Does any one play on MacOS in here?
Does any one play on MacOS in here?
People who are not strapped for cash should buy the Starladder ticket. The Tiny Set is really nice.
Thanks.StarLadder compendium looks super slick.
Well done Matt, and all involved.
There will be a LAN final. What's up with Battle Boosters?- prolly no LAN final
- IMHO ice infusion and immortal look better
- still a non-TI compendium
- battle boosters are broken
Missing particles, yeah.The little red Xs mean missing particles or what?
There will be a LAN final. What's up with Battle Boosters?
- Hitbox of Clockwerk's cogs decreased by 25
- Void given 5 less base agility
- 5ms on Razor
- March of the Machines changed from Universal to Magical Damage
- +25 range for Lina
- Decrease the cool down of Vacuum to 20 seconds.
- Minus 2 base int on Skywrath Mage
- Minus 3 Base Strength on Doom
- Phoenix and Terrorblade added to CM.
- Techies released
There you go, Patch done. Hope you enjoy.
Earth Spirit is an enigma and balance nightmare. Not sure how to deal with him barring a total rework.What aboutin -cm Kirberino![]()
Earth Spirit is an enigma and balance nightmare. Not sure how to deal with him barring a total rework.
Does any one play on MacOS in here?
Still say ES is nto as good as people make him out to be. He can be played well, he can succeed, you can say that about almost any hero.
At best he'll be a stage 2 pick.
You guys are seriously underestimating him.Earth Spirit is in a good place right now. Maybe lower the cooldown on his stones a bit, but other than that I like him.
Does any one play on MacOS in here?
I tested it already but it appears that using other fonts in the Compendium doesn't work on Macs, ffs.I've attempted to in the past, did you need me to test or check something?
Not only that but a refreshable DoT, super easy to land multi hero silence (and stun if you know what you are doing)Being able to move heroes around the map at will is super powerful in the right hands.
Valve just shot themselves in the foot.
Spent thousands of $$$ on hats, merch and TI4 trip, yet this is how Valve treats its most loyal fanbase.
GabeN should publically apologize and release techies or I'm switching to LoL of legends
This man knows whats up. Agree with your whole post and want to add on the no communication part.
I spoke to the workshop artists at TI4 and asked whether they had any input on set prices and their thoughts on the sets-in-chest system. What I was told is that Valve does not communicate to the artists when their sets will be released or how much they would be priced at. That the creators preferred the old style of each set being sold separately and being priced according to the work on the set, but they can live with the current system as its way friendlier to the fanbase. Valve sometimes accepts sets but don't greenlight the extra effects and animations on certain sets, but allow them to others. This is probably done to keep Valve's own bullshit rarity tiers and arcana value intact, but why they allow them on some sets is beyond me.
Valve is failing to communicate with talent, fans and artists. This is one of the most well made games I've ever played, chock full of A+++ features and they are pretty much sitting on a goldmine, but they are taking the importance of communication for granted whereas other similar, less popular games have a good feedback loop with the community.
That nub thing is so damn tiny, wonder how hard it would be to use. Also I wonder how much more powerful the hardware is, will we be seeing games exclusive to the new version?![]()
CUL8R Volvo, my money is needed elsewhere
Yes.That nub thing is so damn tiny, wonder how hard it would be to use. Also I wonder how much more powerful the hardware is, will we be seeing games exclusive to the new version?
i just want 6.82 so we can start picking huskar, spiritbreaker, bounty hunter, lina, and ogre magi, best team composition ti6 quote me.
Also yeah people severely underestimate 2 heroes simply because they never see them: broodmama and earth spirit. If any of these two get moderate to major buffs, you can expect them to get completely dicked again in 6.83.
i just want 6.82 so we can start picking huskar, spiritbreaker, bounty hunter, lina, and ogre magi, best team composition ti6 quote me.
Also yeah people severely underestimate 2 heroes simply because they never see them: broodmama and earth spirit. If any of these two get moderate to major buffs, you can expect them to get completely dicked again in 6.83.
i just want 6.82 so we can start picking huskar, spiritbreaker, bounty hunter, lina, and ogre magi, best team composition ti6 quote me.
Also yeah people severely underestimate 2 heroes simply because they never see them: broodmama and earth spirit. If any of these two get moderate to major buffs, you can expect them to get completely dicked again in 6.83.
Not only that but a refreshable DoT, super easy to land multi hero silence (and stun if you know what you are doing)
And blink not to be an op flash anymore.
I lost 200 party mmr in two days, I'll probably hang myself. Anyone want to help me get back at 3500 party mmr?
I'm having a nagging feeling that there's no plan for 6.82 to be a part of this patch. I certainly hope I'm wrong but I have a bad sense that this patch is gonna come out next week or whenever and it's only gonna be Techies and the stretch goals and everyone will actually just kill themselves.
yeah then I'll be playing diablo for the next 3 months
How would you change it?
What are Diablo seasons even for?
I'm only level 40 having beaten the game just onceThinking about picking up the new act but can't decide if I want to do it on PC or just buy the game on PS4...
How would you change it?
ill play some after work, I have somethings I want to work on.
Its like NG+
Well, blink is primarily an initiation tool. So nerf the escape component of it. Either put the interruption cooldown from 3 seconds to like 5 seconds or give it a .5-.75 second delay before blinking.
Still say ES is nto as good as people make him out to be. He can be played well, he can succeed, you can say that about almost any hero.
At best he'll be a stage 2 pick.