I knew I recognized Valvatorez voice from somewhere! Troy Baker!
I knew I recognized Valvatorez voice from somewhere! Troy Baker!
Fenrich is proving annoying to level up compared to Val/caster classes. Gimme that Big Bang already![]()
Yup replaced by Matt Mercer. Two of the lines are his when playing on actual maps. It makes me sad.
There's a much easier way to get Big Bang than levelling Fenrich to 500.
Unlock Armor Knight (Level a warrior to 20)
Unlock Bouncer (If you haven't completed Chapter 6 level the Armor Knight to 100 , if you have completed Chapter 7 its either automatic or a much lower level (information conflicts))
Level the Bouncer to 160, using the Promotion option each time you unlock a Tier. The Tier 4 bouncer (unlocked at 160) can learn Big Bang.
Ha, I thought I was going crazy. So some of the battle lines really are a different voice then?
Guess that's another part that Troy Baker ditched, uh? It was so noticeable here that now I'm kinda worried about Kanji in Ultimax and Persona Q... :/
I wanted to level Fenrich anyway, it was just obnoxious because of how bad fist skills are now compared to the last three games and Varg wasn't hitting hard enough consistently enough to justify its SP cost. Now I'm exploiting the hell out of his Revenge evility and it's going well at last.
Going through a legendary sardine bone, just for the sake of getting it to 96 for innocent stuff I ran into Meowkin pirates on floor 49. So that's one thing out of the way without having to actually try haha.
Yesterday I decided to go for a PPS and the ship parts from Nekomatas while I was at it. Got a rare and common PPS and am still missing one ship part which I'm taking a break from because I just keep getting puppy paw sticks instead lol... Want a legendary PPS, but meh. My plan is still to finish the main post game missions then start cycling for endings, will worry with extra collecting then. For now, stuff that helps me improve items so I can beat things up is priority.
You can get a legendary PPS from the sphere collector in the IW IIRC.
Nice, that'll make getting it at 0 less of a hassle, too.
Beat Pringer X: Poison last night, got a rarity 0 Crowbar and Makai Wars off him. Was resetting for a 0 crowbar but they both came up 0 at the same time so not gonna complain. When I was resetting for a 0 Makai Wars on Zetta, a legendary Yoshitsuna popped up so I put off the Makai Wars.
After that, I duped some barefoot X's etc, then finished unlocking Prinny Kurtis since I'd run into him a couple times already. Today I've started doing my ending hunting. Finished all the bad endings so far. Just 5 full runs to go now...
Okay, I haven't had much time in the past two weeks, but I finally completed the story! And I did it with no grinding at all! I finished each story map once, and I finished 10 floors in the Item World of a Common Sword (since it's mandatory at some point). That's it. I focused on only using Valvatorez, Fenrich, and Fuka, and they ended up around level 125-130. Plus I made a bunch of good-for-nothing warriors to use as fodder. No healer, so I just used healing items occasionally. But I probably should have used a ranged attacker or magic user, rather than going in face-first with three melee attackers. I spent mana on learning skills, boosting skills, and passing "more expensive stuff" bills. Got the store's product rank up to 9. Overall the leveling curve seemed fairly smooth, except episodes 5 and 6 were tough for some reason. Some of the maps gave me a lot of trouble, and I had to abuse some tricks to get 'er done. Many of you probably already know these things, but I'll just give out some unsolicited advice because I have time
Lifting and throwing and towers
I'm pretty sure I used lift and throw on every single map, to get my characters across the map to a geo block, or to help get them in to a good position, or to get an enemy in close where I can pummel it. When I play other SRPGs I wish I had this feature :lol. It is so helpful.
I'd usually set it up so the character at the top of the tower is picked up from base panel or from wherever it's already standing. That way it can move after being thrown.
Lift defense
If you're lifting up an enemy at the end of your turn, it won't be able to do anything. I often did this with bosses to prevent them from attacking. But the lifter will die at the start of your next turn, so use some fodder.
You can also lift up an ally to protect it from attack. But again, the lifter will die so use some fodder. Or better yet, you can throw the ally back in to your base panel to protect it completely.
Diagonal throwing
It may seem like you can only throw vertically or horizontally, but if you press X while switching the throw direction, it will come out diagonally at some angle. Can be helpful in some situations where things don't line up quite right.
Move cancelling
The game is pretty lenient about cancelling your moves, which you can exploit a bit for team attacks and support attacks. For example, you can move Valvatorez next to Fenrich, and have Fenrich execute an attack (which Valvatorez will probably join in on). Then you can cancel Valvatorez's move and have him attack another enemy.
Sharing shoes (or other equipment)
The game is also pretty lenient about changing equipment during battle. You can select a character, equip some shoes, move as far as possible, and unequip the shoes. Then you can select the next character, equip those same shoes, and repeat.
