bomba of the year. Probably less than 500k on consoles. and 200k on pc
Maybe in 2006 but not today. People ate up deus ex at the release.
bomba of the year. Probably less than 500k on consoles. and 200k on pc
My plan as well! Second time maybe completely stealthDefinitely going to go lethal my first time. I'll try to be as stealthy as possible, but I'm also going to kill as many enemies as possible.
Apply the 25% discount to it.
You're welcome.
Witcher 2 Community, Broche.
Be picking this up when I have the time.
Exactly. Witcher 2's community (PC release) was like 20 guys. And it was great.
This isn't the game to "teach Bethesda a lesson" by buying Dishonored used. If anything, it will just send a message to not take chances on publishing games like this. Then your stuck with gamebryo games that continue to sell well regardless. I'm probably not as salty as most because I didn't hit issues with Skyrim until 100+ hours in and I had it almost plat'd at that point. I had way worse issues with FO3 and have experience their buggy ass games since Daggerfall so maybe I just knew what I was getting into, but my point still stands. This message will have the exact opposite effect of its intent. If the game looks good to you, support the damn thing.
Anyways, this PSN theme is making the wait even harder. The artstyle is so damn gorgeous. Wish it had a third person view since I really like his costume design.
Fucking sweet. His work on those animated shorts gives me Clint Mansell "The Fountain" vibes.
I'm salty not because the games ran poorly, quite the opposite for me actually, it's what those games represent. Skyrim is one of the most dumbed down RPGs I've ever played and it's currently over 10 million copies sold. Shit like that should not be what people look to when making games, as well as the normal garbage shooters like COD and Resident Evil. We desperately need smarter and more open games. That's why this game isn't the one to teach anyone a lesson.
Hmmm...which animated shorts would you be referring to?
The three part Tales from Dunwall shorts. Check the OP.
bomba of the year. Probably less than 500k on consoles. and 200k on pc
Game has to come out before there's much to talk about.
Shorter/smaller OTs are much, much better than those big ridiculous threads that reach OT2 before release (like Diablo 3). It's got no bearing on the quality of the game and it just serves to make the backlash more severe if the game doesn't live up to its ludicrous expectations.
Besides almost nothing of import is said in an OT before the game comes out anyway, just people saying "PRE-ORDERED! DAY ONE! IT'S GONNA BE MY GOTY!"
Shorter/smaller OTs are much, much better than those big ridiculous threads that reach OT2 before release (like Diablo 3). It's got no bearing on the quality of the game and it just serves to make the backlash more severe if the game doesn't live up to its ludicrous expectations.
Besides almost nothing of import is said in an OT before the game comes out anyway, just people saying "PRE-ORDERED! DAY ONE! IT'S GONNA BE MY GOTY!"
So what pre-order bonus is everyone looking at? Part of me is looking at the Best Buy one for the noise reduction and peephole mainly. As an ol' Thief player I want to see how much well I can avoid confrontation. Also the USB lamp is kinda cool.
So what pre-order bonus is everyone looking at? Part of me is looking at the Best Buy one for the noise reduction and peephole mainly. As an ol' Thief player I want to see how much well I can avoid confrontation. Also the USB lamp is kinda cool.
(Amazon)Bonus de précommande épuisé
Attention: suite à une très forte demande, l'offre de bonus de précommande est maintenant épuisée.
Guess you wouldn't be too much of a fan of the Halo OT9 then? lol...
So what pre-order bonus is everyone looking at? Part of me is looking at the Best Buy one for the noise reduction and peephole mainly. As an ol' Thief player I want to see how much well I can avoid confrontation. Also the USB lamp is kinda cool.
So you want to punish one of only very few unique games this generation because of what another developers have done on the PS3 version of another game?
Apply the 25% discount to it.
You're welcome.
Was going to get it on PC, but I just realized Redbox is getting it. I haven't done the Redbox Poopsock Challenge since Amazing Spider-man.
Try to beat the game during the 24 hour rental period. I did it with Uncharted 3 last year on a Saturday and I regretted it lol.What does this even mean
Thanks! If I buy the game on GMG and redeem it on Steam, will I get the preorder bonuses that are available on Steam?
Try to beat the game during the 24 hour rental period. I did it with Uncharted 3 last year on a Saturday and I regretted it lol.
Try to beat the game during the 24 hour rental period. I did it with Uncharted 3 last year on a Saturday and I regretted it lol.
I am here for this OT.360 player here.
Also my wife watches this show called "Face Off" where they get makeup/special effect guys to do some crazy challenges. Kinda like Next Top Model or something like that. Well the latest episode had a Dishonored challenge and they were tasked to create a character with the same style as the Dishonored characters. Below is a picture of the dude that won and the dude that lost (respectively):
Totally worth watching as several of the characters created were pretty damn awesome.
No, you won't get the steam pre-order bonuses.