Oxx said:Now that's just a 100% chance of encountering them at some point, isn't it? Not that all enemies are MKS?
Nice haul!Johnas said:Had a really nice grotto run last night with a Metal Slime Sword, Metal Slime Helm, and a Deft Dagger (first time to get that one). Also grinded up to 1 million gold pieces to get me through DQVC for hopefully a few weeks.
Nice! I think I'm almost at the 200 hour mark. I've definitely slowed down a lot this week.Oxx said:Just cracked 300 hours...
Yep... the reward for the effort isn't even worth it, so I'm just doing it for the sake of completing stuff.Oxx said:That's the quest with the Treevils, right?
Oxx said:Does anybody have a list of what vocation I need to be when I talk to each guest in the inn to get the item?
And the other variable is talking to them on my birthday, isn't it?
DarthWoo said:Apart from Hero level and times revocated, is the level (just the number, not first three parts of its name) of a grotto the only other variable that influences the next map's quality (including all parts of its title)? I've only ever found one MKS map so far, and it's something like Gold Waterway of Dread 58. My highest level map is 71, so should I just keep redoing that one until I get a higher level one?
Little Green Yoda said:Okay, judging from the Zoom list and the Defeated Monster List, I think I'm nearing the end of the main story. But I'm getting my ass handed to me by the 3rd of the triumvirate of lieutenants. That dude does a crapton of damage to my characters and the flinching doesn't help.My party is in the low 30s to mid 30s. Am I just under-leveled? Or was keeping my main character a minstrel a big mistake? My guy does pathetic damage with his sword :lol
Should I just grind out a bunch of levels or go crazy with alchemising better equipment? I'll probably have to use a guide for finding materials if I choose the latter route.
I saw you mentioned the Hoimi Table a few posts above. After a couple days of messing with it, I have it down to a science now, and although it takes a bit of practice, it's really easy. The only inconvenience is that you need to have access to the internet for the website when you're filling out the numbers. A notepad (either paper or on your computer/phone) is also key in keeping track of things. However, after that, you're home free.Oxx said:Kinda wishing I had noted down which bosses were at the bottom of certain grottoes.
Oxx said:Kinda wishing I had noted down which bosses were at the bottom of certain grottoes.
The grotto I mentioned has been dropping a good number of Ethereal Stones (10% ain't bad!) and tons of Astral Plumes and Lucida Shards from this and other ones. I'm hoping for a Rank S grotto soon so that I start getting Sainted Soma drops as well (also 10%). With that, I won't even have to alchemize those anymore unless I want to. This will minimize the amount of collecting crap on the world map and waiting/canvassing for the respawns, which is such a big waste of time. Only thing that sucks is buying all the Chronocrystals, but Gem Slimes make gold farming for those relatively painless.Oxx said:Bloody hell. It's gonna take forever to gather together enough materials to make enough Agates of Evolution to go around.
ghibli99 said:^^^ That's interesting about the revocation piece. Thanks for the tip!
http://www.woodus.com/den/games/dq9ds/special_guests.phpOxx said:Does anybody have a list of what vocation I need to be when I talk to each guest in the inn to get the item?
And the other variable is talking to them on my birthday, isn't it?
Oxx said:It's gonna take forever to gather together enough materials to make enough Agates of Evolution to go around.
I'm going to look into this... thanks!donny2112 said:If you can somehow get access to a second copy of the game and a way to transfer out saves, you can load up a save with the special Lvl. 86 map that has mapped out all the high-level treasure chests. There's a timing solution to guarantee getting the materials for Agates (minus the Chronocrystals, but you can time it to get Metal Slime Swords. Selling two of those is about enough for one Chronocrystal.) from the high level chests. Like the Hoimi table, it takes practice and a bit of work, but it's a near-guaranteed method of getting the ingredients needed.
ghibli99 said:I'm going to look into this... thanks!
Oxx said:I wanna be one space ahead of the pink square, right? What bearing do the different rows have? All the tutorials show things happening on the top row...
Heal 40 times? (Or Multiheal 10 times?)
Oxx said:I have to heal 179 time for this next drop...
Awesome, thanks! Got everything I need; gonna give it a shot tonight.donny2112 said:Emerald World of Gloom lvl 86. Also known as the Kawasaki Map. Here's the link talking about how to use it.
ghibli99 said:Edit: Wow, looks like that will take some practice...
I took your advice above and tried it a few times before work this morning, and after initially getting a Pandora's Box, I got some really great gear. So cool!donny2112 said:Yep, it took me a bit to figure out how to use it to work for me. Had to start waiting half a beat after the item came up before exiting out to open the chest. Exiting as soon as it came up seemed to get me the item before most of the time. Just keep at it until you find a timing that works for you.![]()
Oxx said:Something must be going wrong somewhere.
ghibli99 said:Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
Woah, that's cool that you can do that! I looked earlier and wow, you need 8 Orbs and 8 Agates if you want both 4 and 5 star ultimate gear. That could take some time to farm all the orbs especially, but Agates have all of a sudden become so much more accessible! I might reobtain some Lv. 1 legacy boss maps again just for quick orb grinding... might as well make it easy on myself.donny2112 said:No problem. Glad it started working for you.
If you get comfortable with it, you can go from chest to chest without restarting the system. As long as you don't get into a battle and still go to the Stella screen (select) before exiting at the right time, you can do multiple chests with a single restart.![]()
Oxx said:I did the quicksave each time, but after failing the first time I exited the boss floor to lower my HP for another attempt.
Should I have abandoned the grotto after the first failure?