Name: Divinity: Dragon Commander
Developer: Larian Studios
Release Date: 2013-08-06 (2013-08-19 for the physical version)
Genre: RTS, TBS, RPG and Dragon Action. Also cards.
Price: 39.99€ - That's basically highway robbery!
Buy it at the Larian Vault, DRM free and with a Steam key!
(Or on Steam if you have to)
For all the information you ever wanted about the game, visit the...
Official Website
or watch...
The unusually informative launch trailer
But really, what you want to know is...
Why should you buy this?
- It's a unique mixture of gameplay styles and elements.
- At the top level, interact with your aides and other nations in a RPG-like fashion, with choices, consequences, political intrigue and all that great stuff. Also amazing Larian dialogue.
- On the strategic map, play a turn-based Risk-like game of land control. Also use cards to enhance your lands or units, or cause special effects.
- The manual battle resolution mode is a beautiful fast-paced RTS with land, sea and air units. The resource mechanic is based on point control (like e.g. in the Warhammer 40k RTS titles).
- On top of that, you can directly intervene in battles as a dragon, with a set of active and passive skills, and a jetpack. That's right, you are a dragon, a commander, and you have a jetpack.
- It has surprisingly good production values.
- The art is fantastic, and it's well integrated in the game.
- The strategic map style (you are basically moving wooden miniatures around on a pencil-shaded map) works really well.
- It had a relatively long beta phase with tons of participants, and is more tested and polished than you might expect.
- It has music by Kirill Pokrovsky. Fuck yeah.
- It's a real PC game.
- You can enter names for save files. With your keyboard.
- Graphics (and general) options up the wazoo.
- Game design like it's 1999, with multiple complex interacting systems.
- You can play on your fucking LAN. You heard right, a local area network. No cloud required. How is this even possible?
- Larian are awesome.
- Steamworks support over all distribution channels, but always entirely optional.
- All copies are DRM free.
- Doing the indie PC developer thing since before it was cool.
- Watch this. It's not just a disc, it's not just a game, it's an entire box!
I made 4 categories with 4 points each, if you are still not convinced I will add 4 screenshots. Also, the game features 4 gameplay types. I started working on this thread at 4 in the afternoon. You should buy 4 copies.
The unusually informative launch trailer
General trailers:
Official Trailer
Interactive Politics
Let's Play with Swen Vincke
Multiplayer casts:
Trailer for the match
Dragons at work
The Match
In case you are still reading and haven't bought the game, you also get some free goodies for preordering. Now run!