Ok IF gifting ever gets fixed
I have two NS immortals to trade to the good folk of doto gaf. Since a few people want one, we shall have a little contest.
the best MS paint drawing of night stalker will get one set.
and the second set is up for trade for w/e items/steam games you deem worthy. I really dunno what the set is worth but just make an offer you feel is fair. Both sets will have the winner decided at 3:00pm EST tomorrow!
Does anyone have any spare Compendium 2013 player cards?
I just need Banana and Puppey : /
also team audrey pls change name and logo so you do not tempt nerds into watching hentai ty.
I am not referring to myself. not at all.
Man, I do not understand how to win on this patch yet. Just feel like even if I do well I just can't close it out.
I don't think you guys have 2 minute delay on your stream
I have a Puppey you got any doubles?
quote anbokr: octarine core is op and needs nerf
quote anbokr: ursa is op and needs nerf
quote milkman: glimmer is op item of the patch
who you gonna trust
maybe it's a compendium emote... should unlock soonish
yeah i have:
Korok x 2
2) Break is dispellable. This is the big one. Let's take a look at which items dispel--Manta, BKB, guardian greaves, lotus orb, and diffusal blade. You have 6 options to instantly remove break, two of which are support-ish items. So with this in mind, break is usually bought to counter cores right: Bristle, PA, Huskar, Void, etc...? Well what the fuck do cores normally buy? BKB or Manta. Also, Huskar can purge break with his ultimate, we're completely ignoring skills here, but a wide variety of skills can also purge off break.
The item is fine and balanced for 5200g, it's expensive, and you're absolutely 100% buying it for an active that has PLENTY of counter-play options.
How do you do the challenges? Are they AP only?
pls shira, why wont you ever accept my friend invites?![]()
EIther you are missing Euls or you don't have the same definition of 6 as I do. Is lotus orb the 2nd support item you had in mind?
You reminded me, 7 items! Euls will purge it as well.
Can your mom flash farm ?
Do you accept unknown friend invites?
So 7... Not sure if trolling.
- Manta,
- BKB,
- guardian greaves,
- lotus orb,
- and diffusal blade
- Euls
so... does core stack with itself? tooltip doesn't say.
yo ill trade u my alch radiance blades for teh second set!
so... does core stack with itself? tooltip doesn't say.
we have our winrars. bokr's drawing won because of the six pack and it was also the least derranged drawing by far.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/detectivekimble/ go ahead and add me you two. I don't think gifting is fixed yet. But rest assured you will get your NS sets once valve gets their shit figured out.
yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thnx dudevolvo pls fix gifting
4 cores, 0 cd on everything Kappa
How do I make salt shaker?
[sad face, no space]
This patch is so fun, god damn
Both Captains are still required to PM the weekly Admin with the agreed upon time
it has rekindled my love for dragon knight. and for that, I am thankful.
The immortal reminded that Bara is good fun.This patch is so fun, god damn
The immortal reminded that Bara is good fun.