I'd say riki is going to be the worst hero in the game in 6.86, but there's still huskar, techies, and bloodseeker. He's definitely number 4 in that "useless" club though. I actually liked riki last patch, and he ate base stat nerfs all over the place after his first remake... then he gets remade again and eats another round of base stat nerfs. Icefrog must be really terrified of this hero just keep dicking his stats after every rework.
His ulti is ass too, like dkirbs said awhile back you shouldn't be able to see that shit as everyone just walks out of it after 0.5s lmao. So basically you need a goddam mag to RP everyone into it for it to be remotely useful shit, even then you'd rather have an ember or any other cleaver in there (drow aghs!). Oh, and the multiplier on backstab got reduced, great.