Now we need a (proper) Jagged Alliance 3.
Yeah. I loved JA 2 to death. I also loved that quiz at the beginning. Way to underutilized. Loved that in Fallout as well. And we still need that CRPG OT or is there one and I haven't seen it yet?
Now we need a (proper) Jagged Alliance 3.
Now we need a (proper) Jagged Alliance 3.
Yes, and Piranha Bytes needs to do a Kickstarter so they can self-finance a true Gothic game sometime in the future.
Yes, and Piranha Bytes needs to do a Kickstarter so they can self-finance a true Gothic game sometime in the future.
Now this is an idea I can get behind. Though I am not sure they could raise enough money though kickstarter to do a Gothic game justice.
Anyway I am a little disappointed this kickstarter is going so slow. I was hoping it would of at least hit its goal by now and then some.
very bad timing + it came out of nowhere.
very bad timing + it came out of nowhere.
+ I expected this to not even need crowd funding in the first place.
I like their games and all but Larian always seems like they're THIS CLOSE to making something incredible.
You guys think this will hit the goal?
260k-ish, and some time left.
You guys think this will hit the goal?
260k-ish, and some time left.
I know it seems silly, but I think they set the "Get a copy of the game" too high. I was willing to go in for $20 on some others thinking I was getting the game for a good price and supporting the project. $25 is more than I ever pay for games.
I'm guessing it'll hit around $520k.
Lord Panda said:Just a quick question with regards to the gameplay:
Instead of killing people - can you instead knock them out, tie them up, rob them, and leave them in a basement somewhere? It would open up genuinely interesting gameplay approaches and quests and strengthen the immersion factor if implemented right.
Larian said:This is currently not implemented or planned, but it does sound like a cool feature. However, if they're unconscious, will they wake up again? Will people hear them calling for help? I think this is a whole can of worms we would open if we'd want to implement it correctly...
Lord Panda said:Yes the NPC's would definitely wake up again and the duration of their unconsciousness is determined by their stats. For example I'd assume that guards would be hardier and have a better stats in strength, stamina and whatnot that would allow them to regain consciousness faster than a normal peasant.
As for escape - they can attempt to 'roll an escape throw' to break free or call for help. If the roll is successful then the victim escapes otherwise they have to wait another 'turn' before they can attempt to roll again. The chances of their escape increases if there are other captives nearby. Meanwhile they're getting hungrier and weaker ...
I also hope that you guys manage to hit your funding goals and implement NPC scheduling because personally that was one my favourite features in Ultima VII.
Larian said:I like the idea. I only see one problem with the idea. No wait, two problems.
1. TIME. We have none. Well, not enoughWe have dozens of ideas, the fans and backers have dozens of ideas that we like (such as this one) and some requests (like day/night cycle and schedules)... We'll have to prioritize and "kill some of our babies" (figure of speech but I'm sure you got that)...
2. Story and design. We'd have to look at all quests again and see who can be killed, who doesn't have to be, who has to be dead, etc. And follow up, i.e. create consequences if you didn't kill x and y. And in this game, you can run around and attack everyone, so it'd be hell if they all woke up ;-)
I'll drop the idea at a next meeting though, and see if there is a systemic approach that can be taken to all this.
Great stuff, I was sceptical but it seems like this will be their best game yet.
In my heart I always wanted to make something like Ultima 7, Vincke continues: turn based, a heavy focus on multiplayer, getting deep into the mechanisms of what made those early RPGs so riveting and expansive. But when you propose that to a publisher, eyes narrow and suspicions arise. Their interest waned very quickly when I mentioned the two words turn based.
Which is exactly what Original Sin is: its co-op, its turn based, and it gives the player an almost astonishing amount of freedom to make choices that, from what Ive played and seen, arent even flagged as such. Miscellaneous loot you picked up ten minutes ago can be noticed and commented on by NPCs, and can even change behaviours and conversation options. You might have thought you were just grabbing a lute to sell as scrap when you next get to town until you meet the brother of the troll you stole it from, who understandably wants to know how you got it.
Throw in a dynamic conversation system that allows both players to have an input, and even more interestingly allows them to disagree, and Original Sin is being ambitious all over the shop. And if its not careful, its going to make an awful mess. Which is where Larians expertise and experience come into play; they know what theyre doing, and more importantly, its what they want to do.
Great stuff, I was sceptical but it seems like this will be their best game yet.
I hope Dragon Commander doesn't kill the studio.
It's inventive, too. The turn-based combat has some nice ideas like manipulating elements to work together - electrocuting puddles of water that you created when you melted the frozen enemy with a fireball, for example.
Since this thread is a bit tumbleweed-worthy at the moment, I'd like to share this convo that I had with Larian (thanks David!) via Kickstarter:
I only want Sin + Commander. Y they not do it for 45$ like torment? :<The $65 digital reward was upgraded to 2x Original Sin + Dragon Commander. Nice.
Surprise! You're dead.
Designers have a tough job. You'd think it's all fun and games for them, but they actually have the toughest job of us all. When coming up with quests, and scripting them, they constantly have to think about the logic, approach it from different angles, and how players could break those quests. When you've got an open world where you're very free to do as you please, which has got teleporter pyramids and systemic behaviour, nothing seems certain.
The following is a re-enactment of something we found out by accident. In hindsight, it was predictable, but surprising nonetheless. It takes longer to explain than to watch it, so enjoy the video;end=3:09;autoreplay=false;showoptions=false
Creator Larian Studios LLC less than a minute ago
I'd just like to add that coming up with these stretchgoals was pretty damn hard. Reality (time and budget) was the biggest killer... We would have loved to have switched some of these around, or made smaller gaps, but we have to be realistic... If we want to do things right, they're gonna cost time.
For instance, if we are allowed to do schedules, we NEED day and night. If you have day and night, it has to mean something extra too (affects things, impact on stuff). If you have schedules, people should react accordingly, and actually MEAN what they do: if they go to bed, they pick up their stuff outside, and lock their doors, and if you do break in, they should react accordingly. So we're thinking ahead, and that makes us realize that some things are not just as simple as we would like them to be ;-)
Thanks for the support though, reading that you like these goals is really a huge pat on the back, and a relief ;-)
Any chance this hits $800K? would love for the henchmen to have more depth.