Dragon Commander pre-orders at $40 and will launch at $45.
Well shit. I'm gonna back this when I get money. Which tier would you guys recommend for a lowly student such as myself?
Well shit. I'm gonna back this when I get money. Which tier would you guys recommend for a lowly student such as myself?
Well shit. I'm gonna back this when I get money. Which tier would you guys recommend for a lowly student such as myself?
Is it better to go through Kickstarter or donate through their website? I want to get the $40 tier for myself and a friend. He and I rocked the old Neverwinter nights games for many many hours. Right up our alley. This will be the first game I've kickstarted mostly because of it's close release date.
So they need ~300k for the only stretch goal that matters. Its definitely possible but with the slow rate this thing has been going I doubt we'll reach it.
Yeah I don't think the stretch goals are super good. I was planning to do the game in co-op with a friend, so I was not going to do much with henchmen, the traits stuff seems neat but not super motivating. Would have been nice to have some cooler shit inbetween.
I can see it hitting 650k with a last few days push, but it's unfortunate it doesn't seem likely to hit the 1M.
Kirill is playing Divinity songs on TwitchTV if anyone is interested: http://www.twitch.tv/larianstudios
Swen just asked if he can play the update song on piano, lol.
Edit: Now he's playing it!
That was awesome.
Now it's over
Oh dear. I prefer the before.
I actually had an ugh reaction when I saw the art 'improvement'.
Edit: This sounds petty, but I dropped my pledge from the $95 tier down to the $25 tier. This is an unwelcome change.
Indeed.Edit: This sounds petty, but I dropped my pledge from the $95 tier down to the $25 tier. This is an unwelcome change.
You're right. It does sound petty. The game is in development. Subject to change and all that. It's quite probable that the lighting and contrast are going to change again before release. They do seem quite responsive to the community so it would seem much more reasonable to just post about your dislike.
I prefer the before version of the church area.
Edit: After seeing the bigger screens I actually prefer the before version of all those areas they showed, now it looks like someone went crazy with SweetFX and cranked up the contrast. At least those shots don't look as bad as the "fixed" shots in that gif.
Oh dear. I prefer the before.
I actually had an ugh reaction when I saw the art 'improvement'.
Edit: This sounds petty, but I dropped my pledge from the $95 tier down to the $25 tier. This is an unwelcome change.
I don't suppose there's any chance this supports local coop?
Can I play co-op over LAN?
Yes, you can.
Last updated: Thursday Apr 11, 9:33am EDT
Someone make this hit $1M pls.
In for 40! I have never played an Ultima, but the basic premise sounds enjoyable, and I just love the idea of all of these older series making a comeback.
Divinity is not an older series that is making a comeback![]()
There isn't any new Ultima project.Ultima IX killed any faith people had in that series. It's why I didn't support Garriot's new Ultima project.
We're going into overdrive next week. Well actually, it already starts tonight. We're doing online coop playthroughs with Youtube channels, independent journalists, and magazines, such as Games.on.net, Kotaku, RedPandaGamer, Jesse Cox, Quill18, DenOfGeek, TotalBiscuit, Gamer.no, Jeuxvideo.com, Angry Joe, Gamespot, GMBox, Kanobu...
We will announce when they're online and here's the first announcement:
We will be playing live with PCGames.de this coming Monday at 17:30 (GMT+1 with daylight saving) so that's:
19:30 in Moscow
17:30 in Berlin
16:30 in London
11:30 in New York
8:30 in Los Angeles
Maybe we'll be lucky and they're just going to PayPal or something.The 5k backer pulled out :\
New update: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/larianstudios/divinity-original-sin/posts/457725
Help us bring down RPGwatch.com in Divinity: Original Sin
Because we're mature grown adults, we can't let RPG Watch win. Their pathetic campaign is currently at a miserable $1,713 - while we're a full $200 ahead! As an incentive, ForkTong offers this bonus:
So anyhoo, done deal.
If Watch gets tower and you get troll, they will attack each other. The outcome depends on the success of each party's fundraiser.