Prepare to have your ass beat till something clicks and you suddenly get how the game and systems work (since you haven't been in the subgenre before, that is).MooMoo said:Welp, I ordered it on Frys against all better judgment. $45.95 with shipping. It better be worth it! Hopefully it'll satisfy my RPG craving. I've never played a SMT (or Persona) game before so it'll be interesting to see how this game is like.
Sounds good from here! I like it roughThoraxes said:Prepare to have your ass beat till something clicks and you suddenly get how the game and systems work (since you haven't been in the subgenre before, that is).
I'm pretty sure at E3 Atlus announced that they were considering/making an EO game for the 3DS. Or maybe it wasn't an actual announcement but just on that big slide of developers and games that were going to come out for the 3DS.Worthintendo said:Having an absolute blast with this. I really hope Atlus feels compelled to remake some of their other DS games for the 3DS, I would love to see a 3DS remake of Strange Journey or one of the Etrian Odessy games sooner or later.
Plenty around me.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Wow, how is this literally sold out everywhere?
MooMoo said:I'm pretty sure at E3 Atlus announced that they were considering/making an EO game for the 3DS. Or maybe it wasn't an actual announcement but just on that big slide of developers and games that were going to come out for the 3DS.
dallow_bg said:Plenty around me.
Pretty much the last option.
That's odd, I've always found their tracker to be really accurate 99% of the time.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:I don't know if it's like this by you but I called 5 gamestops that had it in stock according to the website and only one had it in stock. It's their last one so it's the opened one which sucks but I'd rather buy that then potentially pay a lot more if they don't do another run.
dallow_bg said:That's odd, I've always found their tracker to be really accurate 99% of the time.
It updates each morning, but unlikely that someone bought 4 that day.
It's the latter. You'll be given a map with events on it, like "talk to <character>", and some of those events advance the game's clock. But, there's also lots of free fights you can redo which don't advance the clock. So while your party has a time limit, the player only has a limit on how many events you can do on a single playthrough.Effect said:Questiona bout the 7 days aspect of the game. Is the game timed or does it progress like a normal RPG in that after certain events days and time progress?
The game progresses in intervals of 30 minutes, and you advance time by having important conversations and battles. Some of these events are required and only happen at specific times, however, there are lots of times if which you'll have to pick between several conversations (think base conversations in Fire Emblem if you're familiar with that), and viewing one event can cause you to miss another one, or viewing them in different order can affect the dialogue. All of this can affect later events, as well as the ending, so don't feel too bad if you feel you've messed up (which almost always happens in a first playthrough), as all that is part of the experience.Effect said:Question about the 7 days aspect of the game. Is the game timed or does it progress like a normal RPG in that after certain events days and time progress?
You should focus on magic, but having some strength and agility for the early game can help as well. After that, it depends on which skills you want to use and meeting the requirements for them. Null Phys has a high STR requirement, iirc.SolarKnight said:Yeeeees, finally found a copy here.
How should I build my MC? I know I should focus on magic, but IIRC I still need some of the other stats for some skills.
Have demons with Phantasma/Flight.SpaceBridge said:
Busaiku said:Have demons with Phantasma/Flight.
It's a cakewalk afterwards.
Also, Belial was so annoying...
Kazerei said:The mission ends when you kill all the angels and demons, so try to do that ASAP by spreading out. Send one team to the lower left side, and send one team to the upper corner, 'cause that's where enemies will spawn. With your other two teams, stay in the middle area, clear the angels and demons, and just try to block Honda.
Kazerei said:Oh, and racial skills like Bind (Jaki) and Constrict (Snake) will help to keepfrom charging recklessly forward. But I think the best strategy is to just kill everything ASAP, beforeHondaeven gets that far. You should able to kill an enemy team in the first encounter, maybe second encounter at most.Honda
(Yeah, I probably should've spoiler tagged that first post ... erm ...)
Busaiku said:Also, Belial was so annoying...
It's only 3 each.SpaceBridge said:Its a pain though, that whenever you defeat a demon or, they respawn elsewhere on the map.and angel
SolarKnight said:Yuzu's is usually agreed to be the easiest one.
It appears there was only one print of this game, and it was a somewhat small print run. Online stores are indeed sold out and are not being resupplied at this time. So it's not surprising you're having no luck online. Ordering from private sellers is an option, though you'll be paying much higher prices.Sagitario said:So... is this game sold out and out of print for good? NichM, any words about it?
I got a 3DS a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to get it.
Fry's is also probably good if you have one around, it's where I got my copy anyway.DidntKnowJack said:But there's still hope. Some brick and mortar stores have a small number of games in stock. Check around local Targets, Sears, Kmarts, and Gamestops. If you persist, chances are you'll find a copy somewhere. (Kmart and Sears are good places to start, because - who goes to Kmart or Sears to buy their video games?)
Do you still have that spare file? That particular route is one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) to do on a first playthrough.SpaceBridge said:Argh!!!! I went throughand had to fightGins routeand had my ass royaly handed to me. Good god, this is a true SMT boss. Im level 50 and my team is average level 47 and I couldnt even hit it once. Any tips?Jezebel
Javier said:Do you still have that spare file? That particular route is one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) to do on a first playthrough.
robotzombie said:Okay so I have the original game for DS and never played it, I really want to get to it though. But I was wondering, should I just buy and play this version instead? Are the upgrades worth it? Or should I just play the DS version and be done with it?
Bel Marduk said:You should do Amane's route because you can fuse Metatron after it (he's really good for the secret boss on NG+). Though you need to do Naoya's route either Naoya's route and possibly Yuzu's as well but not 100% sure on Yuzu. If you don't care about that, do whatever.
SpaceBridge said:In regards to the 8th day, does it matter what route i take?
Bel Marduk said:Well I only played the original so can't say for sure, but I don't think so. Unless you're able to fuse some more special demons at the end of each 8th day and that'd basically be the only thing that matters gameplay-wise. Someone else should know more, but Metatron is worth getting.
SpaceBridge said:So I tried Gins route first but got my ass handed to me royally. Im now on Yuzus route, and so far so good, but I hate the fact that.Im escaping and leaving everyone in the Yamanote Line to die
How's Amane's or Nayoa route in comparison difficulty wise?