The power creep is real, feels like a lot more heroes have been made stronger, than those made weaker.
He got hit pretty fucking hard.
besides the techies nerfs this is more like 6.84b imo
WUT? 25% 900 AoE Slow + Illusion every 16 secs?Reflection now affects all enemy heroes in a 900 area of effect
Phantom Assassin can now bash you if she has a basher/MKB and daggers you
I find this hilarious
why do some people feel like there's not much change?
i just read through it all and it seems pretty damn significant to me. what were you expecting ?
Techies' mines are no longer triggered when destroyed
Techies' mines can now be destroyed using Quelling Blade/Battle Fury [?]
Techies' mines now provide 10 Gold for destroying them
Land Mines and Stasis Traps no longer block neutral spawns
pl is still AIDS
anita just got a tiny slap to the wrist
storm is still going to be broken
leshrac is gone i guess, so is linda a tad
a lot of the irrelevant heroes are still irrelevant
That ball lightning nerf will hurt him even in late game, 1% of his mana might not sound like much but it effectively lowers the range in which he can jump on you. You were looking for him to get nerfed into oblivion but that's not what IF aims for.only in the early game
he's as good as he ever was in the lategame, bloodstone nerfs notwithstanding
Now Shaker, that's a hero that didn't get nerfed enough.
Greevil's Greed Bounty Rune bonus increased from 4x to 5x
Greater Bash now uses pseudo random chance
Seems like a lot of buffs to supports and nerfs to carries.
The alch change is nothing. Still doesn't fix the issue that the hero is useless without being 6 slotted.woaw, first pick/ban stuff right here
Glad Earthshaker didn't get nerfed too hard
rip youtube clips
Soon, Naix, soon. Just a few more years of incremental buffs.
don't think antimage is all that good, he just fits the meta real well. with lots of that shit nerfed, it seems probable he'll fall off regardless of changes.
lumi currently playing him. tower diving as a rock golem
Im kinda surprised TB didnt get any love with all the primary stat buffs that got handed out this patch.
Wait, how did AM get buffed apart from 0.1 -> 0.15 Mana Void at lvl 6? His Blink is lower range at rank 1/2/3 and the stun is lower at rank 2/3.
He was one of the top carries of last patch and he got buffed, I find that straight up weird.