how many years can we go on saying this year is the year that defines us
The idea of esports is still pretty young, and its just starting to gain popularity. I think its going to keep redefining its self for a number of years.
how many years can we go on saying this year is the year that defines us
I do not understand my world right now.
AC has been doing the D2L tournaments consistently. Not much more, though.Im sure Tobi is leaving because BTS is now THE go to studio for Dota casting
They pull the guys from DotaCinema, The Good Studio as well as the solo players like Pyrion and Sheever into most of their big events
It just feels to me that Tobi has been edged out of the Dota market
Come to think of it I havent heard any casts from Aysee in at least 6 months
Wonder if he will be at TI5
I got a legendary Disruptor mount from my singular game in the last two months.I like the new drop system (random drop)
When was the last time JoinDota even had a decent sized tournament on Twitch? Can't think of anything since ESL
A long time ago because they use that Daily Motion shithole now
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give A* ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
The alternative is that we somehow all train ourselves to only ever click once.
That'd be like learning to stop blinking though.
I've lost 7 in a row
my echo slams, they do nothing
anyone up for some yb?
my steam id: here
email link, must quote :3
guess not
Warlock sounds like a nice idea on paper but he really isn't (outside of an organized party)
You want to be able to dig in and fight for the long haul, not rely on ults and explosiveness.
This is why Zeus, BB and UD are king.
He's great played as a roaming support ganker.
He's great played as a roaming support ganker.
Hell yeah I have wanted that for a long time.Added an experimental directional move command on Alt+Right Click which moves with pathfinding disabled. This is enabled with the dota_unit_allow_moveto_direction convar.
Year Beast Brawl
Normal and Ranked Matchmaking games can now be found while the Year Beast Brawl is active.
like why was this not there day one.
go in a game and mid vs a void called "the pussy destroyer", kills me with chrono and types "ez" in allchat.
yeah EZ
dodged 3 chronos with ult and had 41 bloodstone charges at the end of the game
Typed EZ as we took down their ancients.
go in a game and mid vs a void called "the pussy destroyer", kills me with chrono and types "ez" in allchat.
yeah EZ
dodged 3 chronos with ult and had 41 bloodstone charges at the end of the game
Typed EZ as we took down their ancients.
Anyone wanna party up for yb
those games are always the best
how does he not have a real item when he went BF/MoM/Mael/Midas at 41 minutes?
lmao my micro is so bad but when you get some nice centaur stuns or troll traps with good®ion=&faction=&duration=
I can put him on the shelf for another year
yo, steam ID same as here
So Crafting is dead 5ever I guess, since Valve is now just deleting all the recipes.
I guess I should use that old Wraith King Relic Recipe I had been holding onto.
The problem is that those crafted items are bettable and the genuine ones are notI hate how Dota 2 doesn't have TF2's promo item system. In TF2 after the promotional period is over, the items from the promo are treated like any other item and made easily obtainable, just not as Genuine.
In Dota 2, the "Genuine" tag means absolutely nothing and Valve never kept up with adding recipes for old promo items and they made the requirements to craft those items absolutely absurd. In TF2, 2 items = random chance of any other hat, including any old promos.
In Dota 2 you needed 1900 Mythical and your first born as ingredients to make a recipe you needed to open 200 dollars worth of crates to find.
The problem is that those crafted items are bettable and the genuine ones are not