Empire is worse....somehow LMAO![]()
Giving a 2D image a strong sense of motion while maintaining a clear picture is hard.
what series is that
Eyeshield 21.what series is that
what series is that
Eyeshield 21, drawn by Murata of One Punch Man fame (he's just an illustrator)
Eyeshield 21, drawn by Murata of One Punch Man fame (he's just an illustrator)
thought that was gonna be an actual artstyle post
from TI 1 or something
wow this thread went full mental in just 3 posts
the style they had in the concerpt art is fantastic, I wish they went with that but it must have been hard to translate to the actual models
Yeah, there were some bizarre ones too. Remember elephant treant?
3 people with different interpretations of "art style" sent me for a trip
Take at least a 10 to 15 minute break every 30 minutes, even if you dont think you need it.
Each person is different, so take more frequent and longer breaks if you feel discomfort. You
should decide what works best for you.
Its so weird to me that people thought a thing you need to spend a shitload on, have a lot of space in your room for and needs your undivided attention for, would be a big hit
Thats not even mentioning that people are buying first generation hardware thats got nothing but tech demos yet
I'm sure people said the same thing for TVs. Or computers.
but neither of those things meet the conditions he said
Don't most games say to take a 15 minute break ever 30 to 60 minutes? I'd assume its just standard legal boiler plate.
Its so weird to me that people thought a thing you need to spend a shitload on, have a lot of space in your room for and needs your undivided attention for, would be a big hit
Thats not even mentioning that people are buying first generation hardware thats got nothing but tech demos yet
but neither of those things meet the conditions he said
these are commercial products aimed at the mass market. we've already had simulators for years, this isn't a brand new technology or some kind of paradigm shift
i mean sure, you can compare it to successful tech launches but we could also compare it to 3D TVs and HD-DVD players
Really? Let's look at the early IBM PC
1. "a thing you need to spend a shitload on"
- $$1,565, adjusted to 2011 prices equates to $5,000. Check.
2. "have a lot of space in your room for "
- If we're not counting the walking around set ups (which seem fair since Rift and PS VR don't necessarily cater to it), it doesn't take up that much more space. Certainly less than an entire new computer. I'd consider that a check too.
3. "needs your undivided attention for,"
- It's definitely fair to say it's easier to look away from the computer screen then it is to take off a headset etc, but if you're going to be doing anything useful with the computer (spreadsheets, programming etc) you can't really be, say, cooking or reading a book while you're using the computer too. Let's consider this a half check.
4 " got nothing but tech demos yet"
From: http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/pc25/pc25_fact.html
- We had DOS, a compiler, a fancy calculator, a game.... not bad. It looks like that's about 10 separate pieces of software. Rift launches with 30 games? Granted the "tech demo" part is subjective, but it seems like it's definitely launching with more dev support than the IBM PC did. Let's consider this another half check.
According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Personal_Computer : About 40k IBM PCs were ordered on the announcement.
The launch of the IBM PC and Rift etc all look strikingly similar.
May have just pushed some gunk in there. Drop some hydrogen peroxide in there and giver a swish. Unless you just straight up murderstabbed a Q-tip into your eardrum you probably didn't do any serious damage. It'll sort itself out in a couple days.
Credentials: I am not a doctor.
And use one of these in the future (Q-tips are awful for ear care): http://pics1.ds-static.com/prodimg/77706/300.jpg[IMG]
You'll feel ashamed once you see the boulders of wax you've compacted and jammed into your ear canals, but you'll feel better.[/QUOTE]
Thanks brehs. will probably see a doctor later.
Bvs was
The Wii's greatest success was VC and emulating N64 games which originally ran at inconsistent frame rates.
Can all the people that cried about waggle motion tell me how they reconcile getting VR then?
"my limp wrists get tired"
"i dont want to waggle when a button would do"
Wii's biggest issue is soft component output![]()
Wii's biggest issue is soft component output![]()
Wii was a great system. :3
i dunno why valve finds coaching so difficult to implement non-jankily, but anyway, if you're coaching a party and everyone leaves you're unable to stop coaching.
EZ BC and R&D focus on waggle, I figure.Agree, I don't know why they delayed on going HD.
almost looks as good as a NGC with bilinear filteringI have Wii component cables.
It almost looks good.