Rez said:I was giving World 1 and 2 a bad rap (wrap? I don't know how to write this expression).
It is derived from the word reputation
Rez said:I was giving World 1 and 2 a bad rap (wrap? I don't know how to write this expression).
Rez said:I don't like it when they don't include a Diddy barrel at the beginning of a level. Making me go all the way out of the level to finish another with Diddy is totally pointless.
Rez said:did I do something wrong?
You do realize that you don't have to finish a level with Diddy to get him for another level, right? You can just get Diddy and quit the level and you'll still have him...Rez said:I spent ages trying to beat 9-1. I don't like it when they don't include a Diddy barrel at the beginning of a level. Making me go all the way out of the level to finish another with Diddy is totally pointless.
Doing time trials increases your completion rate?Rez said:finished 9-1. 100% is the listed on my profile. good choice to keep time trials and puzzle-pieces separate.
potentially my GOTY runner-up, but I need a bit more time to reflect.
one_kill said:Doing time trials increases your completion rate?
JohnB said:Oh if only there was an option to give you extra health if you're 41!
I am so shite at this game it's taken me about half a dozen goes to get to the end of the first level.
Not world, level.
Perhaps I should play it stone-cold sober?
P.S. It's such a beautiful game aesthetically, isn't it?
Rez said:did I do something wrong?
Creamium said:you admit to being weaksaucethe way i see it, if the devs didn't put a barrel anywhere, it was never their intention for you to beat that level with Diddy. See also most of the K stages.
PunjabiPlaya said:You do realize that you don't have to finish a level with Diddy to get him for another level, right? You can just get Diddy and quit the level and you'll still have him...
I never actually went back to get Diddy. I always just made do with DK, to be honest.PunjabiPlaya said:You do realize that you don't have to finish a level with Diddy to get him for another level, right? You can just get Diddy and quit the level and you'll still have him...
Sklorenz said:Not your % rate, but there are those circles below your game file just as there are for ever level. So if you get every kong piece and puzzle piece, then those symbols will appear below your file. Likewise, your lowest time trial medal will also appear there once you've gotten a medal on every one. Fully completed file will be XXX%, KONG symbol, puzzle symbol, and shiny gold medal symbol. Never going to even try for that last one, though :lol
TheGreatMightyPoo said:Maybe a stupid question but when you are on the tracks in the minecart time trials, can you improve your speed by doing anything like bouncing off enemies or is it moreso only on the parts when you aren't on the tracks that you can improve????
Dr.Hadji said:The only thing I've found is, since the minecarts only start up when you are on them make sure you don't cut back in the air from cart to cart to save time.
Thanks for the explanation. I probably won't go for the last one as well seeing how I'm only averaging silver medal times :lolSklorenz said:Not your % rate, but there are those circles below your game file just as there are for ever level. So if you get every kong piece and puzzle piece, then those symbols will appear below your file. Likewise, your lowest time trial medal will also appear there once you've gotten a medal on every one. Fully completed file will be XXX%, KONG symbol, puzzle symbol, and shiny gold medal symbol. Never going to even try for that last one, though :lol
flintstryker said:1k kicked my ass so many fucking times before i conquered it, and i still loved every second.
Sklorenz said:I was drunk when I first played it, and I was HORRRIBLE. I'm still bad at the game if I'm intoxicated at all :lol If you still have problems while stone-cold sober, the game offers health bonuses you can buy for cheap. This includes either one extra heart (so, 3 or 5 depending on whether or not you have Diddy) or ten free hits. Extra heart lasts for one level no matter how many times you die via bottomless pit or otherwise. Ten extra hits lasts only one life, one level.
Oops, double post![]()
DOO13ER said:Finally got around to playing this some the past couple of days. It's kind of pointless but I love the sequences where you get to the beat the hell out of the tiki boss at the end of every world.
