That was my favorite boss battle in the game. I thought it was a lot of fun.
I think it would have made the most sense to have the water areas be bridges between the main worlds. That way they'd slowly ramp up in intensity in parallel with the other worlds as you proceed through the game.
You have to make sure you are pointing in the right direction before you hit the button. That was my problem at least. You can't quickly change directions and roll at the same time. Do it early and the button won't register.I'm on world 2 and am fairly bad at this game, but playing offscreen on the gamepad, does anyone have problems getting the roll to register promptly? Sometimes i press it and it doesn't roll, is it heavily momentum based too for when you are allowed to roll?
I'm on world 2 and am fairly bad at this game, but playing offscreen on the gamepad, does anyone have problems getting the roll to register promptly? Sometimes i press it and it doesn't roll, is it heavily momentum based too for when you are allowed to roll?
Well, looks like this won't be winning GOTY at IGN. It couldn't even beat out a DLC release for February GOTM haha.
I think it would have made the most sense to have the water areas be bridges between the main worlds. That way they'd slowly ramp up in intensity in parallel with the other worlds as you proceed through the game.
Dat last boss took me less tries than the previous 3 bosses lol
I love the game, I'm unlocking the alternative paths, though I can't find World 4 secret exits? Anyone could throw me a hint please?
4-1: Backtracking Metroid-style
I think it would have made the most sense to have the water areas be bridges between the main worlds. That way they'd slowly ramp up in intensity in parallel with the other worlds as you proceed through the game.
World 4, please stop with the underwater stages.
So terrible.
One water stage every now and then wouldn't have felt too bad, but I think having an entire world based around water stages was a real pain.
I picked this up tonight and I've gotten to the second boss. Pretty good so far except I don't understand how to unlock the secret levels. Do you have to beat the whole game before getting them? I've read you just need to get all the KONG letters in each worlds levels to unlock the secret level. I got all the KONG medals in the first world, but no secret level unlocked
edit- never mind I see what i did.
I'm on the last boss. I'll do it tomorrow. I've been taking my time even though I got the game day one. I only play on Fridays and Saturdays since I'm busy the whole week otherwise I would have finished by now. Looking forward to it.
Now I would really like to download DKC 1-3 for Wii U VC and replay them.
Okay, honestly, who beat 5-k in less than 20 tries only playing as Donkey Kong? That level was ridiculously hard -- and I FUCKING loved it!
Way too many gimmick stages in Returns. Wasn't a fan. They managed to strike a perfect balance in Tropical Freeze. I never had any trouble with the aquatic stages, whereas I remember rageing at all of the rocket/minecart stages in Returns...
I really like both minecart and rocket barrel stages. I used to hate the rocket ones before I figured out that you can keep the button pressed instead of tapping (man, was that a revelation when first playing through Returns). I feel like multiple hits make them completely acceptable in terms of difficulty in TF, and while they are more about reflexes than anything else, I love the rhythm and setpieces they have to them. I liked the music stages in Rayman Legends for the same reason.
WHAT? This changes everything.
Speaking of Rocket Barrel levels (World 6 spoilers)seeing that bat fucker encased in ice made my day.
It made me sad! Remember in Returns all of the animals were under Tiki mind control.Bat Bro =( It's funny, for some reason seeing the mess that the Snowmads had made of DK Island really hit a note with me somehow. I think it was the music. I was like borderline depressed while playing that world.
I'm actually surprised there are people that didn't know that. Don't you test stuff like this? How else would some of the sequences even work properly? Tapping is just for keeping the height.
Now I know why people always raged about the rocket barrel. Some parts where hard, sometimes even frustrating. But never THAT bad.
Yeah, I think people who don't like the rocket barrel levels just don't understand the controls. I just learned that you can also hit the roll button to force it down as well, so you don't have to just wait to fall.I'm actually surprised there are people that didn't know that. Don't you test stuff like this? How else would some of the sequences even work properly? Tapping is just for keeping the height.
Now I know why people always raged about the rocket barrel. Some parts where hard, sometimes even frustrating. But never THAT bad.
I am not sure where it says it on the game file... or if it does... but if you go to each of the K worlds and have DK sitting on each level, then a relic sign will be illuminated if you have gotten the relic for that K world. Same for the final boss. I believe that you have to have all of the relics to unlock the final world.
And you can attempt the time trials for all of the levels right? So the game definitely registered that you beat them? I'd honestly recommend just beating the final boss again and making sure you sit through all the credits without restarting or anything.I have walked over each K level and the final boss's level. There is no illuminated relic that shows? There is a Puzzle Piece/DK sign for the K levels and DK sign only for the final boss.
IGN thinks the game is too hard...
Does the roll jump not work?Is there a way to get the G in 5-4 without taking a hit? I can see how to do it with Dixie, but DK only?
Does the roll jump not work?
Yeah, I think people who don't like the rocket barrel levels just don't understand the controls. I just learned that you can also hit the roll button to force it down as well, so you don't have to just wait to fall.
And you can attempt the time trials for all of the levels right? So the game definitely registered that you beat them? I'd honestly recommend just beating the final boss again and making sure you sit through all the credits without restarting or anything.
Some levels have a secret exit you can find that will lead you to the secret levels (there's two per world). Look at the map to get hints as to which levels have the secret exits.
The KONG letters only unlock the K/Temple levels.
Is there a way to get the G in 5-4 without taking a hit? I can see how to do it with Dixie, but DK only?
Lol. Oh my. That's funny.Sigh...this is embarrassing. 3-K was not finished; my memory was playing tricks on me. Beat the secret world, so that was fun. Apologies for wasting everyone's time![]()
You need to roll jump from the previous platform and while your in the air the platforms in front of you (where the G is) will start spinning. That's when you hit jump in midair, to execute the roll jump, and if your timing is literally spot on you'll get the G.
Ah yes, I didn't try it when they were spinning. As you say, the timing probably has to be impeccable. I think you would have to hit the G while it is _on top_ of the spinning platforms (because I couldn't reach it and still get enough height to land on them when it was under the platform), AND get the platforms to stop the very next second so that you don't just fall to your death.
Yep, glad I took the hit.![]()