Just beat DMD Mode, and I have to say... I'm actually a little disappointed.
Yeah, DMC4's DMD is much more playable than DMC3's DMD by a pretty far margin (Although, I question Capcom's logic in holding onto enemies that continue to phase through walls and level boundaries), but I had some hope of DMC4 surpassing the Xbox-game-that-shall-not-be-named-Black in regards to the perfect balance between all out difficulty and challenge and actual fun to be had. Things were pretty fun in DMC4 DMD, but the enemies died just as quick as they did on SoS Mode.
After DMD mode, there is only one big epiphany that I came to: In DMC5,
something needs to be done about the extremely sketchy jump and roll. And fast.
Hell and Hell just looks more time consuming than anything really challenging. That, and Frosts = teh suck.
jaundicejuice said:

@ Devil May Cry 2.
I just fought the retarded building boss and had to shut the game off, this is NOT a Devil May Cry! Oh well, I'm still forcing myself to play through the entire Anniversary Collection, this way it'll be nicer to play Devil May Cry 3 and replay Devil May Cry 4. I guess.
When playing DMC2, I didn't really think of it as a "Devil May Cry" game but rather "A game staring some red-headed girl with a big ass and a horrendously fake accent that Dante has a cameo in". Also, DMC2's bosses get... relatively decent later on (No more zombie helicopters & buildings). And surprisingly, the final boss is a legitimately
fun and good boss battle.
Papercuts said:
Beat the jungle missions now, only managed a B in style because of them.
Look on the bright side: You'll never have to do those horribly, horribly designed levels (and enemies) ever again. Stupid trap monsters...