WTT Huskar/SK immortals for Magnus immortal (when possible)
Please help a brother get a slammin' hammer.
**Midas spectre ain't so great cause (assuming you're going radiance as you should on 6.84) you're just going to delay your real farm item. Not to mention she gets basically nill from AS.
in Hylians defense I see Midas Spec all the time in NEL.... stop being juvenile douchebags
I don't think Midas is suddenly a bad item it plays the same role it always did. And I don't think it's a good choice on Spectre really.
maybe ill watch your match later hylian
I appreciate the offer (assumign you are serious and not trolling), although I think I understand why we lost, but an alternate take would be great.
Lone Druid benefits massively from the attack speed, which is why midas is perfectly fine for him. Spectre benefits very little from AS until lategame.
Butterfly is also pretty bad on Spec until you get raw hit points. You want to survive and disperse as much damage as you can while spreading radiaids.
Thank you both, what would you get on Spec in the early game though? I don't play the hero often and I've seen a multitude of answers like Urn Crimson/Vanguard, etc. I always feel just completely useless until Radiance most of the time on Spectre.
hylian is the outlier here for matches played
I feel like this is a bit of a constant struggle for Icefrog. A lot of stuff ends up being abused by right-clickers.130 feels a bit heavy, but I guess they really want to emphasize that it's intended more for int heroes than your physical cores.
I feel like this is a bit of a constant struggle for Icefrog. A lot of stuff ends up being abused by right-clickers.
Ok IF gifting ever gets fixed
I have two NS immortals to trade to the good folk of doto gaf. Since a few people want one, we shall have a little contest.
the best MS paint drawing of night stalker will get one set.
and the second set is up for trade for w/e items/steam games you deem worthy. I really dunno what the set is worth but just make an offer you feel is fair. Both sets will have the winner decided at 3:00pm EST tomorrow!
also had a celebratory NS game, hadn't played the hero for a year.
I was underwhelmed by the aghs value for a 4k item. Wish I had gotten deso earlier instead. but the game was a total stomp so it was w/e. 13 minute basher / dom helm / phase OP.