nice lol
Okay so do you have a real argument to how he isn't OP right now? I'm not seeing it.?? You can make most spells sound op when you list it off like that
1200 range aoe line stun for 3 seconds on 7 second cooldown while invis and taking 60% less damage OSfrog please nerf nyx assassin
It started during the Col games at TI5 I think.I don't read/watch Nisekoi, how exactly did it get so popular it's invading Twitch chat/NeoGAF spam?
Just an FYI If you want global emotes in NeoGaf and Chrome browsing this is the google store link
opm is great because it doesnt pander to 300 year old dragon moe shit lovers
Wait, does Arc Warden's double using Midas give you the Midas bonus XP or just normal XP? I had assumed it worked like Lone Druid used to, where if you Midas from the bear you don't get the bonus XP.
got mewait then why do you like it
I love Pudge, don't get me wrong. I know he is free MMR and I will be picking him more. Same went for ES, and I knew he was disgusting. This is just way too much, like reaching 6.84 Lesh levels.i mean you love pudge dont u? u didnt have a problem palying that op shit earth spirit for free mmr why not pudge now?
I haven't even played much ranked lately.I mean if every hero was as OP and impossible to counter as hylian makes them out to be he should have about 10k mmr right now.
Lina is 25.
No dragons allowed.Tornado is 28
Tornado is 28
No dragons allowed.
Not enough pandering.whats ur problem with winter wyvern
taking that 2 month break from dota has really opened my eyes.
the game is not fun to play, even winning isn't fun due to the cancerous shit you have to put up with to get there.![]()
can't wait for majors.![]()
Saitama ignoring Tornado was one of the best scenes.nailed it
Not enough pandering.
Okay so do you have a real argument to how he isn't OP right now? I'm not seeing it.
With Aether Lens and Aghs, literally all he has to do is stand on low and blindly throw hooks until he gets someone. If you were to throw an Octarine on top of that, it's a 3 second CD. There isn't really any skill in it when he can just blindly throw them without a care in the world. Part of a skill shot is the gamble of what happens when you whiff it. For Pudge, that risk is completely eliminated.
Blizzard >>> TornadoWho cares about tornado Fubuki is where it's at.
One punch Man's climax puts action anime's to shame
how about the caveat that its a pudge who has to farm around 8k networth to even get to that point in the first place, or does aghs just show up in your inventory before the bounty rune spawns?
Saitama ignoring Tornado was one of the best scenes.
Ep. 10 I think it was.
Metal Bat is the best side character of OPM, you guys just don't know yet. Season 2 will show him off in his full glory.
We're getting a god damn week of rain in NYC to close out 2015.
I'm dreaming of a wet Christmas...
Got a foot of snow here. You can have that shit.