Why is BTS audio so bad? Every single time something happens you get five people's voices clipping to hell and it's painful.
YesIs it out yet
frogs are amphibians not reptiles
I'm trying to figure out how SF got up on that cliff
is this the most delirious this thread has been?
Ur so bravefor every day that 6.86 patch notes are not released i will tell my chinese friend to devour a frog
Ur so brave
xdxdxdxdxdxnot only do balance/meta patches take too long to come out, but they also """"""""have to be"""""""""' released around tournaments. and there are like 1000 of those every month, so theres literally never a """"""""""""""""good""""""""""""""" time xD
could you imagine if starladder and summit hadnt been back to back xDDDDDDD
we might even be on the new patch right now xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
just bought a G502.
Feels nice![]()
k i l l m e
yteah, ive actually tried everything and cant get dota 2 to run faster than 60fps. time to return this monitor i guess.