The biggest Luna picker would.
I hear his mansion has luna paintings and statues every meter.
For selling mayonnaise!

The biggest Luna picker would.
I hear his mansion has luna paintings and statues every meter.
Yay, back from vacation. Now the time to figure out wtf I need to do for year beats before it's gone.
Get your beast to level 3 support staus
Dats $30
the most egregious 'sexification' for me is the PA arcana
i mean, the way she stands is so anatomically impossible but played for sexiness that it looks completely ridiculous
Just think guys this time next year we'll finally be playing Sun Wukong.
disgustingMost Competitive - LoL
Most Complex - Dota 2
Most Easy - Heroes of the Storm(heroes charge lol jk)
Most Fun - Warships(so gooooooood)/LoL
Blitz just went 41/3 in a game as Storm and his team almost managed to lose. He was basically just diving the other team's fountain to kill kotl when he spawned over and over. The enemy team was near their fountain trying to kill him and his team still couldn't get farm. It was a fucking amazing thing to watch though.
Never played lol, can anyone explain why it's more competitive than dota?
Never played lol, can anyone explain why it's more competitive than dota?
Arc Warden after TI, Pitlord for Halloween and Sun Wukong next new bloom.
Just consider that we've speculated Pit Lord for Diretide and Sun Wukong for New Bloom for 3 years (if you count the upcoming year) and softly cry yourself to sleep at the state of this game's development.
Random crazy idea: Luna Aghanim's rework: Adds ministun on each Lucent Beam during Eclipse
Would this be too broken? It might actually give people a reason to get Aghs on Luna now.
Blend into the moonlight (can't be revealed by sentries, dust, or gem) while casting Eclipse.Random crazy idea: Luna Aghanim's rework: Adds ministun on each Lucent Beam during Eclipse
Would this be too broken? It might actually give people a reason to get Aghs on Luna now.
Random crazy idea: Luna Aghanim's rework: Adds ministun on each Lucent Beam during Eclipse
Would this be too broken? It might actually give people a reason to get Aghs on Luna now.
Aghanim Effect: Lucent Beam triggers a miniature Eclipse around the target, striking an additional 2/3/4 targets.
Here is a CRAZY idea:
Aghanim's Sceptre now causes a Lucent Beam to proc on the first and final targets of Moon Glaives while Eclipse is active
Another CRAZY idea.
CD reduced to 70
All Lucent Beams now deal pure damage and pierces Magic Immunity in a 300 AoE around the target.
Increase beams to 6/10/14
Max Beams per Unit removed
2 minutes
All the bigwigs are in on this.
edit: fuck announcement of announcement later in the show
itll be fucking nothing
"what do you guys want"
a real announcement lol
So......why are people still dedicated to Twitch over superior stuff like Hitbox?
Same reason people are dedicated to Youtube. It's marketshare.
my shitty australian net can sorta handle TwitchSo......why are people still dedicated to Twitch over superior stuff like Hitbox?