Hari Seldon
Just threw down a $28 for the digital copy.
He said arround 940k$ a minute ago.
Apparently, new game+ originated from the same title from which all good qualities in gaming originated- Dark Souls. :/
Haha, I was just browsing the kickstarter page, hoping to see how well the game was doing, and noticed I couldn't find my highlighted pledge in the sidebar. Then it hit me: I hadn't actually pledged to this KS - I mixed it up with another project I'd funded. Durp. Funded now though, phew.
I'm fairly certain that like this we'll probably get to 970k or so and they'll say fuck it and consider the stretch goal reached anyway. It's not like it isn't an arbitrary goal to begin with - 1 mil is just a nice sexy number, not the result of a sophisticated calculation of necessary resources/manpower to implement NPC schedules...
Do we know how many Paypal donations they received? Are we there yet?
This stream is a lot of fun.
Do we know how many Paypal donations they received? Are we there yet?
60 minutes and 33.2k to go.
Good looking games and well known developers will always do well. This game is a safe bet anyway.nice to see it achieving all goals.
Kickstarter fatigue my ass
Just upped my pledge by $70. Went for the $95 tier and an additional $20 for another extra copy.
Why are there 2 95$ physical tiers? One of them has a physical artbook (+ a few digital bonuses), so what's the point of the other one?
With the Paypal contributions, haven't they already made 1 mil?