
An OT by Tizoc and A Sentient Keyboard
Platform: Playstation Vita, Playstation 3 and Steam
Developer: One True Game Studios and Iron Galaxy Studios
Players: 1-2 players
Release date: 20th August 2013
$9.99/£7.99/€9.99 on PSN (PSN version is Cross-buy, $8 for US PS Plus members until 26/27 Aug.)
$9.99, $18.99 2 pack on Steam
$9.99, $18.99 2 pack on Steam

- 13 unique characters, each with their own story mode.
- Local versus on all platforms, including local versus on a single PS Vita.
- GGPO-powered online versus, both ranked and unranked.

Divekick is fighting game that started its life as a parody on the effectiveness of divekicks in fighting games. However, the concept proved to be more enjoyable than its joke game origins would have you expect. It was decided to develop the concept into a full-fledged fighting game, and now, the finished product has been released on the PS3, the Vita, and Steam.

The main goal of the game is to win a set of rounds with your character via dive kicking. Majority of the characters have their own unique dive kick properties.
There are only 2 buttons and they can be mapped to any button on your controller, keyboard or stick; Dive and Kick. Dive will make your character Jump, Kick will make them Attack with their dive kick while in the air.
You can also press Kick while on the ground to perform a unique action or evasive maneuver based on the character you are playing with.

Kick Meter: A meter at the bottom of the screen that fills up as you Kick. You can spend this meter to perform a character’s special move by pressing both buttons either on the ground or in the air. Alternatively, you can try to fill up their bar entirely to activate Kick Factor, which dramatically increases their speed and other, character-specific factors.
Head shots: Defeating an opponent by striking them at their head will put them in a ‘Concussed’ state. While having a Concussion the character will have reduced speed and jump height for a few seconds at the start of the next round. Furthermore, their KF meter will not fill up. Concussion does not stack up, but winning a round will remove this state.
Gems: There are 4 types of Gems in the game
Hold the line: The game’s tie breaker mechanic. During the final seconds of the last round a red line will appear on-screen, and the character closest to the line will be declared the winner. In case BOTH characters are equally close to it…
Fraud Detection: A message that appears when a player loses 4 rounds in a row. If the player loses the 5th round as well, they will be declared a Fraud.
Choke Detection: If a player wins 4 Rounds in a row, but then loses the next 4, a ‘Choke Detection Warning‘ message will appear on-screen.
Staged match: If 2 consecutive rounds end in Double KO, the game will declare that the match is Staged.
Head shots: Defeating an opponent by striking them at their head will put them in a ‘Concussed’ state. While having a Concussion the character will have reduced speed and jump height for a few seconds at the start of the next round. Furthermore, their KF meter will not fill up. Concussion does not stack up, but winning a round will remove this state.
Gems: There are 4 types of Gems in the game
Dive Gem: Offers 10% increase in Jump speed
Kick Gem: Offers 10% increase in Divekicking speed
Style Gem: KF meter fills up faster
YOLO Gem: 30% increase in Jump & Divekicking speeds as well as KF meter gain, but also gives the opponent 4 of the 5 rounds he needs to win right from the star
Kick Gem: Offers 10% increase in Divekicking speed
Style Gem: KF meter fills up faster
YOLO Gem: 30% increase in Jump & Divekicking speeds as well as KF meter gain, but also gives the opponent 4 of the 5 rounds he needs to win right from the star
Hold the line: The game’s tie breaker mechanic. During the final seconds of the last round a red line will appear on-screen, and the character closest to the line will be declared the winner. In case BOTH characters are equally close to it…
the God of Divekicking will stomp on both characters
Fraud Detection: A message that appears when a player loses 4 rounds in a row. If the player loses the 5th round as well, they will be declared a Fraud.
Choke Detection: If a player wins 4 Rounds in a row, but then loses the next 4, a ‘Choke Detection Warning‘ message will appear on-screen.
Staged match: If 2 consecutive rounds end in Double KO, the game will declare that the match is Staged.

