Alright so someone just asked me how to master the Instant Rev/Just Frame Exceed system but I don't have time to do a massive write up like before and the previous one was just for newcomers. However someone at Gamefaqs has written an exceptional write up on the exact timings of the attacks.
Credit goes to Ninja99.
Mastering the Instant Rev
Achieving fluency with IR requires that the player become sensitive to the subtle rhythm of his or her button inputs. This means, paradoxically, that during combos you must pay more attention to your own hands than the screen until you develop an intuitive grasp of the necessary timings. Visual cues are the second key element of successful IRing, particularly for single-hit attacks, so I will refer to them extensively. To benefit from these you will obviously need to pay very close attention to the screen. It's up to you to maintain a healthy balance of both these methods. Our ultimate goal is to gain the ability to consistently IR Nero's every attack, such that each hit is bolstered by the power of Exceed.
I recommend that you reduce the volume of your television to avoid distraction, because feeling and hearing your controller is important to getting the proper timing down. To practice these timings stay in the first area of Executioner, or clear the Frosts from the field a bit further in. The bridge to Berial is another decent spot for practice. Which one you should choose mainly depends on which camera view you prefer.
The most straightforward way I can think of to illustrate the concept of rhythmic input is to display the notation of each attack or combo using spaces to indicate the correct timing for each rev. To this end I present the following notation key:
+ - press the buttons/directions on either side of this symbol at the same time
~ - press the buttons/directions on either side of this symbol in immediate sequence, but not together
: - I will use this symbol for spacing. The time it represents is relative, but it should make perfect sense once you start putting my notations into practice
f - press the left stick in the direction Nero is facing
b - press the left stick in the direction Nero's back is facing
R - rev; LT for 360 players, L2 for PS3 players. A quick tap of this button is all that's needed to IR
A - attack; Y for 360 players, Triangle for PS3 players. As with revs, use quick taps of this button
[] - the button(s) within these brackets should be held
(lock) - denotes an attack that must be performed while holding the lock-on button; RB for 360 players, R1 for PS3 players
(air) - denotes an attack that must be performed while airborne
Now then, on to the moves. This won't be uniformly structured. For some attacks a simple description of its visual cues will suffice, while more complex ones will require the rhythmic notation described above. In all cases, however, I will list how the normal version of the attack is performed.
Streak - (lock) f+A
Rev just before the blade completes its arc and stops behind Nero's body. This simple timing is made a little more complicated by the attack's variable range. If an enemy or obstruction is not immediately in front of Nero, he will rush forward before delivering the slash. Remain collected and avoid revving until the end of the animation.
EX version: Timing is faster than the standard version. Rev the moment Nero's spin faces him left. This occurs directly after the fiery slash; roughly in the middle of the move's full animation.
High Roller - (lock) b+A
Rev at the peak of the arc, just before Nero tilts the blade down to refasten it to his back. You'll most likely try to rev too early at first, but you should be able to adjust for this with a bit of practice
EX version: Slower timing. Rev right before the Red Queen taps the ground at the end of the attack.
Rising High Roller - (lock) b+[A]
Rev at the peak of Nero's jump, a moment before he puts away the Red Queen.
EX version: Faster timing. Rev just before Nero's head points down and the Red Queen points behind him, just after he reach the peak of his jump.
Split - (air) (lock) f+A
Rev as Nero's blade touches the ground. The easiest timing of all the attacks in my experience.
EX version: Virtually identical timing, though Nero's fall is a bit faster.
Combo 1 - A::A::A::A
Standard first slash: A:::R~A:R~A::R~A::::R
This is, to my mind, the single most important combo to learn to IR. Once you've mastered this one, none of the other combos should give you much trouble because you will have understood much of what you need to know about rhythmic input in order to adapt it to other IR timings. While memorizing this combo's timing, I found it necessary to count it out to avoid confusing myself with the rapid button inputs. I broke it down like so: one (A::

, one-two (R~A:R~A:

, three (R~A:::

...four (R). I also had to actively fight against my instinct to press A before R.
I recommend learning this one in pieces as I did. Practice until you can get A::R~A:R~A to come out consistently. This is by far the easiest portion of the combo to IR. The short delay before revving the first slash gives way to a nice even rhythm with the inputs for the next two. Next, incorporate the third R~A, which is the really tricky part. The correct timing for this third rev is extremely close to that of the previous two, yet there is an additional tiny, barely perceptible delay. It's so slight that if you actively try to slow your timing you'll likely botch it. Instead, try lifting your finger from the rev button after the second R~A. Experiment with the distance at which you do so until it creates the desired effect. Finally, add the last R. The delay on this one is positively massive in comparison to the previous timings. For this reason it's quite easy once you get the hang of it.
As for visual cues, bear in mind that I encourage you to stick to the rhythmic input method alone until you're reasonably comfortable with it. It's an invaluable technique. That said, here they are. First slash, rev as the sword scrapes the ground. The delay is probably a tad longer than you'll expect. Second slash, rev in the middle of the animation, or just after this point. Third slash, same as the second, but more difficult to judge because of its horizontal trajectory. Fourth slash, right as the sword makes contact with the ground, before you see sparks.
EX first slash: A::R~A:R~A::R~A:::R
I'm sure this doesn't look like a huge difference to you, but the faster first slash can make the timing for the rest of EX-Combo 1 feel significantly off. In actual fact, you really just have to adjust for the shorter startup time. It's really hard to go by the visual cue since the attack's so fast, but you need to rev right in the middle of the slash.
Combo 2 - A::A::::A::A::A
Standard first slash: A::R~A:R:::A:R:A:R:A:RA::R
Not bad, except for the third slash, which will probably throw you for a bit if you've been practicing Combo 1 up until now. You'll notice the necessary delay between the second and third slashes is significantly shorter when the second slash is successfully IRed. Visual cues for the first two slashes are identical to those of Combo 1. Slash three, which is actually a pair of rapid vertical slashes, is revved midway through the second of the two. Four, near the end of the slash. Five, midway through Nero's spin. Six, as the animation is winding down, just before the Red Queen comes to a stop.
EX first slash: A::R~A:R:::A:R:A:R:A:RA::R
I have nothing to add here, since the beginning of this combo is the same as that of Combo 1.
Aerial Rave - (air) A::A::A
Standard first slash: (air) A::R~A:R:A
Not too bad if you're used to Combo 1. The timing for the first and third revs is a tad long. Watch out for that.
EX first slash: (air) A:R~A:R:A
Arguably easier than the standard first slash version, because the timing of the first rev is more consistent with the rest.