who the fuck closed GTAV thread ?
it's internet not a dictatorship !!!
you gonna post this in every thread? SMGDH
What are some good skills for a Witch Doc build? never played before in all my hundreds of hours on PC.
who the fuck closed GTAV thread ?
it's internet not a dictatorship !!!
I really wish we could both look at out inventories at the same time, though. I end up having to kill time on twitter while she's fiddling with her stuff.
Is toys r us still selling for 45? Thats how I got mine.
Totally, though you don't even have to worry about controlling the second character, as he or she will automatically follow your main toon.Uh, you can do this? Create a new toon on the same PSN account and have him log in in splitscreen coop and powerlvl it? Mind blown. I have two PS3s, shame there is no way to put a character on follow, maybe train my 9month old daughter to use the dualshock! (A+ parenting skills)
Guys, Immortal King Helm or Mempo of twilight?
Or for a WW barb, should I got for a Skorn or Dual wield echoing fury plus one strong 1 handed weapon?
Crit Mempo is the best helm in the game period.
Skorn if better than 2 weapons. Or dual if bonus stacks end up being better than skorn![]()
I'm sure it will, about 6 months or longer after the PC version.I think expansion will be available on XBOX1/PS4/PS3 & xbox 360
What weapon would you recommend me for dual wield?
you gonna post this in every thread? SMGDH
What are some good skills for a Witch Doc build? never played before in all my hundreds of hours on PC.
Dude do you realize you can equip gear and see what it does to your stats? Why do you ask this stuff?Guys, Immortal King Helm or Mempo of twilight?
Or for a WW barb, should I got for a Skorn or Dual wield echoing fury plus one strong 1 handed weapon?
Dude do you realize you can equip gear and see what it does to your stats? Why do you ask this stuff?
I just mean the game is set up to show you if it upgrades your items without having to ask.I don't have these items yet and I'm trading my Innas Daibo to a person that has both of those items.
It's not wrong to ask, is it?
I just mean the game is set up to show you if it upgrades your items without having to ask.
The best one handers are Echoing Fury and Bonesaber. Anything else just check your stats when you equip them.
Keep in mind with Barb your stats will be different based on whether you're using Sword/Dagger or Axe/Mace in your main hand. Never use Mighty Weapon in main hand. This is if you're using weapon master passive, which you should be.
I just mean the game is set up to show you if it upgrades your items without having to ask.
The best one handers are Echoing Fury and Bonesaber. Anything else just check your stats when you equip them.
Keep in mind with Barb your stats will be different based on whether you're using Sword/Dagger or Axe/Mace in your main hand. Never use Mighty Weapon in main hand. This is if you're using weapon master passive, which you should be.
What is he asking for the Inna Daibo? And what are stats on the weapon he is giving?I don't have these items yet and I'm trading my Innas Daibo to a person that has both of those items.
It's not wrong to ask, is it?
Totally, though you don't even have to worry about controlling the second character, as he or she will automatically follow your main toon.
It really is wicked fast to level alts this way. One little thing that is kind of annoying is that with this method, the toon being boosted, can't access the blacksmith, jeweler or the stash. So you can't dustify your thingies or put some wonky legendaries into the stash.
One question: how do the characters transfer from demo to full game?
These three seem to pretty much be a staple of most builds. They were when I played and stopped last year, and they seem to be just as popular now:
Soul Harvest
Big Bad Voodoo
Spirit Walk
In terms of attack skills, Firebats is one of the better ones, although I guess the pets have been buffed since release (they were awful in the later difficulties), so you might try the dogs and the Gargantuan.
Here's some of the more popular builds:
Other potential 1Hs that could be pretty good on the console:
Pig Sticker
Odyn Son
Arreat's Law
Monster Hunter
Griswold's Masterpiece
Bul Kathos Warrior's Blood
Hallowed Reckoning
Harvest Moon
Blade of the Warlord
Totally, though you don't even have to worry about controlling the second character, as he or she will automatically follow your main toon.
It really is wicked fast to level alts this way. One little thing that is kind of annoying is that with this method, the toon being boosted, can't access the blacksmith, jeweler or the stash. So you can't dustify your thingies or put some wonky legendaries into the stash.
I don't even know what that last one does, almost any legendaries sub-60 are useless on PC. I've never honestly even heard of this weapon until I just picked it up, so it is kind of awesome experiencing new stuff on this version.
You want to know what's probably not as fast, but still ridiculously fast (level 30 in under three hours)? Have your new character forge a Hellfire ring (so you get stats good for your class) and have them use a Marquise ruby in a socketed weapon. You get to keep access to your smith, jeweler and stash. And you actually kind of play the character too!
Nothing on Master V is even close to being a challenge through Normal. Nothing, and you literally one-shot all white enemies and elites and bosses take a couple of hits.
You want to get even dumber? Make another ring for a follower.
