Why are people excited about games being ruined by Techies? I hope he has lower WR than ES and IO.
470.5mb for mestcuk @ 89%
Jokes on you, his skills aren't in it.Looking forward to use all these Techies skillson Ability Draft
470.5mb for me
stcuk @ 89%
470.5mb for me
Time's going to fly between now and 6.82 and the three hero update later this year.
The drought has ended
OK, two hero + shadowfiend remake.ur out of ur mind
OK, two hero + shadowfiend remake.
What's the best counterpick to mine guy. Want to take advantage of this and gain some mmr (if he's on my team I'll just abandon).
ur out of ur mind
It's finally happeningLowna cosplay
Waga playing Techies and listening to AC/DC's TNT.
I'm way more excited for trophies and compendium shit than I am for Techies