I didnt realise this is also comming to gizmondo
I didnt realise this is also comming to gizmondo
For new page:
Made a spreadsheet we can use to find other Gaffers that are buying the game. This will help get some fun competition going, using the in-game leaderboards.
Picked the game up on Thursday and I'm up to world 3 after several hours of playtime. What I've played thus far has been great so unless the quality of gameplay takes a massive nose dive later on then that 5 out of 10 score at Gamespot is a complete joke.
The game is pretty challenging as well even in some of the earlier stages. Certainly far more difficult than NSMB U was. The music is every bit as lovely as everyone makes it out to be too. Couldn't care less about the lack of use of the gamepad functionality outside of off-screen play.
I think it's safe to say that Wii U owners can boast about having yet another fantastic platform game, and so soon after SM3DW too. Can't wait to play some more.
Good idea but I don't seem to be able to add anything to the spreadsheet, seems like it's read only.
Picked the game up on Thursday and I'm up to world 3 after several hours of playtime. What I've played thus far has been great so unless the quality of gameplay takes a massive nose dive later on then that 5 out of 10 score at Gamespot is a complete joke.
The game is pretty challenging as well even in some of the earlier stages. Certainly far more difficult than NSMB U was. The music is every bit as lovely as everyone makes it out to be too. Couldn't care less about the lack of use of the gamepad functionality outside of off-screen play.
I think it's safe to say that Wii U owners can boast about having yet another fantastic platform game, and so soon after SM3DW too. Can't wait to play some more.
Picked the game up on Thursday and I'm up to world 3 after several hours of playtime. What I've played thus far has been great so unless the quality of gameplay takes a massive nose dive later on then that 5 out of 10 score at Gamespot is a complete joke.
The game is pretty challenging as well even in some of the earlier stages. Certainly far more difficult than NSMB U was. The music is every bit as lovely as everyone makes it out to be too. Couldn't care less about the lack of use of the gamepad functionality outside of off-screen play.
I think it's safe to say that Wii U owners can boast about having yet another fantastic platform game, and so soon after SM3DW too. Can't wait to play some more.
I live in Japan and it came out here this week.
Picked the game up on Thursday and I'm up to world 3 after several hours of playtime. What I've played thus far has been great so unless the quality of gameplay takes a massive nose dive later on then that 5 out of 10 score at Gamespot is a complete joke.
The game is pretty challenging as well even in some of the earlier stages. Certainly far more difficult than NSMB U was. The music is every bit as lovely as everyone makes it out to be too. Couldn't care less about the lack of use of the gamepad functionality outside of off-screen play.
I think it's safe to say that Wii U owners can boast about having yet another fantastic platform game, and so soon after SM3DW too. Can't wait to play some more.
I asked it already but is the 5 from gamespot confirmed?
No, the review hasn't gone live yet. BUT I'd say it's most likely true, as this has happened many times in the past with them and the leaked scores were accurate.
so the question is if Gamespot will be the odd one out (which happened in the past) or if the game will get bad scores all over the board
Nice OT. The Wii U browser couldn't load it though.
No "fucking DK" in the title makes me sad, but for the rest Well done! Can't wait!
So here's the real question: Any word of a Mining Melancholy remix yet?
Not yet, it seems. But there should be plenty of other tunes to expand your dong![]()
why do you put someone like mcshea on the review team after all the years of controversy?This is currently the front-runner for my GOTY. It looks amazing in literally every single possible way.
And Gamespot gave this a 5? What in the hell? This just seems wrong, I dont ev....oh wait! Tom Mcshea reviewed it? The same guy that gave Bioshock Infinite a 4? The same guy who adored Beyond: Two Souls and liked it more than The Last of Us? The same guy who wrote this article on Tropical Freeze closing with And in my hour with Tropical Freeze, I just don't see anything that makes this game special. Sometimes fun just isn't enough for me. Yep, his review means literally nothing to me. Complaining that the gamepad doesnt get used is somewhat valid, but I swear if he complains that the game's too hard or that Retro shouldnt have wasted their talent on a platformer then hes just gonna make himself look like a clown.
why do you put someone like mcshea on the review team after all the years of controversy?
This is currently the front-runner for my GOTY. It looks amazing in literally every single possible way.
And Gamespot gave this a 5? What in the hell? This just seems wrong, I don’t ev....oh wait! Tom Mcshea reviewed it? The same guy that gave Bioshock Infinite a 4? The same guy who adored Beyond: Two Souls and liked it more than The Last of Us? The same guy who wrote this article on Tropical Freeze closing with “And in my hour with Tropical Freeze, I just don't see anything that makes this game special. Sometimes fun just isn't enough for me.”
There is some appeal in playing with a friend because anyone controlling Murfy can torment his or her friend. But, Legends stumbles in these stages, especially compared to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions in which you control Murfy with a button tap while running as Rayman.
For new page:
Made a spreadsheet we can use to find other Gaffers that are buying the game. This will help get some fun competition going, using the in-game leaderboards.
Quote to reveal below. Add your NNID name in column A, and your GAF name in column B:
What's column C for? I wrote Europe for good measure
Nintendo has appeared to shift releases in the US to no longer be the Sunday/Tuesday mess that kept happening, instead going on Fridays, with parity in release times to Europe.Weird that it releases on Friday but I'm hopeful it will be better than DKCR.
So what was the justification for that score? Has anyone actually seen this thing or are we just taking the guy who first posted about it at his word?