How do I change difficulty? Hard might be too hard for monk solo
Also toss in a helm with a high level ruby, and for extra stupid give you and your follower leoric signets (along with the hellfires). The cherry on top is making a cain's fate set once you hit 22.
Wait, Leoric's doesn't have a level req either? I might have actually salvaged the one I had. I'll have to recheck! I also don't have Cain's set, just the gloves.![]()
What about easy
What is he asking for the Inna Daibo? And what are stats on the weapon he is giving?
If he's a Monk you have to be careful about trading with him because his gear is going to come with Dexterity rolls. Make sure you check the stats before trading.
Right now Echoing Fury, the Butcher's Sickle and Bonesaber are great 1Hs. Make sure they have Strength stat, at least one of crit hit damage or life steal and a socket For 2Hs, Skorn, Maximus and Warmonger... if they roll with socket/CD/lifesteal then they are great to have. The safest bet is Butcher's Sickle because it comes native with CD/Life steal, you just need to worry about getting Strength on it and a socket.
A Mempo Twilight with socket and crit chance is a god tier Helm. Immortal Helm is not bad at all but you want to focus on high DPS and Mempo gives you a ton of DPS.
Other potential 1Hs that could be pretty good on the console:
Pig Sticker
Odyn Son
Arreat's Law
Monster Hunter
Griswold's Masterpiece
Bul Kathos Warrior's Blood
Hallowed Reckoning
Harvest Moon
Blade of the Warlord
Could someone explain the deal with the Normal/Medium/Hard/Master difficulty levels?
What are Nightmare, Inferno and Hell then? How do they affect the game? Any benefits to playing on Master?
In the OP -
So Hard would make enemies tougher just like in other games but keep me normal?
So what would Inferno --- Hard be like? Very weak (debuffed) player and god-like buffed enemies?
So Hard would make enemies tougher just like in other games but keep me normal?
So what would Inferno --- Hard be like? Very weak (debuffed) player and god-like buffed enemies?
Everyone is so fun can decide who to play!
Did I get some crazy rare item? Playing a wizard I got a shield with 53 protection and I'm only level 4!
First of all as a Wizard you probably shouldn't be using a shield.
Second, you can tell how rare your drop is by the color of the item. If it's grey or blue, then no it's not rare. If it's yellow, then yeah it's somewhat rare. If it's orange, then that's called a "legendary" item and it's "crazy rare," as you put it.
Okay, it's not that rare. Don't know if its a shield but its armour I'm wearing.First of all as a Wizard you probably shouldn't be using a shield.
Second, you can tell how rare your drop is by the color of the item. If it's grey or blue, then no it's not rare. If it's yellow, then yeah it's somewhat rare. If it's orange, then that's called a "legendary" item and it's "crazy rare," as you put it.
You do have the access to stash and what not, but only when you are playing one character at the time. As you are logging 2 characters under the same account the game tells you that: when playing local multiplayer, the second player can't access the shared stash, but this is only in effect during the local co-op. When you are just playing alone or online, you have the access to stash etc.So how does that work, you boost a toon to max level, then when you solo play it you don't have access to anything?
Oh yeah, Hellfire Rings are the nuts!You want to know what's probably not as fast, but still ridiculously fast (level 30 in under three hours)? Have your new character forge a Hellfire ring (so you get stats good for your class) and have them use a Marquise ruby in a socketed weapon. You get to keep access to your smith, jeweler and stash. And you actually kind of play the character too! Not to mention Paragon stats carry over, so if you were level 20+ Paragon, you get quite the boost to a new character. My current Barbarian in Normal has +90% XP gains too.
Nothing on Master V is even close to being a challenge through Normal. Nothing, and you literally one-shot all white enemies and elites and bosses take a couple of hits.
You want to get even dumber? Make another ring for a follower.
I have like 10 Infernal Machine's ready, but I'm not sure if I can solo the ubers with my 340k barb yet. Maybe I should just try, it should hurt much >_>. It should be like Master II for 100% organ drop? With Nephalem Valor I'm rocking 380% MF. Think I'll give it a go later on this weekend.
The cherry on top is making a cain's fate set once you hit 22.
Eh, I was wrong. I just checked and I do have the entire Cain's Fate set. The kicker is that I upconverted all of my lower level materials to Exquisite. Now I need to go farm trash in Hell some more. Arrggg. Or maybe I can get lucky with some relatively cheap vendor crap.
When I do Hell, it's always on Master V. Still boring, and I don't care about achievements, just the fastest route to getting the "busywork" finished. Problem is, I probably would have actually had all I needed, if I had bothered to actually pick up most of the junk that dropped. When I was fishing for tomes though, all I did was pick up yellow gear and left all of the blues.
Hell, going for a Marquise ruby feels like an end game project in itself. I've combined every single ruby I've ever picked up, and I'm still only able to craft the Tier 13 ruby.