs.I'm surprised too.
I have never played any of the previous deus ex games, so didnt really know what to expect going in. Im glad I gave it a shot, the game is amazing. One of the best fps this gen. While I did enjoy the story, the ending was disappointing as hell. I went the stealth route first play through, is it worth going through it again guns blazing? Or is it not as fun?
They cut out several areas of the game...I'm shocked they didn't repurpose them for DLC packs.
I always did stealth runs, so I'm not sure about guns blazing. But it seems the game was designed to accommodate both, so give it a shot.
And I agree on the ending.I wanted to see the ramifications of Adam's choices in the DX world, not a montage of shots from this one.
Exactly my thoughts. When that came up on screen, I was thinking, wtf is this? Does thesecret ending change depending on what button you press? Or is it the same regardless?
I was thinking of doing another stealth run, since I enjoyed the stealth elements in the game, but thought it would be boring so quickly after beating the game.
Secret ending is the same no matter what ending you pick, though Page makes a comment about the wreckage, so the destruction ending might be the canon one.
Which would be insane, especially if you played Adam as a pacifist.
Adaaaaaaaam, watch out for the fruit flies! (Possibly NSFW, language)
Apparently he is homeless. Not sure if he still is, but I hope he's doing alright. Great VA.
So I just got this game as a rental, and its amazing, my only fear is, as a rental I wont exactly experience the best this game has to offer. I have the rental for a couple of weeks, and can probably play a fair bit during that time, but with rentals I always feel inclined to rush forward, I kind of think this is the type of game where I should slow my pace down. Is that true for the whole game? Or is that just the initial segments? Playing properly how long would the game take to complete? I am a stealth player but mix in some combat here and there.
Im very tempted to send the rental back and pick the game up sometime when I can really take my time with it, would that be recommended or is a few weeks enough?
It can take at least 20 hours the first time, but if you play this game only once you're missing the point.
Want the ingame screensaver seen on all the desktops? Go here!
"It's not the end of the world, but I can see it from here.."
My favourite area in the entire game. The art direction is just stunning from every perspective. The statues, the design of the secretary's desk. Ceiling ornaments, the artwork on the floor.
When I first entered this area I walked around for 15 minutes just soaking up all the details.
So I started playing this again (why, why did I stop playing it?!) and I think I'm really close to finishing it now (about to leave Hengsha for the second time). So good.
Anyway, I bought the regular edition (not the augmented one with the DLC). If I buy the DLC through Steam, is there any way for me to access the extra missions/content without having to play through the whole game again?
Depends whether you're playing it by Stealth (go for Typhoon/Cloak/Batteries) or Assault (Recoil/Aiming Motion). In general, the hacking augments (hacking level + hacking stealth) are really useful.I'm going through the game for the first time and playing on the hardest difficulty. I've been using a guide along the way, which I dislike doing, so I can pick up weapon upgrades or praxis kits that I might have missed. Since you can't revisit areas, I feel like there's a need to ensure I picked up everything important.
I'm just wondering if the upgrades are necessary to seek out or will I be fine without them?
Strange how there is no thread on what ending you chose and why or your interpretation towards it...