Anyone know where to get a tier 3 Wrapped Staff Grip?
I can't say for sure but most Tier 3 weapon mods seem to be random drops from higher level zones. Most people use the Cradle of Sulevin for farming those.
Anyone know where to get a tier 3 Wrapped Staff Grip?
There's like around a 1 in 5 chance my game will take upwards of 10 minutes from the time to it takes boot up from desktop to actually loading into gameplay. The will then stutter like mad periodically and be basically unplayable. The only way to fix it is to restart the game. This is on PC with 12GB RAM, 2500k and GTX970.
It's definitely a mess technically, but I did get a nice boost from the latest Nvidia drivers.
I started skipping dialogue at the base. This is something I have never done before in a Bioware game, but I find all of the characters with minor exceptions (Solas) superbly monotonous, and there's just TOO MUCH conversation.
It doesn't feel optional either.
I'm so torn on this game. There's so much to like, but the old fashion animations, especially during cutscenes, the terribly uninteresting party members, and the slow pace of the game really drag it down for me.
Who thought it was a good idea for you to have a million conversation options as soon as you hit Skyhold, then refresh the place after talking to Solas only to have a MILLION MORE CONVERSATION OPTIONS? I've been here for an hour doing nothing.
Apparently ManShep Mark Meer was credited as additional voices in the credits. Anybody notice who he was?
He's also in Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2.
I think it's pretty funny that people always seem to downplay his VA in ME series compared to Hale but his vocal range is actually much better than Hale, who is pretty much one note. I was floored when I discovered he actually voiced the Vorcha, lol.
I think it's pretty funny that people always seem to downplay his VA in ME series compared to Hale but his vocal range is actually much better than Hale, who is pretty much one note. I was floored when I discovered he actually voiced the Vorcha, lol.
Holy shit at the ending.
so.... Solas was the god Fen'Harel, and Flemeth has/had the soul of both Mythal, and Urthemiel. Then Solas did a Shang Tsung, and stole her soul or some shit. WTF.
I thinkFlemeth took his body forcefully. Remember how they talked about how Flemeth takes over the bodies of her children? I guess it implies Solas is one of her kids? Anyway I assume that's what happened because that was mentioned in the story. All the elven gods stuff, idk, that came totally out of nowhere and I'm completely disinterested in that lore, I paid no attention to the codex entries in the temple during that story mission.
Asked this yesterday and this morning I tried again,why am I stuck in the starting oval like part of the map in Emprise du Lion....? I went all over and can't reach the other markers on the map...not seeing a cave or something lol..?
I cant reach the Quarry of Sahrnia or anything else...I have only 2 War table missions left and they are the main story do I expand the Emprise Du Lion map...?
So much atmosphere
Where the hell do I find the Reaver writings? I checked both book merchants in Redcliffe and Val Royeaux. I can't complete the quest and get my Reaver spec without it...
The book is near Iron Bull.
Thanks, I'll check there.
Who killed the Divine/how did she die? (Justinia?) I'm not sure if this was mentioned at the very start of the game (before I read the Kotaku beginner guide) or it's assumed I would know from past games.
Because I'm playing on Nightmare, I need the AI to not be quite as... dumb. I'm currently running Tank/Archer Rogue/Mage/Mage (me a mage) - would 2h warrior/tank/archer/mage work? Or would the AI 2h warrior get annihilated?
Only thing with that is,She looked shocked when it happened, and if you remember how fucked up Solas was over the broken Orb. I think he is taking drastic actions to fix whatever he thinks he has to fix, even taking the power of his friend, Mythal (they seemed like friends, anyway, and she knew what he had done, basically starting the whole thing with Corypheus by giving him the Elven artifacts)
1. You're not expected to know who killed Justinia right off the bat, so previous knowledge wouldn't be helpful here. It's something you'll figure out as the story progresses.I wasn't instantly grabbed by this when I first started playing, but I'm now liking this more and more. Currently level 6 or 7 and I can't wait to get home to play.
Couple of questions -
Who killed the Divine/how did she die? (Justinia?) I'm not sure if this was mentioned at the very start of the game (before I read the Kotaku beginner guide) or it's assumed I would know from past games.
Because I'm playing on Nightmare, I need the AI to not be quite as... dumb. I'm currently running Tank/Archer Rogue/Mage/Mage (me a mage) - would 2h warrior/tank/archer/mage work? Or would the AI 2h warrior get annihilated?
Okay, guys. Im starting this game today. Any tips and helpful guides i shoukd know about?
You have to do the Red Templar mission for the mayor lady in EDL, they open up more camps and let your progress further.