Shoes increase the character's movement range and jump height. But you can unequip them after moving and the character will stay in its spot. So you can take advantage of the movement boost, and then put the shoes back in your item bag.
Basically the idea is to have up to 3 pairs of shoes to share among the team. Just remember that after a character executes its turn, its equipment can't be changed.
There's not much reason to get a Rarity 0 Makai Wars.
Traps are better in every way and Invincible Armor (the new rank 40-1 armor) is better than a Trap (due to MV and JMP boosts), if you take advantage of infinite item god killing.
Is that the info bureau chapter? Didn't care for the backtracking indoor maps or the silly outdoor mazes. Also, Emizel-centric, so automatically inferior.Edit: Also really dislike episode 4 lol. It's the part in each cycle where it feels tedious and I end up taking a break afterward x.x
Is that the info bureau chapter? Didn't care for the backtracking indoor maps or the silly outdoor mazes. Also, Emizel-centric, so automatically inferior.
Yeah, that's the one. It's tedious and it's where it feels like my momentum comes to a halt. Not that they really take very long, but it feels like they do haha. Especially the one with the invincible geo towers. Numerous turns due to all the throwing and lifting going around the map x.x
Yeah, that's the one. It's tedious and it's where it feels like my momentum comes to a halt. Not that they really take very long, but it feels like they do haha. Especially the one with the invincible geo towers. Numerous turns due to all the throwing and lifting going around the map x.x
The Necromancers Fist skill Libra Paso, has enough tolerance that you can use it to knock even the highest ninja of the pillar (and thus ignore all the geoblocks). Its how I dealt with it on my second playthrough.
Yeah his voices were also replaced. Troy apparently too big now.
I just encountered the Meowkins Pirates on floor 36 of a legendary Plant Saber, but according to Disgaea 4 guides they only appear on floor 91+. What the heck? Did NIS change things up? I defeated them and got the P Flonzor X Body, which is consistent with the guides.
My Meowkin pirates were at 49. Either the guides are wrong or it was changed. Didn't play the PS3 version, so can't speak from experience there.
Finished my ending runs, beat Pringer X: Poison again, did the DLC unlocks, unlocked Petta and am now playing through the Fuka & Desco stuff.
Finally got my PPS, but the last boss of the Flashback scenario is owning my face left and right. I also still don't have a good caster weapon![]()
I wouldn't bother with innocent boosting via innocent route. Duping and combining is way more time efficient.
I've cleared the X-Dimension (which I wasn't even planning on, just meant to get it to 39% and ended up finishing it). Now I need to do decide whether I want to do reverse pirating save scumming to get a statistician and the other reverse pirating innocents ( Weapon Innocents and Guardians, Fusion/Magichange Lovers, Lose Lose innocents) or if I want to Discipline stuff to get P Flonzor X parts and then go Meowking hunting.
I think I wanna get this. I love strategy games and I love RPGs. But what's the pace like on this. Games like Valkyria Chronicles and XCOM where I have to direct ever troop's movement turn-by-turn can burn me out after a while. Is the gameplay more fast paced that this?
Also is demo up on PSN for Europe?
ok reading this thread a bit, and it reminds me that reading about post game Disgaea makes it sound like a completely new game.
Any tips for someone playing through the story? good leveling maps during the story, and when does the Character world open up?
ok reading this thread a bit, and it reminds me that reading about post game Disgaea makes it sound like a completely new game.
Any tips for someone playing through the story? good leveling maps during the story, and when does the Character world open up?
Unit movement speed in D4 is extremely fast if you set it to be, but they don't teleport around.
Pacing is good if you disable all spell/system effects, you're generally not waiting very long for a turn to end unless there are more than ten-ish enemy units on the board.
You still have to move around a fair number of units to solve some of the more puzzle-type maps. It's not a super-complex movement system if you're willing to 'read' the geo-effects on a map and understand that terrain in Disgaea games is more than just the elevation differences. Lift/throw is the only thing you really have to master, even diagonal throws don't take much practice.
(looks like Mediators are still bugging on Snipers , so you have to get them from a mystery innocent) and one of each rarity of the Collector innocent)
6 MV shoes(accelerator) - DONE
PPS obtained - DONE
Dup Statistician to 300 x 8 x 4 - DONE
Lvl up thief to 9999 - DONE
Lvl up Valvatorez to 9999 - DONE
Kill Meowkin Pirates - NOT DONE. I've been farming lvl 91+ for a few hours now, reload after reaching lvl 100. Is it true it can spawn on lower level legendary as well? My X-Map is around 60% completed.
I've gotten them to spawn multiple times on floor 96 legendary. I'm pretty sure if you went the middle route on the item growth they're more likely to spawn. Middle route as in going to item and innocent growth equally, or the treasure route.