but it works with veno gale as stated in the patch note
arrow and illuminate are exceptions
This is true. This thing is weird.
It's a big reason people are saying pudge might be meta
Yeah, he might be with this.
but it works with veno gale as stated in the patch note
arrow and illuminate are exceptions
It's a big reason people are saying pudge might be meta
nah the biggest reason is 4 SECONDS MEAT HOOK MOTHERFUCKER
also dismember getting the aghs upgrade for free is pretty strong
yasha + sny
u havin a giggle m8
dragon lance on sniper is nonsense
Dragon Lance is legit. It's cheap, it gives attack speed, health, and makes his range even better. The two components can be disassembled into butterfly and bkb. It's a no-brainer for him.
Dragon Lance is legit. It's cheap, it gives attack speed, health, and makes his range even better. The two components can be disassembled into butterfly and bkb. It's a no-brainer for him.
Added bonus if you build it on Clinkz is that you can disassemble it into Orchid if you want that.
asked my girlfriend if we can name our future child kylo ren and she said to fuck off FeelsBadMan
Problem with disassembling Dragon Lance into Orchid is that almost every time you need Orchid you'll want it asap, so that ogre club mostly wastes time.
Problem with disassembling Dragon Lance into Orchid is that almost every time you need Orchid you'll want it asap, so that ogre club mostly wastes time.
I have two SFV beta codes to give away. The First two people who give me 200 words on one of the following two prompts can have them.
a) why Techies is essential to the lifeblood of the electronic game Defense of the Ancients 2
b) how you would buff Earth Spirit to put him in the good spot he deserves to be in
You don't have to believe what you're saying, but any obvious sarcasm will disqualify you.
Yeah but T1 have no backdoor regen so you can just kill them without taking tower damage and force TP reactionsyeah, pretty much. Maybe if you're playing a funky offlane clinkz or if the game is going relaly slowly.
Yeah but T1 have no backdoor regen so you can just kill them without taking tower damage and force TP reactions
Problem with disassembling Dragon Lance into Orchid is that almost every time you need Orchid you'll want it asap, so that ogre club mostly wastes time.
kylo ren is so fucking coolasked my girlfriend if we can name our future child kylo ren and she said to fuck off FeelsBadMan
He's basically Ember with less mobility. Or more like Jugg with less survivability?
I did Dragon Lance Drow last night. I realized I was wrong partially in my initial analysis of the item: The fact that it's cheap and disassembleable, and made of Ogre Club (for BKB for the most part), and Quarterstaff (Butterfly or Orchid) makes it extremely useful on a ton of heroes. I could see this being built on Luna for sure, and while the range helps, I think having the range until you get BKB and Butterfly is nice, and you've already started on the way to both of them with it. I could see this being viable on Sniper too, to break down for SnY and Butterfly. Another weird one I thought of might be Storm, but you need to read the lineups to see if you're going to need BKB. Orchid is great, so it's worth building on him.
Plenty or Orchid heroes want BKB too. Clinkz, Storm, etc.
why didn't we get a bb8 courier
I have one more Street Fighter V Beta gift.
You can have it if you tell me you love me.
ye my girlfriend and i are gonna go see it again movie was too good
just dont go into the spoiler thread on offtopic, nothing but whiners and nitpickers
why didn't we get a bb8 courier
Playing double flame totem witch, it's relaxing at least
I love you
I tried BS jungle seems to be all right, even with the safelaner bothering you.
ok clinkz cannot outrange towers. but he can get 2 rampages in a single game and then bash his head against the wall that is ursa
dragon lance
Doom can't break Linken's now. Just a heads up.doesn't matter in the middle of a teamfight where your team is dumb as hell and gives rubick black hole every damn time (not to mention being doomed in every fight and doing next to no damage during ursa ult)
how do you NOT give rubick blackhole. All rubick has to do is not be in the teamfight until BH happens
Drums > SnY > Skadi > Heart CK hnnnnnggg
You don't even need damage items, I melted a Bristle in 1 second with ult. Fucking love this hero.
Farm drums+wand > wreck faces
I agree, and Aghs upgrades that just up damage/stats are really, really dull. Give us mechanics!nah the biggest reason is 4 SECONDS MEAT HOOK MOTHERFUCKER
also dismember getting the aghs upgrade for free is pretty strong
I like IF's idea of making aghs boost the hero's signature spell rather than just the ult. Pudge's ult is forgettable, you remember him for hook.