Those look like straight-up garbage compared to Immortals. Source 2 and nouveau particles is just going to have disco lights on every item. Non-particle items are going to be like legacy items.
btw what ever happened to
Those look like straight-up garbage compared to Immortals. Source 2 and nouveau particles is just going to have disco lights on every item. Non-particle items are going to be like legacy items.
btw what ever happened to
Why is warlock summoning Metroids? Fucking lore breaking asshoes
Those look like straight-up garbage compared to Immortals. Source 2 and nouveau particles is just going to have disco lights on every item. Non-particle items are going to be like legacy items.
btw what ever happened to
Andrew Helenek of Red Moon Studios
Why is warlock summoning Metroids? Fucking lore breaking asshoes
The issue with that Warlock set is that it changes his species from Oglodi to weird ugly octopus man and disrespects the lore and intentions of Valve Interactive.
Na'Vi's "no late game carry" draft is going about as badly as one might have expected.
um metroid is a girl in case you didn't know
"Na'Vi's "no late game carry" draft is going about as badly as one might have expected."
How the hell are dust and OOV among your most used items
- Taunt Treasure $6,000,000 Wednesday 6th morning
- The Watcher Below Ward $6,500,000 Friday 8th morning
- Immortal Treasure II $7,000,000 Sunday 10th
- Dota 2 Short Film Contest $8,000,000 Tuesday 12th
- Wyvern Hatchling Courier $9,000,000 Friday 15th
- Immortal Treasure III $10,000,000 Monday 25th morning
Pretty smart for a cat stuck in a cartonThe prize curve is going as expected so far. I am talking about European time here.
Nice format. OMFG this LAN is a joke
- Each team has three lives and take turns selecting an opponent
- One loss equals one life lost
- A win means you get to keep your life and earn $1500 per life taken from other teams
- Each team can has the opportunity to redirect only one challenge, so they better use it wisely
- Play continues until only two teams have lives left
Those two teams will be finalists playing on stage at the Warfield for the Grand Finals on May 10th
Gyro should get louder for every Rapier he builds.
Best Warlock set I've ever seen.
that format is awesomeI guess Redbull found a way to get rid of
Secret on 6.84 coming suun. :kreygasm:
6.84 has made people crazy tbh
just five manning around the map diving towers constantly
do you think for like FIVE MINUTES we could play dota and not lemmings
I guess Redbull found a way to get rid of
Secret on 6.84 coming suun. :kreygasm:
when you're entirely forced out of lane but still out farm the enemy safe laner because you acknowledge that last hitting is a mechanic in dota
i think i'll try going undercover in the offlane to avoid the dreaded aggro tetralane