Hero of Legend
Can someone upload footage of the Wii version please? GB did a vid of the 3DS version right?
"The Crystal Figures are currently a US Only programme. However, we are
working with Disney to have something similar, but are unable to confirm
any lines at this time.
We will not be able to offer any Infinity Character Exclusives."
How long is the USB cable for the base, decent length?
Also, can anyone discuss the actual gameplay of the various sets? There gas been a lot if talk about the physical aspects if the game but not too much about the gameplay.
How long is the USB cable for the base, decent length?
Also, can anyone discuss the actual gameplay of the various sets? There gas been a lot if talk about the physical aspects if the game but not too much about the gameplay.
USB cable length is 6 foot.
Amazon US has the Sidekick 3 pack backordered a few weeks but it's only $15 right now. No free shipping without Prime.
Just checked it shows back up to 30. :/
Any hope for studio ghilbi figures? Or to niche of market?
Just checked it shows back up to 30. :/
Any hope for studio ghilbi figures? Or to niche of market?
There won't be any new figures for Disney Infinity 1. The game assets are set in stone and there's nothing new left to reveal.
Rather than let hackers reveal surprises, they just outed everything at D23.
With DI2, hopefully not on the Wii, they can then move to a DLC model so they can hide assets until they're ready.
This is what I am running into my son is playing characters under his profile on wii u and when I log in with my profile and try and use same characters it asks me to take ownership and doing that erases what's on there
So which version would y'all say is the definitive one?
I just unlocked the vault with all three characters in POTC
it spit out like over a dozen or so items for the toy box including POTC theme, POTC premade toy box, sunken ships, etc. a ton I content
Wii U seems to get great praise for everything but co-op (frame rate).
360 seems OK as a whole. Probably not a bad buy, unless you intend to shelve your 360 when the XBONE comes out.
PS3 is the only one you should avoid.
Went to Target and their aisle was decimated. Asked the clerk if they had any extra Power Disc packs and he was keeping a box of them behind the counter.
Decided to try the "feeling up" trick everyone mentioned to see if I could find any rares. I must've felt 30 of them and none of them had ridges.
Either my luck is awful or the clerks already plundered all the rares. Still bought a few packs, maybe I'll get lucky and they're flipped inside??
Hey all. Here are some quick tips when buying Power Discs from the blind packs.
You won't know what power disc you're exactly getting until you buy the pack and open it up, but these tips can at least help narrow it down.
-All these tips involve feeling the contents of the bag while at the store.
-If you're looking for a circular power disc, feel for a round edge on the disc. If you have a round edge, then you know you have 1 of the 4 circular power discs.
-If you're looking for one of the hexagonal power discs, feel for a pointy edge. Again, this will tell you that there's a hexagonal disc inside.
-If you're looking for one of the RARE hexagonal discs, use your finger nail and scratch around the center of the disc. The rare hexagonal discs are lenticular and have the scratchy center that changes when you move the disc around. The regular discs have a smooth center.
The packs can have 1 hexagonal 1 circular, 2 hexagonal, or 2 circular discs inside them. Also, you can have multiples of the circular discs for each character so getting 2 of the same circular disc is not totally bad.
(I found out the info on the rare disc idea from Stitch Kingdom, but I wish I knew this when shopping this morning. I'll probably try this next time I buy a Power Disc pack. I tried this out with Mike's Car which is classified as a RARE disc in the TRU-exclusive pack and scratching the center of that does work.)
Any other tips, feel free to post here. Thanks!- See more at: http://www.disneyinfinityfans.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2111#sthash.iUycZt7c.dpuf
Seeing that capture makes me want Vanellope and Ralph so much more. And I hope SO hard they make an Alice in Wonderland set. <3
So how is trading in this tread going to work? Are we going to have a google doc like the B/S/T thread? I want to swap with some people but I'm scared!
Yeah, they are the figures I really want. Along with Rapunzel.
I wonder if they will use Big Hero 6 to start getting Marvel in this in 2014.
So how is trading in this tread going to work? Are we going to have a feedback google doc like the B/S/T thread? I want to swap with some people but I'm scared!
Unless marvel characters are on the disc already, it cant happen. Would love to see a seperate marvel game though.
So I'm kind of stuck in the Incredibles playset...
I'm at the part where you have to get the Omnidroid pieces or something scattered across town and bring them back to the research HQ. One of them is on top of a building and I can't figure out how to get to it. I can't climb the building or ones next to it. I can climb one across the street, but it's not high enough and gliding doesn't help either.
Any help with that?
I had the same problem.
I ended up finding out that there's a massive office building nearby that allows you to wall jump up it. Basically in between window panes you can wall jump back and forth. From there you're super high up and can jump/hoverboard your way to that building.
Is there an issue with them patching in figures/playsets? I haven't followed that too closely.
Image of the upcoming Frozen pack:
Never heard of either character. What are they from.
EB Games leaked images of some upcoming discs:
So these "exclusive" discs are only timed exclusives, right?
Awesome, I will try that tomorrow. Thank you!
EDIT: On the Disney Infinity Fans forum, the user "Sheriff Woody" posted the Frozen pack that Mockingbird posted above, as well as a "Girl Power Pack" that has the already released Violet and also Vanellope and Rapunzel:
Yes, Vanellope and Rapunzel will be released either individually and/or in packs. So if you have Violet, you won't have to buy her again to get the other ones.
Imagine clueless parents buying a marvel playset and don't have Internet.
Never heard of either character. What are they from.
This is great. I'll hold off on buying Violet till this bundle comes out.
yes, this is how it is done in Skylanders. Yes for families with multiple saves/profiles (like Wii U, 360) it is a pain.
As for lots of "single characters" coming out, my guess is that Disney is REALLY counting on a lot of high quality toy box levels coming from the community for the time being. On top of that, myself and others are believing that Infinity 2 (or whatever) will be be/offer a more traditional Skylanders-like experience, allowing you to swap characters in and out of the game, etc. I mean it's the only logical answer, because as-is, the single characters don't hold a lot of appeal. They can't level quickly because they can't participate in playsets, and the built-in toy box stuff disney offers is only good for a few hours at most. I've been reading previews that have had pretty much full access to Disney/Avalanche for the game, and they all seem confident Disney has a really strong 5 year plan for the franchise. This leads me to believe that we aren't going to see Series 1 phased out with only access to series 1 content. My guess is, much more so than Skylanders, Series 1 will remain series 1 and on store shelves (for a time) and simply then work in Infinity 2.
also remember that the spin setup is REALLY well done. If there's a particular camera/item you want, you can keep shuffling until it comes up and then usually can grab it with typically less than 10 spins.