Can somebody pls help me with voice chat
I only really play with one person, so balls to paying for a Mumble server. Is there no Party Chat system on Steam? I don't want the team to hear everything we say, so I need a programme which lets us talk, without interfering with game audio.
Can Skype run as an overlap like that?
Pay for a mumble server? What is that nonsense? There are a million empty ones ... just borrow one of those.
Yeah, there are even particles in the dev tools listed as cm arcana.So CM Arcana is confirmed now basically
And everyone will ignore it just like they do the Dragon Shrine.The Year Beast will probably be like the statues and big dudes in Heroes of the Storm where you have to do something for it to respect you and it will work for the team it respects.
And everyone will ignore it just like they do the Dragon Shrine.
I just realized that changing "Day 1" to "Part 1" probably means no website update today.
This looks fun.
This looks fun.
Aren't they password protected, or you can be kicked out by the owner, or someone else random can join at any moment?
This looks fun.
heroes getting arcanas while poor Jakiro still isn't broken down
Seriously, they also need to remodel Viper, Zeus, and Slar already. These heroes look like complete ass, especially Slardar; dude was a badass fkn Naga (that looked intimidating and lethal) in wc3, but now he's a fat pink fish with a goddam bobble on his head it's fucking awful. If there's one hero I can't play just because of how bad he looks, it's Slardar. Might as well throw a beard on him and a Christmas hat for the next Christmas event, and you basically have fuckin Fish Claus.
Slardar actually got remodeled like two years ago actually...
Slardar actually got remodeled like two years ago actually...
yet hes still the worst
This looks fun.
I think zeus is supposed to be all puny and stuff because its displaying the hero according to his lore; a mortal with a napoleon complex/ god complex. He's supposed to be laughable because he isn't a god but instead a lightning mario
I think zeus is supposed to be all puny and stuff because its displaying the hero according to his lore; a mortal with a napoleon complex/ god complex. He's supposed to be laughable because he isn't a god but instead a lightning mario
Who looks best between Dragon Knight and Sven?
yet hes still the worst
DK.I still think DK has the best set in the game.
bro that's not hunter of kings:
DK. I still think he has the best looking set in game.
Aren't they password protected, or you can be kicked out by the owner, or someone else random can join at any moment?
Think I've figured out how to get Steam Voice Chat working, gonna try it later
Should hopefully make it much easier for teamwork.
This looks fun.
Seriously, they also need to remodel Viper, Zeus, and Slar already. These heroes look like complete ass, especially Slardar; dude was a badass fkn Naga (that looked intimidating and lethal) in wc3, but now he's a fat pink fish with a goddam bobble on his head it's fucking awful. If there's one hero I can't play just because of how bad he looks, it's Slardar. Might as well give him a beard and Santa hat for the next Christmas event, and you basically have a perfect fuckin Fish Claus.
I really want more of the "crazy" Dota 1 to 2 conversions, in the vein of Rubick, Oracle, and Legion Commander. Those three are easily the best "Let's make this even better than the original" designs in the game. I remember when we first saw concept art for Rubick and were like "Who is that?!" and someone said it was Rubick and everyone was shocked. Oracle's design is fantastic, and LC being changed to a woman proved to have amazing results.
I really want more of the "crazy" Dota 1 to 2 conversions, in the vein of Rubick, Oracle, and Legion Commander. Those three are easily the best "Let's make this even better than the original" designs in the game. I remember when we first saw concept art for Rubick and were like "Who is that?!" and someone said it was Rubick and everyone was shocked. Oracle's design is fantastic, and LC being changed to a woman proved to have amazing results.
LC had awesome concept art design but they went with the worst one. someone needs to make a set like the one on the left, the forward spike helmet is so cool
Love that set, but still think this one tops it.
Saw this on reddit. Thoughts?
screw the lore, i want motherfukn zeus man:
Saw this on reddit. Thoughts?
Saw this on reddit. Thoughts?
Don't really like it that much. It looks nice, but it would not just be a literal ton of work to implement, it just doesn't fit the tone of the game. It's also nice looking slick in concept art, but actually implementing it is another matter entirely. However, there are some nice ideas in the functional design (like hovering over a friend to see their KDA, similar ideas have been mentioned before).
and it manages to look better. that's a damn shame.adobe air