Playing through World 6 now and all I can say is wow. I will admit that when they announced Retro was doing Donkey Kong, I was excited but a little disappointed. I really wanted them to work on something larger, and although there was platforming in Metroid, it didn't seem to be their focus. But, I'm glad to say I was wrong in being initially disappointed and hopefully this will provide motivation for publishers to allow studios to work on a genre that they may not have complete experience with.
The level design in the game just keeps getting better and better. Sure, they are using the common staples of platformers: weighted platforms, swaying platforms, springy platforms, scrolling platforms. But it's really the way that they integrate those elements with the overall environments that really makes it stand out and feel fresh and new. The challenge is certainly there in worlds 5 and on, and I can't wait to see what's ahead.
I do still have my gripes with the forced control scheme and feel like the CC Pro would have added some accuracy that occasionally gets lost in a bad gesture or two, but that does not subtract from the creativity and energy you can feel coming from this game. It may not always feel like a DKC game, but it's hard to even ponder on that too long when you realize how much fun you're having.
Between this, NSMB Wii, Super Meat Boy, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Mirror's Edge, NyxQuest, and many others, this generation has been a fantastic treat for platformer fans. Well worth the 50 dollar entry fee, and it's not even over yet.