I just realized the barb sings about Sera. Cute
LoooolSera even writes in her journal/diary that she thinks the bard is flirting with her and the song is creepy :lol
Guess I'll keep searching.I'm pretty sure thatare in the game. I haven't encountered one but a friend of mine was ranting about them to me over text message, so i assume they're there but rare.Ogres, however, do seem to be absent by all accounts.Desire Demons
yeah, I realized this the other day. Had a laughed when I read Sera's journal on it. Poor barb.I just realized the barb sings about Sera. Cute
But "Tevinter is coming"....![]()
I've been forcing myself to do story missions lately. But now the main storyline quest is called" ....this isn't getting close to the end is it?"in your heart shall burn
It's aboutof the way in I think.40%
Hinterlands is my home away from home. I just can't leave it. The memories...
I just can't forget about those! I'll never leave you, sweet Hinterlands!
Just bought and started playing this last night!
I was up late![]()
It's aboutof the way in I think.40%
A lot of you guys that are trying to do every single side quest are probably gonna burn out the same way I did. I tried, and at the Hinterlands I was actually enjoying it. But when I realized that those filler quests are like 95% of this 200 hour game, 60 hours in I started to feel the ware. Now I find myself skipping most minor quests I come past because I just don't give a shit. I hardly give a shit about the main story anymore because all my side questing has disconnected me from it.
Doing every side quest in this game is like drinking a bottle of salad dressing and ignoring the salad. Its not even a very big salad, so why they gave us an entire bottle of dressing is beyond me.
Hinterlands is a damn nice area, love the looks there.
The whole game looks stunning imho. So many moments where I just look at the landscape. I should start taking screenshots.
Finished the game at 25 hours. Quality Stuff, and the most enjoyable EA title I've ever played.
So I'm hopelessly addicted to the multiplayer. I haven't really loaded my beloved SP game in like a week or so. MP is SO good.
I prestiged my Archer last night, and am already level 14 on him again, and got the best armor for him available. I've gone ahead and started a Reaver as well, and already made the best armor for him. I'll start on him in earnest once I max my Archer again.
Anyone out there who is enjoying it as much as me can feel free to friend me on PSN. I'm not the best player out there, and I don't usually wear a mic, but if you just wanna run some missions hit me up.
Repost from end of last thread. C'mon y'all, let's age some dragons!
When I hear a song it says it's added to the codex yet I go to the codex and see nothing about songs. Heard a beauty last night in the tavern and wanted to look into it or even see if it was available to listen to.
Has there been any patches released on the console side yet? My buddy ran into some big issues on XB1 so I've been holding off on playing the game until Bioware cleans the game up a bit.
Yeah fuck that area. Agree with Emerald Greaves. So beautiful.The Hissing Wastes is a real chore to explore.