Dive & Kick: Two brothers who were raised in West Philadelphia. They got into a fight, and their mom sent them to live with Uncle Sensei in Bel Air, and train under him.
They are based off Yang and Yun respectively, with Kick having Will Smith references.
Mr. N: A Divekicker who once rigged a bracket in a tournament, resulting in a mass disqualification of all the players, the cancellation of the tournament, and the end of Uncle Sensei's Divekicking career. He is notorious for his shady dealings in tournaments and is often seen with his best friend, star Divekicker Dustin Weinburger. He is constantly on the run from the mob as he owes them money.
He is based on Rufus from Street Fighter IV and this guy.
Her dive kick resembles Wolverine’s from UMvC3.
Kung Pao: A Divekicking champion from the dimension of Downworld who was part of a rebellion against her stepfather, Theodore Khan and his army of color coded ninja thugs. Having landed in the game's dimension due to kicking a hole in the fabric of the universe, she seeks to return to her own world.
She is a parody of Kung Lao, and has a ChunLi color pallete.
Dr. Victoria Shoals: A podiatrist who researches a foot infection found in Divekickers called Ped Urino, or "Foot Dive". After she contracts the disease on her face, she dons a mask and metal boots to enter Divekicking competitions in an effort to find a cure.
She is a parody of Doctor Doom from UMvC3. Dr. Shoals’ initial dive kick is very shallow, but if you press Kick again while in the air, she’ll cancel it into a steep dive kick.
Uncle Sensei: Becoming interested in Divekicking at a young age, he opened his own dojo and entered his first tournament upon returning from the Invasion of Grenada. Despite expanding the sport's popularity with a 10-year win streak, he was forced into retirement after Mr. N rigged the brackets of a tournament he was attending, leaving him bankrupt. He now spends his days trying to earn what he can training Divekicking students at his Dojo, and doing his best to take care of his nephews.
His name really is Uncle Sensei; it’s in his driver’s license.
Alex Jefaily: Jefailey runs a large and well known series of Divekick tournaments called JEO (Jefailey Effort Orlando). He likes to enter and compete at his own events and views himself as his greatest promotional asset.
The character is based on Alex Jebailey, and every time he wins a round, his head grows bigger, making the risk of a Head shot against him higher.
The Baz: Born on a mountain under a blood red moon, is so awesome, he defecates lightning. He has been rejected from every fighting league on the planet, but manages to enter the Divekick tournament due to their low standards. He also tracks down Mr. N for the mob as a bounty hunter.
He is based on a rejected character design for Street Fighter II, and his dive kick resembles Zero’s Raikousen, and you can even determine which direction he will fly by holding Kick.
Markman: Inventor of the ‘Kickbox’ which gives its users more control over their divekicking. He enters Divekicking tournaments to promote it.
Based on Mark "MarkMan" Julio, pressing Kick on the ground will have him search for pieces of the Kickbox. If he gets all pieces, he will be able to perform a ‘Upkick’, which can then be canceled into a Divekick, then an Upkick, then a Divekick, etc. (until he runs out of meter)
Stream: A Stream Monster who enters Divekicking tournaments to annoy and Troll the participants.
His dive kick resembles’ Dhalsim’s, and his design is based off Capcom’s Firebrand.
Codename: S-Kill: The leader of an evil organization hell bent on "rebalancing" the world in the hopes of repackaging and re-selling it anew. He decides to enter the Divekicking tournament to personally see to it that it is rebalanced.
He is the game’s final boss and is based off Seth from Street Fighter IV.
Kenny: A Divekicker who died after a match against Dustin Weinburger. He earned a 2nd chance on Earth after winning 5 consecutive Divekick tournaments in Heaven from the god of Divekicking. He watched many divekicking matches during his time in Heaven and learned to imitate their fighting styles.
Kenny functions as the ‘Mokujin’ of the game, changing his style round.

EVO 2013 Top 8 @ 13:46:00
Art pack featuring some sprite rips and the background stages of the game
Hype week with Divekick by Maximillian Part 1 & Part 2

Official website
Divetips: Divekick Strategies From EVO’s Top 3
Shoryuken Divekick forum
Shoryuken Kick combo thread
Markman tips and tricks