I probably do need to play support
Heroes that will improve you, Treantprotector.
Now you have to look at the map!
I probably do need to play support
Heroes that will improve you, Treantprotector.
Now you have to look at the map!
Stop oppressing muh feelings with these shitposts or i will have to ignore you and ask everybody to do the same because im that fucking entitled
Yeah, I probably do need to play support more.
Then ignore me and ask everybody to do the same so you can save the world geeznot our fault that your posts are fucking trash
Luna vs Undying
I feel like I've seen this mistake like five times this week
Short as fuck range and i dont think they do. Also low strGlaives still hit zombies, right? What exactly is the mistake here?
Glaives still hit zombies, right? What exactly is the mistake here?
Glaives still hit zombies, right? What exactly is the mistake here?
fuck I missed out on the invite selections.
there goes 25 + 50 points
the gender of the word phoenix shouldn't be a problem since correct usage is 'la reine p'![]()
Itawhat ?If it console you, Phoenix in italian is a female noun. Who cares about frenchies anyway
La fenice![]()
the mistake is not instantly abandoning if they have an undying![]()
give double pregnant enchantress arcana
Familiars are so much stronger this patch.
So what items should undying be building now. I played a game earlier and was mediocre at best. I kind of followed a build and it geared my toward guardian greaves first item.
So what items should undying be building now. I played a game earlier and was mediocre at best. I kind of followed a build and it geared my toward guardian greaves first item.
Btw my votes:
And my WILD ideas for all of them:
DisruptorMedusa: Pre-Snake Lady Dusa. And a lore update because this shit makes no sense.
Sven: Sventorias the Trenchwalker. His ult turns him black, with smoke-like tendrils, symbolizing his corruption by the Trench.
Phoenix: Space themed, like Andromeda. Make supernova an actual supernova.
Kunkka: No clue, maybe Davy Jones Kunkka? Or with a pet parrot.
Slark: No idea!
Tiny: Different kinds of stone/minerals, like iron banded rock, obsidian, and marble as styles.
Treat Protector: Changes over the year or with seasonal maps or with weather effects. OR ALL OF THEM.
Mirana: No clue, waifu vote.
Storm Spirit: Go nuts with the particle effects i guess?
Alchemist: Give him more swag everywhere.
Nightstalker: I like Nightstalker.
Invoker: Genderflip and alternate particle effects for all her skills, cooler casting animations.
Puck: Give her fairy backup dancers. Illusory orb leaves behind a trail of congaing fairies. Waning rift summons fairies around her twirling like ballerina. Phase shift bursts herself into fairies flying like like synchronized swimmers.
Morphiling: Have morphling's model change depending on the ratio of AGI to STR. Heavy STR bulks him up while heavy AGI makes him sleeker and sharper. Might break some cosmetics but who the fuck cares?
Soul Rip is now considered one damage instance on the enemy
Removed Tombstone Zombie targeting from Soul Rip
Tombstone Zombies now require 1 attack to kill rather than having 30 health (zombies require 2 hits from creeps)
I'm having trouble seeing it, what exactly makes Undying so good this patch? This was all he got in the patch notes.
The only thing that seems to have changed is that creeps will have a much harder time killing zombies now, was that really all he needed to make him like he is now? What am I missing here?
So what items should undying be building now. I played a game earlier and was mediocre at best. I kind of followed a build and it geared my toward guardian greaves first item.
I'm having trouble seeing it, what exactly makes Undying so good this patch? This was all he got in the patch notes.
The only thing that seems to have changed is that creeps will have a much harder time killing zombies now, was that really all he needed to make him like he is now? What am I missing here?