I remember a Valve employee giving a youtube interview after or during TI4 and getting asked whether they'd release all Dota 1 heroes by next TI (so July 2015) and he say "yeah, we should get there" or something along the lines.
lmao... the fact there still isn't parity with DotA is so funny to me, idk why
the excuses are endless
and yet people will go nuts and cry and thank blessed valve when ice shards gets a cd nerf
stay enabling
what if there is no new hero in this patch
No good Dota stream up fml. Waga and Synderen are so awkward. Synderen in particular I can't watch at all.
why was two bear banned anyway?
you piece of shit
I fell for this shit so hard
Reading DotaGAF wasn't beneficial to two bear's desire to quit smoking.
what now passive bot fans![]()
give me a new patch already valve im so bored![]()
Dark Nexus Arena will be free to play with the entire Veteran roster available to all players. Cosmetics such as skins, HUD skins, icons, and other customization options can be purchased via premium currency. We are adamant about never charging for content that changes gameplay.
It's generally not healthy to be so obsessed with this game that you get incredibly indignant and rage on the internet about how much content they release. I've certainly been there in the past though and I'm sure most of us have. It's easier overall if you take a half step back.
That being said, the amount of content Valve releases for this game is honestly pretty pathetic, especially considered in the context of how much money it makes them. The fact that we're still possibly 6 months away from Dota 1 parity is damn near inconceivable.
are we really at the point where we're saying the amount of content put out for this game is pathetic?
i'm fucking out
what game are you comparing dota to that the content output is considered pathetic?
Glad to see CS isn't immune from Valve's nonsense. This gun seems kinda messed up...
Also it's ugly as shit. Is this a real gun? They had to have been able to do better than this for the first gun added to CS in so long...
Nice dodge
What other word would you use? Minimal? Sparse? Nonexistent? Take your pick.
Regardless it's been almost a year since a new hero and we're now forever trapped in a cycle of compendiums and compendium rewards coming out 6 months later.