Imp the Dimp
Average randoms I match up with smh:

Average randoms I match up with smh:
I'm currently working 50-60
I get like 5 hours of sleep a night
I just end up sacrificing sleep so I can retain my leisure time.
But whatever fuck life I just want a sugarmomma
Yeah let's take a game with one of the best combat systems in an RPG and mix it up with a game with one of the worst combat systems.
Fucking brilliant.
Yeah let's take a game with one of the best combat systems in an RPG and mix it up with a game with one of the worst combat systems.
Fucking brilliant.
Shira get my key and don't even play the game FeelsBadMan
Congrats on the second place Demoli (and Elitro)
""" I really want Shin Megami Tensei to evolve into something like Fallout. The open world especially. Their story structures are almost identical anyway; SMT just has a lot less Brotherhood of Steel and a lot more Lucifer."""
Congrats on the second place Demoli (and Elitro)
Prepare to swallow those words 4 days from now.
Did they watch any of Germany's games? They couldn't make plays. At all. They had excellent ball control the entire tournament, and maintained possession, but when they got into the box or within scoring distance nobody wanted to try anything. It was like watching a more skilled and even less committed version of the US team. Germany and USA are my teams, but just as I admit the US got crushed because they underwhelmed, Germany did not look like the best European team in the tournament.
German football fans are the most embarrassing group of people I have to endure on a daily basis. "we would have beaten Portugal with ease" is basically the consensus here. Bunch of delusional, sore losers.
I fully expect windrunner to win the entire thing.If Mirana loses to windrunner ima uninstall this fucking abortion of a game
this x99999soccer sucks lol
I kinda want wisp to win, I want to see how an arcana on wisp would look like
no way i would buy it though lul
this x99999
Richard Lewis
Duncan Shields
Jacob Wolf
Tyler Erzberger
Chris Higgins
Philippa Warr
Chris Thursten
I'm playing Etrian Odyssey IV for the first time. The game is hard, but man it goes to show JRPG can be good without 60 hours+ of shit story like Persona 4.
I'm playing Etrian Odyssey IV for the first time. The game is hard, but man it goes to show JRPG can be good without 60 hours+ of shit story like Persona 4.