Yeah, thought as much.
How was the writing now that Gaider is out and Weekes is in?
How was the writing now that Gaider is out and Weekes is in?
Goddamn, and I thought the difficulty spike in Jaws of Hakkon was hard...I beat it on nightmare a couple of hours ago and boy, this was a lot harder than the main game and JoH. I was level 27 when playing the DLC and it's true that a lot of the DLC is just huge waves of enemies that take enormous amounts of damage before even making a dent in them, that's seriously what took the majority of my time when trying to beat it.
So, I just bought the DLC, and was wondering if it's advised to play it with a post-campaign save or earlier?
I've heard a few people say it's better to play it later, mostly for combat reasons (difficult fights, better to have more tools at your disposal).
I think I'll do that then, although that means I'll miss a certain character's dialogue.
I was hoping we'd get dlc similar to Dragon Age: Origins.
You really miss nothing, I brought said character in my pre-end save expecting a bit (but nothing happened worth mentioning so now I have to play it again with my post-end save). None of them talk at all tbh except for a couple throwaway comments.
BioWare's PAX panel will have a "worldwide reveal of new Dragon Age: Inquisition content." That sounds like a lot of fanfare for an MP DLC. Considering Descent was developed by Austin, I'm going to set myself up for disappointment and expect the last (meaty pls) Edmonton DLC is going to be announced.![]()
Am I going crazy or is Solid Snake in my Dragon Age game lol?
This dwarf in The Descent sounds exactly like Hayter.
Amazing. He's basically Solid Snake in dwarf form, same exact line delivery lol.imdb got updated as such, at the very least: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0371684/
What if all of your team generates their own guard? I'm just over halfway on my Champion (To the Death is way underrated, as in if you want the best lol/wft damage, spam this on bosses) with Cole, Sera, and Dorian. Dorian creating temp helpful mobs has been a huge boost too. I'm using a lot of wpns and armor from JoH too, but I'm on another playthrough and only lvl 24.I beat it on nightmare a couple of hours ago and boy, this was a lot harder than the main game and JoH. I was level 27 when playing the DLC and it's true that a lot of the DLC is just huge waves of enemies that take enormous amounts of damage before even making a dent in them, that's seriously what took the majority of my time when trying to beat it.
What if all of your team generates their own guard? I'm just over halfway on my Champion (To the Death is way underrated, as in if you want the best lol/wft damage, spam this on bosses) with Cole, Sera, and Dorian. Dorian creating temp helpful mobs has been a huge boost too. I'm using a lot of wpns and armor from JoH too, but I'm on another playthrough and only lvl 24.
Amazing. He's basically Solid Snake in dwarf form, same exact line delivery lol.
So, I'm ready to kill someone right now. Origin did some strange cloud save thing to me and now it seems all my save files are gone. They might be in the cloud somewhere but the client stops working when it finishes syncing cloud data (-.-)
I was really enjoying my playthrough too, this is nuts. If someone has ever had a similar problem and can help I would truly appreciate it, and also the Restore Save functionality in Origin doesn't work, or rather it seems to think my last local save was no save at all since it doesn't let me load anything.
1. Check if you have some save files in My documents\ Bioware\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save
If you have them get to step 2
2. Enter the game and hit LOAD--- it will say something with corupt file ..... bla bla bla
3. Choose SWITCH CHARACTERS and then your character----- after that the saves related to this character will come up
Go to: C:\Users\Your Username Here\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition
Make a copy of the folder "Save", just incase you need to keep that data
Right click on the folder "Save"
Select "Restore Previous Versions"
Seem to be some things you can try in this thread.
also a few other tidbits in there related to the Restore Save function. Should also probably uncheck cloud saving, lol.
The ranged guys are just too op with their spam. How do you survive?I know the multiplayer isn't super popular but they added Darkspawn today
I've run into (Descent spoilers)enemies as well on wave 4, they're way tougher than Darkspawn enemiesSha-Brytol
The ranged guys are just too op with their spam. How do you survive?
I like what they've done with the DLC because it's added a bit of flavor to the other Inquisitor races. The vanilla game was pretty human/elf special dialogue heavy. The Descent added some cool dwarf PC lines and now they'll have the chance to do the same with this final DLC for Qunari PCs.
Qunari DLC is very welcome. I hope we have to defend Skyhold. I'm excited about this rumor. I hope it turns out to be true.
I honestly can't imagine how a standing army would even get there.
Just picked this up for Xboxone. Never played a Dragon Age game. Read up on the lore ready to go.
The rumor is out there about the DLC taking place throughout Thedas, it would be cool to integrate a defense of sieges on our keeps.
The rumor is out there about the DLC taking place throughout Thedas, it would be cool to integrate a defense of sieges on our keeps.
Join the #DAI team live tomorrow on @Twitch for an open discussion about the series! http://bit.ly/1WXl0or
So how's the DLC? Apart from the Emporium, I've not bought any DLC and I think I'm almost finished?Winter Palace/Celene stuff all done. I got all 3 to work together btw. That felt damned good.
And I'm conflicted over starting a new game right away with new character/decisions/etc (and waiting til the 'final' dlc is out before I buy them all) or just buying the DLC and doing them first right away.
So yeah, how's the DLC?
Posting this here in case anyone missed it! Really interesting image and their stream tomorrow should be pretty cool.
Via the Dragon Age Twitter:
So how's the DLC? Apart from the Emporium, I've not bought any DLC and I think I'm almost finished?Winter Palace/Celene stuff all done. I got all 3 to work together btw. That felt damned good.
And I'm conflicted over starting a new game right away with new character/decisions/etc (and waiting til the 'final' dlc is out before I buy them all) or just buying the DLC and doing them first right away.
So yeah, how's the DLC?
Can't see the trailer yet but it sounds interesting. Still wondering how they'll fit all this in a DLC without it feeling cramped.Summary: Two years later. Qunari invasion. Everyone using Eluvians. Everyone pissed at Inquisition. Solas. Sept 8.
So yep, that survey was legit.