tried porting the hots character models into dota2 reborn
tried porting the hots character models into dota2 reborn
Got scammed out of bashers on r/dota2trade
so yeah don't do that
I want super saiyan voker.I want the qt WD immortal...
I'm okay with no more waifu arcanas since they've all been mediocre(but I still want WR), but Zeus arcana is even worse.Say no to more waifu arcanas
Say no to the heterarachy
Vote for D(addies)OTA
Sucks dudeGot scammed out of bashers on r/dota2trade
so yeah don't do that
Valve needs to remodel drow, Sylvannas looks much better comparatively.tried porting the hots character models into dota2 reborn
Sylvanas >>> Drow
But there are many other heroes Valve needs to spend time remodeling before her.
I tried! Every time I post stuff here No one here replies :/ still looking for a lumberclaw
I tried! Every time I post stuff here No one here replies :/ still looking for a lumberclaw
Oh, cool! ThanksI'll give you my Lumberclaw set for free if you don't mind waiting until 7PM EST.
this fucking game lol
I don't even. last game of LPQ too. I just wouldn't die because lmao no mkb
CK had free farm the whole game while they crushed us 4v4 (abaddon being afk under towers) but apparently couldn't farm properly
axe with blademail is the fucking worst again huskar holy shit, you just melt
Oh, cool! Thanks![]()
You seem to live in LPQ. Is this still from feeding the courier?
do you get another immortal 3 chest if I get my compedium to lvl 30? I have a $10 prepaid visa card here, I'd only bother if I get immortal 3 fuck the others
do you get another immortal 3 chest if I get my compedium to lvl 30? I have a $10 prepaid visa card here, I'd only bother if I get immortal 3 fuck the others
Not sure. There is page in the compedium that shows what you get at certain levels though.
no, only at level 90.
IHL Grand Final TODAY @ 12pm PDT/3pm EDT.
Let's buy some WD cosmetics to compliment my immortal! Trickster Staff Trickster Ingredients
Ever play call of duty?
I unboxed the TA immortal. Could have been worse, I suppose. I could have ended up with the Meepo crystals... or Invoker hair.
That said, I'll never play TA. Too micro for me.
15k till 16 million, I wonder if something will happen
It seems like that may be due to the tournament bundle no longer being on the store. Whats odd is looking at the schema, it should still be available.Let's buy some WD cosmetics to compliment my immortal! Trickster Staff Trickster Ingredients
15k till 16 million, I wonder if something will happen
TA pickers are on equal evils as Shadow Fridge pickers