I'm trying to avoid this thread because there are spoilers abound but I need to try and get some info. Holy fuck, I hate Valuables. I'm not very far into the main story but I've done my share of Hinterlands

Also put in 2+ hours combined searching over a few days to figure out this Valuables mess and have made almost zero progress. According to the Search function on the Bioware Official forums, no one is talking about them and no one outside of a few posts anywhere else has any info of what to keep / sell. This seems insane.
So far, the list I've been able to find is
Research Items (obvs)
Service Medal / Fereldan Medal (Creates some other thing)
Tome thing? (Creates another Tome thing?)
Spidor Ichor (Requisition)
Malachite (Requisition?)
Maybe KEEP? (I haven't seen these so I don't know if they're just crafting materials)
Diseased Tissue
Paragon's Luster
I am nearly paralyzed by inventory space because the horribly named "Valuables" tab has almost no indication of item significance and I hate missing stupid shit because I sold something to a vendor. If I didn't prioritize Conversation perks (I'm not picking anything else until I have all 4), I'd get the inventory perk to have some breathing room... Man, what a blunder with the items. Makes me realize why I actually prefer playing games like these 6 months to a year after release when all the BS has been sifted through and a quick "new player tips" list is available on GameFaqs.
Does anyone have any additional info about Valuables? I'm going to start selling some, I have to... But I'm going to keep any gemstones / letters? / notes? / things with text? Carvings seem safe to sell? I really don't want to lean on the PC item generation cheat, but I'm not sure what the alternative is.