.doubt we get patch notes before dec 14
.doubt we get patch notes before dec 14
The heros on the page are the only heros that are getting changed
Wow, that's a new low.
Notes should be up in 2 hours.This is actually annoying because now I don't know if I should go to sleep
Fixed it for youNotes should be up in 2 weeks.
My bad then. I hope it's a good sign that 6.82 was also the last patch to make a big impact ( at least a positive one ) on my dota 2 play time, hope they will also share that in common.They did the same thing during 6.82. A screen similar to this that has Bloodseeker, PL, and some others and said 6.82.
I think this is their way of saying "Chill the fuck out, it's not happening tonight"This is actually annoying because now I don't know if I should go to sleep
i think ursa is good against alchemist
i think sf does ok too? i killed alch twice in lane on that hero even standing in acid
I understand that, but if he picks last you lost and there's nothing you can do.
This is actually annoying because now I don't know if I should go to sleep
Alchemist is the Sith.
SF is sith. Alchemist is the death star
lol hylian are u serious kid
alch is a tiny baby jedi
ursa is anakin in luv wit padme
Top quality shit postThat image actually reveals more than you might think about the patch. For example:
Hidden in Doom's wing is Pit Lord. You can tell by the open eye in the X shape here. This lines up with the rest of the art we've seen for him, as well as the color of image being very dark and spooky.
there's also:
This right here is likely Arc Warden. The shape is a clear giveaway, since it's clearly Arc Warden doing his patented happy dance. This lines up with what we know about the hero and his ability to copy himself. ("the more the merrier," anyone?)
Not much evidence to based this off, but this is likely Valve's first original hero, Cloudy the CloudMaus. From what I've never heard he is very cute and uses that to taunt enemies, and uses mostly movement/attack speed buffs to win fights. This lines up with Icefrog telling us to go fuck ourselves for another week or so.
An australian racist.who is oBI WAN
lmaoAn australian racist.
wow first day working at valve and they loved the wallpaper 6.86 idea.