It's by far the most difficult x-K stage. It just keeps on going forever. :lolone_kill said:I'm doing 5K right now and I'm finding it really annoying! I must've died about 60 times now.
felt like an afterthought. game's too frantic and busy as it is. co-op wasn't much fun to me. especially later levels use a lot of crumbling and otherwise temporary platforms or rely on enemy head bopping to progress, so one player can easily get stuck/left behind. and there's no separate life counter, so when you both die it means losing 2 lives. ouch.The Lamonster said:How is the multiplayer in this game? Is it similar to NSMBW in that it's still tons of fun when one person is good and the other isn't so good?
Nabs said:world 7 has some awesome tracks
jarosh said:felt like an afterthought. game's too frantic and busy as it is. co-op wasn't much fun to me. especially later levels use a lot of crumbling and otherwise temporary platforms or rely on enemy head bopping to progress, so one player can easily get stuck/left behind. and there's no separate life counter, so when you both die it means losing 2 lives. ouch.
that too, yes.demosthenes said:I play Donky & my girlfriend plays Diddy, Diddy seems OP to Donkey.
one_kill said:I just finished the game including. It would've been nice if the bonus level was a full-fledged world. They had some nice ideas for it so it's too bad they didn't get materialised in the final game.9-1
I also did one mirror mode level. I decided to stop at 101% completion. I don't think I can do some of the levels without Diddy nor the use of inventory items.
KAL2006 said:I'm stuck in World 4, on the Barrel Blast stage where there is a Giant Bat chasing you that shoots fireballs. I am guessing that is the final part of the level, but I can't seem to be able to dodge the fireballs.
jarosh said:i was gonna abandon this game after getting all the kong letters and pearls and play epic mickey instead. but now i'm almost kinda glad mickey turned out to be such a disaster. it made me go back to dkcr to get all the puzzle pieces. i thought it would be tedious as hell, but instead it just reaffirmed my love for the game and its brilliant level design. the stuff i really liked the first time around, i appreciate even more now. the forest (world 5) for example. it really is my favorite world. so much fantastic platforming, perfectly paced, ingeniously designed. it also seems to have the best music of all the worlds.
i'm sure my new, even stronger appreciation of the game has a lot to do with how familiar i am with the levels, the controls and the pacing. but something else plays into it: i don't ever stop anymore to blow on anything because i know i've gotten all the puzzle pieces from flowers etc. this might sound like a minor complaint, but i think the blowing is the single most distracting and counterproductive mechanic in the game. it's a nice gimmick in theory and i like some of its applications, but it really hinders the flow of the game and just gets in the way. unlike the stomping, which is both immediate in how it's used - despite having to come to a halt - and visceral and forceful in its effect on the world, the blowing is cumbersome in execution and often has a delayed and slow, almost gradual impact impact on its subject. this is at odds with the game's frantic pace, its vigorous and energetic protagonists and the weighty physics, all of which are accompanied by the equally intense but sharp sound design. yes, why indeed is no one talking about the brilliant sound design in this game? too much attention is focused on the somewhat disappointing music.
i have also finally found enjoyment in world 4, which all of a sudden seemed much less frustrating: the mine cart levels were... fun! looking for the missing puzzle pieces now seemed like a brisk and almost cheerful task. i didn't die much anymore and avoiding the cruely placed obstacles felt satisfying and easy even.
and let me close by re-iterating one more time how gorgeous dkcr is, how fantastic the art, how charming and almost flawless the entire visual aspect of the game. retro has some of the most amazing artists in the industry. the unlocked artwork from the puzzle pieces really drive this point home!
Yeah, that's so damn brutal.jarosh said:felt like an afterthought. game's too frantic and busy as it is. co-op wasn't much fun to me. especially later levels use a lot of crumbling and otherwise temporary platforms or rely on enemy head bopping to progress, so one player can easily get stuck/left behind. and there's no separate life counter, so when you both die it means losing 2 lives. ouch.