Why do they still add shitty ass characters like cell Jr and the green buttheads?? And fuck man I hate when they separate character forms/transformations.
Put it as Videl for now and I'll just wait and see, thanks.I know that but the character select image above shows her icon as Videl, not Saiyaman 2. Which means Saiyaman 2 is one of her alts.
I'll probably choose a Saiyan first too but I think that Freeza's race could be very interesting, from what we've seen it looks like the spikes, horns, etc... are all costume pieces as opposed to chosen at the start so the customisation on them could be a lot of fun.Everyone picks Saiyan? I think I might go Namekian.
I believe the rule of thumb is the day before the game releases so i thought I'd throw this up.OT a little soon? Unless we are talking about importers.
The game isn't even up on PSN in Japan yet...
It's weird that they combined Goku's canon TV show forms into one character but made Super Saiyan 4 Goku and base GT Goku separate. And why in the heck would they even make Frieza and Cells 100% forms separate instead of just power-up forms like all the super saiyan characters?
OT a little soon? Unless we are talking about importers.
The game isn't even up on PSN in Japan yet...
Cause they're ensuring the quality, which usually means they're not doing a damn thing.Why is this coming it so much later than the JP versioooonnnn?!
I love everything I have seen of this game.
Yes, Buu is fat but you can choose height and weight options (makes Majins more or less fat as opposed to thin, makes the others look more or less muscular) for all races so not necessarily short.wait does male majinn have to look like buu? as in really fat, short and those line eyes?thats lame if so. :/
wait does male majinn have to look like buu? as in really fat, short and those line eyes?thats lame if so. :/
Mystic Gohan is in, he's called 'Ultimate Gohan' as has been for a few years now. We've not seen Majin Vegeta yet but the characters this time around have a lot of costumes so there might be a costume variation for Vegeta which is Majin Vegeta.I can't tell. Did Mystic Gohan or Majin Vegeta make it?
I can't tell. Did Mystic Gohan or Majin Vegeta make it?
Mystic Gohan is in, he's called 'Ultimate Gohan' as has been for a few years now. We've not seen Majin Vegeta yet but the characters this time around have a lot of costumes so there might be a costume variation for Vegeta which is Majin Vegeta.
Ultimate Gohan is in as a transformation. We do not know if Majin Vegeta is in yet (Vegeta has about 9 alts, each alt has a different move set so it's possible Majin Vegeta is one of these alts).
Ultimate Gohan is in as a transformation. We do not know if Majin Vegeta is in yet (Vegeta has about 9 alts, each alt has a different move set so it's possible Majin Vegeta is one of these alts).
This thousands timeyea im wondering the same. most likely for advetising purposes, increases the roster count and all. anyway I think im gonna play as that frieza race or buu. can't wait for this game! oh and i just wanna share my opinon on ssj4 and ssj god or w/e. ssj4>god. god form is just like that red form that goku used to have before he went ssj. :/ really lazy imo. they should make ssj4 canon imo.
Does US get a steelbook preorder bonus also???
Oh that's just dandy smh...Only at Gamestop from what I read and they're all gone apparently. :/
Only at Gamestop from what I read and they're all gone apparently. :/
I'm sorry but as Gohan fan I'm still salty.
Gohan became strongest in the Universes and did jack shit. WTF Toriyama!
So no Cell imperfect or semi perfect?
Can't find a video but it's part of the hub world, you go to a counter and select what kind of online match you want to play. That's all I remember from the Network Test.Ayy if they exist, can someone post a video of the online/matchmaking/lobby system, I want to see how it works.
They said they were targeting 1080/60 on next gen but we probably wont know until DF gets their hands on it. Well, if they bother with games like this.Is it 30fps for PS3/360 and 60fps for PS4/XBone?
If I can get an answer to that, it would make the difference in whether I get this game now, or I wait until I get my PS4 next month.
Oh, feels weird that they're missing since both were in almost every game until now. :/No just Perfect and Super Perfect.
Is it 30fps for PS3/360 and 60fps for PS4/XBone?
If I can get an answer to that, it would make the difference in whether I get this game now, or I wait until I get my PS4 next month.
Yes, Buu is fat but you can choose height and weight options (makes Majins more or less fat as opposed to thin, makes the others look more or less muscular) for all races so not necessarily short.
The female Majin is thin though.
thats sooo lame man. I don't want to play as a fat ass majin. frieza race it is then. also sucks only the sayians get a transformation.I saw a short fat blue buu that looked like the green guy from the Ginyu Force in one of the streams lol.
Also saw a Yellow guy who looked like the Frieza race lol.
This thousands time
SSJ4 is so awesome it makes me sad he is not canon I mean this transformation makes perfect sense Goku finally controlling the immense power of the great ape sounds like a logical conclusion to goku's power up transformations yet they made that shit ass God mod transformation:/
So i can play as a female Frieza? lol
Maybe i'll buy day one.
Hmmm. I'll stop at gstop today and check.Gamestop + Powerup Rewards exclusive. I don't know how they'd track that though.
It could be a similar situation to Kingdom Hearts 1.5 where the store receives more than enough copies to cover the preorders and maybe a few extra for other reserves.
This game touches on GT but not really any of the movies so movie content isn't in there very much sans the hidden character,How comes Gogeta is only available as a ssj4 and not ssj like the other games?
How comes Gogeta is only available as a ssj4 and not ssj like the other games?
Because they prioritized other characters/forms instead for this game. People wanted GT so we got SSJ4 Gogeta instead of the Z roster being more complete than it is. That and the movies weren't really a focus for this game.
Ssj4 Gogeta is my second favorite (first is Gohan) man Gogeta ssj4 was so freakin badass he only uses his legs to fight, omega Shenron got wrecked during the few minutes Goku and vegeta were fused boy I miss him so much and he is the reason am buying this gameglad I'm not the only one who feels like this. my 3rd favorite in the series is actually ssj4 gogeta, he's a beast.
Wasn't this cause fans wanted more goku?I'm sorry but as Gohan fan I'm still salty.
Gohan became strongest in the Universes and did jack shit. WTF Toriyama!
Same here bro I am a big Gohan fan still salty to this day that Gohan got ignored after the cell saga even though he became the strongest of all Z fighters just by raw power no fuckin transformation. I love Goku but Toriyama should have given Gohan a more prominent role on the series after that amazing display of power against CellI'm sorry but as Gohan fan I'm still salty.
Gohan became strongest in the Universes and did jack shit. WTF Toriyama!
Anyone know if they still have those crazy ultimate attacks like in Budokai 3 that would show a part of the planet being destroyed from an explosion or a beam emanating from the planet? Always loved that stuff lol. Hope it's in here
Is the preorder bonus based off ordering from any particular place or would a physical preorder from amazon get me all the stuff?
IHaveIce said:Shame they couldn't do both..
I won't buy a game where it misses a lot of cool characters. There are even a lot of GT characters missing then.
Also why no Adult Gohan SSJ only Ultimate?