
Here's a pic of my camp setup I constructed last night. As you can see I went the "drying rack" route to get me through Winter. My camp is closely surrounded by 4-5 rabbit holes, with another 5-7 rabbit holes like 1-2 screens away. With these drying racks, I can get so much jerky going (9 a day!) that I never struggled for food during winter. Plus if you didn't know jerky takes like 20 days to spoil, so nearby rabbit output + drying racks + jerky staying fresh longer than most food = a nice sustainable way to make it through Winter!
And here's a pic of my safe room on Day 34, I'm still trying to make it better. Only have two tooth traps right now, and hounds will still get to me, but at least they're single file and I can funnel them/take them on one at a time. I saved it on day 37 (finally out of Winter!) & hopefully can continue to at least 50+ days!

Thanks to all the veterans posting tips in this thread. On my other playthroughs I had completely ignored the drying rack & heating stones until I heard about their benefits on here. It has helped immensely!!