Can't wait to play this game when I get home, but I'm bummed the trophy list is terrible.
So I'm on my 10th day and my sanity meter was at about 50ish. I got killed by a herd of buffalo (obviously) but the game didn't end. Instead, I was transported to this sacrificial area with pig heads. I had lost all my stuff but I'm still on day 10. Has this happened to anyone else? Not how the game didn't end.
What does Saving do? Like let you start a new game at that particular day you saved on? I got to Day 8 on my first try and then died (attacked a Beefalo) and now every time I start its like "New Game" on the four slots.
Yea had to give it a run for a while. I finally made it up too day 3 after figuring out how to build an axe and make fire. This is going to be a fun little game. Perfect compliment to a Splunky session. Quick screen shot of something weird I found. Also thanks for the link Cheser!
So I'm on my 10th day and my sanity meter was at about 50ish. I got killed by a herd of buffalo (obviously) but the game didn't end. Instead, I was transported to this sacrificial area with pig heads. I had lost all my stuff but I'm still on day 10. Has this happened to anyone else? Not how the game didn't end.
Yeah they're called "touch stones" I think. If you find one and use it then you can Respawn at it once when you die. You lose all of your gear though but you can run back to where you died and find it.
How do you set a trap?
I made one, but the only options are inspect and drop.
Drop it.
That's a Touch Stone. You must've activated it at some point before you died. It revives you on death, but only once. You probably noticed that it exploded when you came back to life.
Ohh, I thought drop was like, throwing it away. Lol, ok.
Yeah it exploded, confused the hell out of me haha. So if I activate one touch stone, die, get revived, then find another one, it's not going to work?
I survived 6 days so far. I died because I stole a Tail Bird's egg and it killed me in 1 hit. It wouldn't stop following me so I think it was inevitable.
At least I unlocked the next character, but I still think I'll stick with the MC for now.
The next character is more for beginners since theyI survived 6 days so far. I died because I stole a Tail Bird's egg and it killed me in 1 hit. It wouldn't stop following me so I think it was inevitable.
At least I unlocked the next character, but I still think I'll stick with the MC for now.
Each one works one time. So if you find one, die, it blows up, and then you find another one you'll be able to die again in relative safety. Similarly, if you activate more than one and then die you'll resurrect at whichever stone is nearest to where you died.
Basically think of them as extra lives. Every active stone is another life, and activating one is basically like picking up a 1-up.
You might want to leave little stockpiles of supplies around them, since your inventory gets cleared out when you bite it. I like to leave a spear, a log suit, a fire pit with some fuel, and if I can wrangle it some food next to each one.
Oh that's even better. I dig that strategy. After I was revived, I didn't last one more day because I had nothing. Thanks, man!
Does the tier 2 camp fire stick around when it burns out?
Bought and downloaded the game remotely via the online store but it's locked for some reason even though it's fully downloaded. Says I don't have the license. Any fixes? Just delete and redownload?
The game keeps on giving.I found a hole and went spelunking underground! What on earth!!!
Anyway, made it to day 11 on my first run.
ThanksSettings > PSN > Restore license
Bought and downloaded the game remotely via the online store but it's locked for some reason even though it's fully downloaded. Says I don't have the license. Any fixes? Just delete and redownload?
Weird, same thing just happened to me. Haven't had this problem with other games.
So some dick can fuck my game up? No thanks
The simplest way to prepare one for a respawn is to just carry a stack each of grass, twigs, flint, and logs down it and just drop 'em on the ground in the surrounding environs. That'll give you all the raw materials you need to make torches, campfires, and basic tools, weapons, and armor. That should get you back to your main camp with little trouble.
Making full-blown little camps around each one is pretty excessive, but building vacation homes that you'll only use once, if ever, is a great way to engage in conspicuous consumption, which is the perfect way to signal to the local fauna that you're the one in charge. They'll be mad jealous of your largesse before you know it.
Yep. Firepits last forever. All you have to do is feed it some fuel for instant chestnut-roasting action.
Help decide my fate GAF. I'm on day 10 living in an area surrounded by rabbits. There's no real danger around me except for a tail bird that I stay away from. I could probably live comfortably in this spot for a long time.
I could jump through that wormhole next to my camp and end up who knows where.
Good to know. Will try myself
Curiousity killed the cat...