EDL....? I did the main story quest in the meantime,the Abyss part,was pretty awesome...guess I will talk to everyone in Skyhold again and maybe it will add the quest on the War Table...probably Cullen.
1) Play the game.
2) 2h Warriors need to be player controlled. The AI will die quickly as one.
1. You're not expected to know who killed Justinia right off the bat, so previous knowledge wouldn't be helpful here. It's something you'll figure out as the story progresses.
2. 2H warriors AI is...not too bright. This can be mitigated by setting all their guard-building abilities to preferred for some added survivability, but you'd be missing out on one of the warrior's best abilities - Charging Bull, which the AI absolutely cannot manage to use correctly. Are we talking about Iron Bull here? Reavers are awesome but they need to be handled actively to be of any use. If you want a 2H warrior in your party, make sure it's your Inquisitor. If not, I'd just go with 2 tanks or possibly another mage.
I wanted to mainly stay on my 2H warrior but I find myself constantly taking over my tank to the point where I feel like I should just go back and restart as one. Any tips on tank AI? I feel like it's the most essential part of the group that has probably the dumbest AI even with commands.
No there is a series of side quests that takes you through Emprise by way of clearing Red Templar camps. Talk to the chantry sister in one in the houses in Sahrnia
Oh EDL is Emprise ok...yeah I did that,I have the other camp unlocked,raise the banner/landmark behind the falls and one has a conversation for me in the little place at the start...or maybe its like greyed out and I have to press R3...ok I will check again later...
ENDING SPOILERSCould be, but that would be super sloppy storytelling. It would come out of nowhere that Solas can do that, whereas we know Flemeth can take over the bodies of her children and that's been a plot point in the past. But then I think a lot of the storytelling in this series where the main plot is concerned has been super sloppy so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if you're right.
So when looking at the Inquisition perks, and it says that I need "4 points in a category" to be able to get one, that means 4 unlocked perks in the same category or so I get these points some other way?
Tower of Bone is the hub for Emprise, go west and you hit the Templar keep for the Imshael quest. Go south and you hit the quarry. Go east and you'll come to the broken bridge that takes you to the dragons in the zone.
So when looking at the Inquisition perks, and it says that I need "4 points in a category" to be able to get one, that means 4 unlocked perks in the same category or so I get these points some other way?
Tower of Bone is the hub for Emprise, go west and you hit the Templar keep for the Imshael quest. .
Yes. You can recruit agents and those count toward your total count.
I've recruited agents... how do I tell which category they are counting for?
I've recruited agents... how do I tell which category they are counting for?
Silly question, but what's the spider quotient like in this game? Are they all over the place?
Lmao. Well shit.Well I've just heard Dorian say "For once when we enter a cave I wish we could just encounter normal sized spiders."
ENDING SPOILERSCould be, but that would be super sloppy storytelling. It would come out of nowhere that Solas can do that, whereas we know Flemeth can take over the bodies of her children and that's been a plot point in the past. But then I think a lot of the storytelling in this series where the main plot is concerned has been super sloppy so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if you're right.
Yep. The intro is abysmal. There's no back story to the "inquisitor." I'm not sure why they failed at something that they used to do well. Then you're just set free to do everything else without any real guide.I still feel like it has the absolute weakest opening of any DA, even DA II feels like it had a more cohesive opening sequence, but the content that follows more than makes up for it. It's defiantly a step in the right direction for the series but holy shit the AI is so god awful. I'm still in the god damn hinterlands too after almost 2 days Jesus the quests never stop. I finished all the quests in other areas and I feel like I'll never finish the Hinterlands.
Spoilers - Fairly early in the game.
Wtf. Why was the trek to (and first sighting of) Skyhold a cut scene. They should have made it a controllable scene with Solas talking to you as you made the trek. Or at least put you on a horse with a controllable camera. Such a missed opportunity.
Ugh. I thought I was done with these gender bugs. First my character was referred to as a her and didn't realize it until I was done with the prologue and then had to restart. Now I've encountered another.
I've just hadI quickly quit the game and double checked the Dragon Age Keep to make sure that information was correct and it was and game goes and does this on me. I thought I was in the clear on this front since other things showed up as they were suppose to.Morrigan joined the Inquisition and she referees to the Hero of Ferelden as a she and one a person she wasn't on good terms with when I in fact romanced her with a human male mage. Ugh.
Is there a way of fixing this? Is this something Bioware is aware of?
Edit: This is bothering me a lot more then I expected or maybe it even should.
Oh god, I would probably rage quit if that happened to me. I still haven'tbut if that happened combined with how pissy the game's technical problems have made as of late, yeah, the story bits getting screwed up would make me really dislike the game.met Morrigan in Inquisition yet